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Of course I had to name this chapter Complicated XD The song is perfect for this chapter, or at least that's what I think :P Who doesn't love this song anyway... I swear there is probably a bunch of you that hate this song that is reading this right now XD

... And if you haven't heard this song before, shame on you. If you're not listening to it right now, (At The beginning of this chapter) shame on you twice, now go listen to it


Ash's P.O.V

"Ashy-boy! Where've you been!?" Gary put his hand on my shoulder. "We've already ordered the pizza! I hope you like pepperoni, cause we got a lot of it."

I walked away, letting Gary's hand fall to his side as I didn't say anything and took a seat next to Kenny. I sat near him cause there was an empty seat next to me, hoping that Serena would sit next to me, but I felt my heart take another bullet as she sat in the opposite side of the rectangle wooden table, far away from me, next Dawn, her face flat, slightly frowning as she looked at the table in front of her, not daring to even look at anyone.

I felt as if the area around me was falling apart, everything collapsing as I fell with the tumbling furniture and checkered floor as I reached for the light above me through the floor. Everything was falling apart and I couldn't stop it.

"Hey, what's up with Serena?" Gary whispered to me as he took the seat next to me that was supposed to be Serena's.

I didn't answer again.

Dawn was talking to her, but Serena didn't seem the same. She didn't smile. Didn't laugh. Didn't even talk to Dawn.

I was done seeing that. I looked down at the table and didn't even glance at the pizza in the middle of the table. Every time I inhaled and exhaled I felt my heart trying to destroy itself. I wanted to leave this world. I didn't want to hurt Serena anymore then I already have. Why hasn't she just shut me out yet? All I've done is hurt her.

Serena's P.O.V

Dawn continued to talk to me, but I didn't hear a word she said. My mind was on Ash. There had to be someway to convince his mom that they didn't have to move. After about 5 minutes of Dawn talking she got tired of me not responding.

"Serena, what the heck's wrong?" She looked at me.

"Nothing." I said, biting my lip. Trying not to cry again as I realize that Ash was going to move again.

"Obviously something's wrong." Dawn sighed. "You can tell me."

I couldn't tell her. If I did, I would end up crying in front of everyone for no damn reason. So I stayed quite.

"Hmp." Dawn crossed her arms. "Come on! Tell me already..."

I didn't answer.

"Agh, fine, but you have to tell me after everyone leaves." Dawn said as she faced the table once again and got a slice of pizza, pepperoni all over it, where its at the point where you can't even see the cheese beneath it.

I couldn't help by glance over at Ash. He was sitting there as well. The same position. Facing the table, a small frown on both of our faces, not eating as more snow fell, visible through the windows. That's not him. He usually gets the biggest meal at school. And now he's not eating at all.

I felt my heart lurch out. This time I actually did feel sick. Butterflies entered my stomach, making me want to throw up, my head spinning as it struggled to comprehend that Ash was going to move. And my heart. My heart was too damaged already. At anytime I could break out crying because of how many cuts and bruises it had. There's no way I could still be alive with how much I hurt. There's no possible way.


30 minutes passed until Kenny and May decided to leave. Once Gary, Ash, me, and Dawn all decided that we were done with the pizza we all left the pizza place as we walked towards our house in a group, snow still slightly falling.

As we walked, no one talked. I continued to look down at the snow now covering the sidewalk. I didn't know what Ash was doing. I didn't want to see and nor did I care.

As we continued to walk we came up to the point where I had to walk in the opposite direction of everyone else.

"See ya." Ash said, but I didn't look up to say bye back. Instead, I continued to eye the floor.

"Bye." Dawn smiled at Ash and Gary.

Why was she saying bye to them? She has to head the same direction in order to get to her house.

Dawn then turned around towards my house.

I followed her and once we were far enough from Ash and Gary to not hear I asked, "I thought you lived over there! Why are you coming over here!?"

"Because, I want to ask why you're acting so weird lately." Dawn said.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, you're going to have to tell me sooner or later." Dawn sighed.

I looked ahead me as I thought if I should tell her or not. I did want to tell her, but I wanted to do it without crying.

"Ash- Ash is... Ash is moving." I struggled saying it as I tried to not think of it.

"What!?" Dawn looked over at me. "No wonder you've been so down."

I looked to the side of me, so Dawn couldn't see my mouth tremble.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure we can convince Ash's mom not to move." She said.

"You don't get it, their moving for financial reasons, not to just go live some place better. You can't fight that." I said this as I felt more tears come.

"I'm sure there's something that we can do." Dawn frowned.

"I got to go." I said as I felt myself breaking. "I'll see you tomorrow at school."

I ran to my house, leaving Dawn where she was.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as the cold wind hit my face. I almost tripped in the snow for I didn't know how many times as my tears blurred my vision. I saw my house, the lights on inside.

I ran through the gate, not bothering to close it as I ran into my front yard and opened the front door to the house. I rushed in and threw down my scarf and coat near the rack by the door and slammed the door behind me.

More tears fell down my face as I ran up the stairs and ran into my room, locking the door behind me.

I jumped on my bed and cried into my pillow. My heart sending waves of pain throughout my body, making me cry even more.

I heard Fenn whimper as I felt her jump into my bed and lay down next to me.

I swear it was the most I cried in my entire life. It was also the most painful as that pain cut into my heart, making me yell into my pillow as I cried.

Why does it hurt so much?

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