Guilty And Nervous

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I heard someone scream, which sounded like Mrs. Juniper.

I turned around and I saw her running towards me.

"Oh my goodness! Are you alright!?" She rushed over.

"Uh- I think so." I sweat dropped.

"We should go now. Especially after this incident." She sighed.


After the teachers evacuated everyone back into the buses they took my to the ER... just to check if anything was broken. It turned out I had just a minor concussion.

It was about midnight by the time I came back to the hotel. Everyone was still awake too, Dawn, May, Misty, and Iris all greeted me once I returned, practically tackling me down to the ground once I did.

After talking to everyone we finally got ready for tomorrow. It turns put we're heading back to our home since I- you know... got hit by a car... It feels weird saying that.

Most people were upset, but then got over it pretty quick, but some people still rioted over it, saying that I was fine and that we could go again tomorrow... *Cough, Gary, cough, cough*

Ash kept apologizing, as I entered the hotel, which eventually starting to get annoying. Calem still agued with Ash while I was there too. I don't even want to know what happened while I was gone at the hospital.

Once everyone finally went to their hotel room, I immediately went to bed, exhausted. Everyone else did as well, not even bothering to get out of their day clothing and change into their pajamas.

Ash's P.O.V


After the day of the incident we all got on the bus again. My heart still aching after I pushed Serena. The memory flashed back into my head every minute, building up guilt and making me want to make up for what I did, but I didn't know what to do to make Serena happy after what happened. Calem didn't make it much better either, telling me that Serena didn't deserve me... did he know that I liked her?

"Hey Ash!" Serena ran up to me as I took a seat on the bus.

"Oh- hey." I said.

She sat down next to me, which shocked me that she wanted to.

"Be more polite to the woman." Gary looked over the seat in front of me.

"Why do you always have to sit in front of me?" I asked.

"Because! Then I can get a nice view of a couple." He smirked.

"There's no couple back here." I looked over the seat behind me.

"Not behind you stupid." Gary scoffed. "You and Serena."

I felt my heartbeat race once he said that. "Why can't you just shut up about us!?"

I looked back over at Serena, her face turning red.

"Uh- Serena? Are you feeling okay? You're face is turning red." I asked.

Then I saw her face turn more red after I said that and put her hands in front of her and said, "Uh- yeah- yeah I'm fine! I'm fine!" in a nervous, wobbly voice.

"It doesn't look like you're fine. You can't even talk right."

Then her eyes widened as she made this funny face as if she was scared of something- which was cute.

Then she turned around and faced the opposite direction of me. I honestly didn't blame her for that. I would want to ignore the person who pushed in front of a moving car going 20 miles per hour... what the hell is wrong with me?


The rest of the ride was pretty quite and nothing, but boring. I don't know if I could say that the bus ride to Disney Land was fun, but it was definitely more exciting then this one. Serena and I barely talked, obviously not wanting to as we did. I felt myself get punched in the face when ever she talked to me, remembering that I pushed her in front of a fricken car. Someone kill me.

Serena's P.O.V

I couldn't help but blush the whole time I was talking with Ash, memories of the first trip to Disney Land in the same bus. Both of them I could recall clearly. Each one making me blush. Then when I tried to talk to him I couldn't help but get nervous. Why was I acting like this now? It didn't make sense. While I did I played with my hands and hair, (it's what I do when I get nervous) when I remembered him hugging me in the middle of the parking lot, time freezing as he did. Then the moments in the bus, me sleeping on his shoulder, him falling on top of me, both of us looking into each other's eyes. It made my heart freeze itself, making me feel warm.


Once we finally made it back, it was about 8:00pm and everyone picked up their kids or they just walked home. I felt guilty that because of me, everyone had to go home and miss out on a second day. I, myself, was upset that I couldn't go to Disney Land a second time, but I quickly got over it once I realized it was Fall Break.

I hoped that I could spend time with Ash, but I didn't know if he wanted a girl hanging around him during break, I probably wouldn't want to.

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