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chapter thirty-seven; A Blessing
My little petal, breaking hearts? "

chapter thirty-seven; A Blessing" My little petal, breaking hearts? "

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  THE PARTY WAS full of Scots. More so than Elspeth had previously predicted.

She should not have been surprised Catherine seemed uncomfortable or that Demetre melted so well with the hunters and fighters of Scotland. Elspeth shouldn't have been surprised that Francis and Mary seemed to be planning something, or that Sebastian was in attendance.

Least of all Elspeth should not have been surprised that Douglas Liens was in attendance.

"Oh, my God!"

  Elspeth hardly got to see his face before Douglas scooped her up into a tight hug.


  "You go missing for months, letters go unanswered, and our family starts to push the crown," Douglas rambled, taking his eyes off Elspeth only long enough to see Kenna, "Kenna, nice to see you again-- We nearly thought you'd died in your travels, Ellie, the only reason we knew you had made it back here safely is a letter from the Dauphin and Demetre Langlois of all people—!"

  "The stories about Demetre are not true," Elspeth said pointedly.

  "The Hunter—" Douglas stumbled over his words, "Alright, we'll revisit that topic later— first, tell me what happened— why you never arrived in Scotland?"

  "Henry tried to have Sebastian and I killed, we were running for months," Elspeth breathed out smoothly, "We returned because of someone we found, and then Henry forced Kenna and Sebastian to marry, despite Sebastian and I's engagement, once again threatening my life."

  Douglas's jaw dwindled for a moment before anger engulfed him.

  "You're going back to Scotland--"

  "Douglas, I need to find a husband before the scandal runs too rampant," Elspeth said tiredly, grabbing her brother's arm, "The good thing about French Court? Lots of visitors."

  "What, so you can be whisked away to some country, never to see Scottish soil again?"

  "Douglas. . ."

  "This is insane, Ellie," He said, "An engagement being broken twice-- no offense to you, Kenna, darling-- congratulations, I suppose--"

  "Oh, not necessary," Kenna waved.

  "Then my condolences," Douglas breathed, looking back to his sister, "Elspeth, an attempt on your life is nothing to be glazed over, I won't stand to hear the news in a month or so that you have been--"

  "I won't be," Elspeth urged, "Douglas, I am protected here-- I'm not sure that would go if I were to leave again-- not to mention I had quite the argument with Marie De Guise--"

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