You retire and get married. (Soap x Reader)

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A shaky breath escapes you as you stand before the mirror, adorned in a stunning wedding dress. The fabric drapes elegantly around you, and you can't help but marvel at the reflection staring back. Today is the culmination of a journey that started amidst the chaos of the battlefield, and now you're on the verge of marrying the love of your life, Soap.

The vivid memories of that fateful mission come rushing back, haunting your thoughts —the close call Soap had faced on our last mission. The air was thick with tension as Makarov caught you off guard while you were in the midst of diffusing a bomb.

The sudden gunfire shattered the stillness, Soap taking the brunt of the attack as a bullet found its mark, grazing his temple. Months of agonizing recovery followed, Soap's resilience matched only by the unwavering support you provided.

The near-tragedy was a wake-up call, prompting you to embrace a life beyond the battlefield. The life you both dreamed of, a life free from constant danger and uncertainty, awaited.

Your heart flutters with a mix of excitement and nerves, each beat a testament to the profound love you have for Soap. You take another deep breath, letting the significance of the moment wash over you. Today marks the beginning of a lifetime together, a promise of a future intertwined with him.

As the soft knock echoed through the room, you walked over to the door, anticipation building. Opening it, you were greeted by Price's warm smile. "You look absolutely gorgeous, love," he remarked, and you couldn't help but smile, thanking him with a hint of tears in your eyes.

Closing the distance, Price stepped towards you, enveloping you in his arms. "I'm so happy," you say and you hear genuine joy in his laughter. "You and Soap deserve each other. I know you both will have a beautiful life together."

You nodded, grateful for Price's support, and he suggested moving along before Soap's nerves got the best of him. Laughing, you linked your arm with Price's, the two of you walking together.

As you halted in front of the double doors leading to the chapel, a deep breath escaped you, and you felt Price gently squeeze your arm, offering reassurance. With the doors opening, Soap stood at the altar, a radiant smile stretching from ear to ear.

As tears threatened to spill once more, you noticed Soap wiping away his own, and Price, letting go of your arm, took a seat next to Gaz in the front row. Walking up to Soap with a radiant smile, you couldn't help but gaze over his features, your eyes lingering on the small scar on his temple. A profound sense of gratitude washed over you, thankful to the universe for bringing you both to this moment.

"You look so beautiful," Soap whispered, his teary eyes reflecting the overwhelming love he felt. Taking your hands in his, you exchanged a tender look, grateful for this moment and the journey that led you here.

The pastor initiated the ceremony, turning his attention to you. "Y/n, do you take Johnny to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to cherish, honor, and love him through all the joys and challenges life may bring?" The smile shared between you and Soap spoke volumes.

"I do," you affirmed, your voice filled with sincerity and love.

The pastor then directed his gaze to Soap, repeating the solemn question. "Johnny, do you take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to cherish, honor, and love her through all the joys and challenges life may bring?" Soap, looking down at you with a warm smile, responded with a touch of his characteristic humor.

"Bloody hell, I do," he declared, earning a laugh from both of you and a bemused glance from the pastor.

Returning his attention to you, the pastor prompted, "Y/n, please share your vows." Taking a step forward, you met Soap's eyes, a deep breath preparing you for the heartfelt promises you were about to make.

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