You saved him. (Soap x Reader)

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TW: Violence.

The mission had been rocky, but you and Soap managed to complete your objective, taking out all the enemies. Now, you are on your way back to exfil. Soap had been shot in the leg, and you were helping him make his way to the helo. He had his arm around you, and you were using both your hands to support him.

As you turned a corner, an enemy operator suddenly appeared, pointing his gun at you. Without a second thought, your body moved to shield Soap. You turned, taking the rounds of bullets in your back, protecting your best friend. Soap quickly reacted, drawing his gun and killing the enemy. You slid off his body and landed with a thud on the floor next to him. He dropped to his knees in front of you, ignoring the pain that shot up his leg.

"Y/n?" Soap turned you over, and your lifeless gaze stared past him. You were dead, having sacrificed your life to protect him. Tears welled in Soap's eyes as he cradled your face.

"Y/n, look at me...please just look at me, please say something." Tears streamed down his face, landing on yours.

Ghost turned the corner, running with his pistol drawn. He halted in his tracks as he saw Soap and your lifeless body. He cursed under his breath, watching as Soap cradled you, your blood forming a puddle underneath him.

He approached slowly, holstering his gun. "Johnny."

"She put herself in front of me. She saved me." Soap's voice broke as he sobbed against you, holding your lifeless body as close as he could.

Ghost spent a painstaking thirty minutes trying to convince Soap to let go of you. He knew that you were gone, but Soap clung to your lifeless body. Eventually, Ghost managed to gently pry Soap away, and he carefully carried your body back to the exfil helo.

Soap sat next to you during the journey back to the base, holding your lifeless hand. He couldn't stop apologizing over and over again. He blamed himself for getting injured on the mission, which had forced you to protect him. If he hadn't been hurt, your hands would have been free, and you might still be alive. The weight of guilt and sorrow bore down on him as he replayed the events over and over in his mind, unable to shake the feeling that he had cost you your life.

He decided to bury you next to an old oak tree by a river, a place that held countless memories for both of you. It was your spot, where you would spend hours talking about everything and nothing at all. Sometimes you would sit in comfortable silence, admiring the view, or lay next to each other, pointing out figures in the passing clouds.

"I wonder if there's an afterlife," Soap mused as he stood next to your headstone, he wondered if you were looking over all of them. He looked over to your headstone beside him and then at the river just below his feet.

Looking down at his reflection in the still water, he felt a breeze against him and saw your reflection in the water, standing next to him. A smile graced your features as you looked at him. Soap quickly looked beside him, at the headstone, and then back at the water. You were no longer there.

"Thank you," he whispered, tears brimming in his eyes. The breeze continued to rustle the leaves, leaving him with a sense of peace, knowing that your presence was still with him, even if he couldn't see you.


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