Spin the bottle. (Keegan x Reader)

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You stand at the entrance of the dimly lit rec room, your teammates gathered around in a circle, laughing and cheering as they play Spin the Bottle. Your eyes scan the room and land on Keegan, sitting off to the side, quietly observing the game. You decide to join him, taking a seat next to him as he offers you a drink.

Your teammates noticed your arrival and extended an invitation for both of you to join the game. Keegan, without hesitating, responded for the both of you, and you decided to go along with it. You both sit across from each other, your eyes locked briefly.

Your teammate next to Keegan leaned in and kissed the person next to him, prompting cheers and laughter from the group. Keegan took his turn, reaching over to spin the bottle, and it landed on another girl. She wasted no time, swiftly making her way over to him.

Your heart sinks as she straddles his waist, and you find yourself unable to look away, your fingers gripping your drink tightly. His eyes attempt to meet yours, but they're quickly ensnared by the girl who leans in and forcefully kisses him.

The room erupts with cheers and laughter, but you can hardly bear to watch as your heart aches. You tear your eyes away, focusing on the cup in your hand. Keegan pushes the girl away, his eyes finding yours immediately, but you're already on your feet.

"I'm sorry, everyone," you stammer, your voice shaky. "I had a really long workout before this, and I'm super tired. Thank you for inviting me to play, but I think I'm going to bed." Without waiting for a response, you turn and quickly exit the room.

Keegan's heart sank as he watched you walk away, your expression a mix of disappointment and hurt. He couldn't understand why you looked so upset, but the pain in your eyes gnawed at him.

He couldn't bear the thought of you thinking he was interested in the girl who had just kissed him. The only reason he decided to play this stupid game was for a chance to kiss you.

His feelings for you ran deep, but he had always lacked the courage to confess them. He knew he loved you, and he longed for the opportunity to express his feelings, to be more than just friends.

"Fuck," he mutters, he feared that he might have just blown the chance to get you to feel the same way he does.

You stand in the hallway just outside the rec room, your heart pounding in your chest as you try to make sense of what just happened. You could feel Keegan's eyes on you, burning into your back, and it's both infuriating and confusing. You're not sure what to think as your teammates continue their game inside, their laughter and chatter echoing through the door.

Part of you wished you had stayed, wished you had taken a chance, but the sight of Keegan being kissed by another girl sent a jolt of jealousy and hurt through you that you couldn't ignore.

You know he's your best friend, but lately, something deeper has been brewing between you, something you can't quite put into words. You never knew how much you wanted to be the one kissing him until you saw someone else do it.

In the days that followed, a growing distance had emerged between you and Keegan. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it was clear that you were distancing yourself. He felt a deep sense of confusion and hurt, not understanding why the person who had been his closest friend was suddenly so distant.

He tried to talk to you, to bridge the gap that had seemingly appeared between you two. However, every time he attempted to engage in a conversation, you found an excuse to leave or to be somewhere else. Each instance hurt him a little more, like a slowly growing ache in his chest.

Meanwhile, you were grappling with your own emotions. That moment in the rec room, watching that girl kiss him, had cut deeper than you'd expected. You knew he was your best friend, and you should be supportive of his choices in relationships. But it was difficult.

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