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"OH MY GAAHHH!" Dawn jumped up and down repeatedly.

I covered my face with my hand and said, "Would you just-"

"I can't believe it! I can't! Oh my gosh, we have to go have a talk after school about this!" She interrupted.

The late bell rang.

"I got to get to class. Don't tell anyone!" Then I hurriedly walked to the opposite side of the hallway. I picked up the pace when I heard Dawn scream again.

Anyway, the class I was heading to next was math. I don't know if I like math or not honestly. There's times when I hate it and times when I love it. I just hope that my teacher is alright. Not the super strict kind that I had in 6th grade.

I felt a shiver go up my spine when I thought of her. Agh, she was the strictest women I have ever seen in my entire life.

Once I reached math class I saw that everyone was in line against the wall waiting for directions. I joined them and saw that Iris and Misty were talking to each other at the end of the line. I went to join them.

"Hey guys." I walked over to them, the moment with Dawn still in my head.

"Oh my gosh! You're in this class?" Iris looked over at me.

"Yeah! I'm surprised to see you guys in this class! Does that mean that you're on my team?" I asked.

"I guess so. What team are you on?" Misty asked.

"I'm on team 705."

"We are on the same team!" Iris jumped up, but then was silenced by the teacher, raising her voice as he cleared her voice. The whole line went silent and faced the teacher, waiting for orders.

"You may all go in." She motioned her hands towards the room with the door open.

Me, Misty, and Iris both looked at each other and then followed the rest of the kids who walked into the classroom.

Once we entered, the last bell rang, to tell students that class has now started and that you were late. The teacher closed the door behind her once everyone was finally in the room and said, "Please, choose where you sit."

Everyone stood there in disbelief. No one ever thought that in 8th grade, let alone any teacher, would let them sit where ever they wanted. The weirdest thing about it, was that it was math class. No one moved, everyone looking at each other, still shocked. A few seconds passed and then a boy walked out of the line, his hands behind his head, supporting it as he walked through everyone and sat in a seat in the last row to the left in the very back.

He had mahogany hair and black eyes. He wore a long-sleeved purple shirt, dark blue pants and shoes. He wore a black necklace around his neck with a gold bead.

He put his dark backpack on the back of his chair as he took his seat in it.

He looked back at us and said, "Well? What's wrong with you guys? You heard what she said. Pick any seat you want scaredy cats."

Some kids stepped out of the line and joined him, but made sure not to sit near him. He seemed like a popular guy, but everyone didn't want to sit next to him because- well I don't know. Probably because he was the first on to take a seat. I didn't want to sit by him though, so I moved from my spot in line before anyone took all the seats in the back. I chose one seat away from him, hoping someone else would sit in between us. It also had two other seats to the right of me, for Iris and Misty.

Misty sat down first, taking the seat right next to me and then Iris, taking the seat next to her.

After everyone got in a seat, the teacher stood up in front of the class and said, "So, how's your guys's first day of 8th grade?"

Pokemon Junior High ~Young Love~ (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now