7 minutes in heaven. (Ghost x Reader) 🔞

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TW: Sexual themes.

You and the team reveled in the joyous atmosphere of the rec room, celebrating the success of a mission. Laughter echoed as Gaz cheered on new recruits chugging beers. Amid the lively crowd, you found yourself seated next to Ghost, both observing the festivities. Your attention shifted to a group of recruits nearby, engaged in a game. Two of them disappeared into a closet while the others laughed. You watched one of them pull out their phone, and a timer began counting down from 7 minutes. You couldn't help but laugh at them.

Ghost turned to you, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "What's so funny?" Taking a sip of your beer, you turned toward him. "They're playing 7 minutes in heaven."

A small smile played on Ghost's lips as he leaned closer "What's so wrong about that?" You couldn't help but laugh. "That's such a high school thing."

Ghost shifted closer, his face inches from yours. "Let's play," he whispered, his voice husky and laced with a hint of seduction. His sudden proximity sent a jolt of electricity through your body.

You met his gaze, and tension ignited between you. "You want to play 7 minutes in heaven with the recruits?" you asked, trying to mask the fluttering in your chest.

With a subtle shake of his head, Ghost leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "I want to play 7 minutes in heaven with you," he murmured, his voice husky and laced with desire.

"That's not how the game works," you protested, trying to maintain composure. "People have to pick us." But Ghost's intense gaze held you captive, his eyes burning into yours. "We can change the rules a bit, can't we?"

A jolt of electricity shot through your body, and goosebumps danced across your skin. You knew Ghost was an attractive man, but you never dared to cross the line between teammates. He was your lieutenant, your confidant, and you respected the boundaries. Yet, there was something undeniably magnetic about him, a pull you couldn't resist. Breathlessly, you nodded your agreement, surrendering to the invitation.

"If I can't make you cum in 7 minutes, then I owe you dinner for a week," Ghost's words hung in the air, causing your breath to catch in your throat. As the alarm rang out, signaling the end of the game, your gaze shifted toward the people emerging from the closet.

"And if you do make me cum, then what?" He grinned from ear to ear.

"Then I win the game sweetheart."

Without missing a beat, Ghost seized your hand and led you toward the door, a quick glance at the group confirming that no one had much to say. You entered the room, and Ghost closed the door behind you. Your eyes followed his movements as he pulled out his phone, setting a timer for seven minutes. With a subtle intensity, he rolled up his balaclava and pressed you against the wall, his body firmly against yours.

Without hesitation, his lips met yours, and he wasted no time in exploring your mouth with the gentle dance of his tongue. You felt yourself growing more aroused by the second.

He moved his leg in between yours and you lightly gasped as he put pressure against your core. You slowly started moving back and forth against his leg, grinding your clit against his thigh. The friction against your bundle of nerves sent a wave of pleasure over your body. You lightly moaned against his lips and he quickly unfastened the belt to your cargos. He pulled your cargos and your underwear down and kneeled in front of you.

The second his tongue made contact with your wet folds you moaned, your hand going on top of his head. He pushed two fingers inside you curling them while his tongue swirled around your clit. Your legs began to shake and you were a moaning mess. The men in your past were never able to find your bean and now that ghost was abusing it with his tongue your body was in pure bliss. His fingers slid in and out of you with ease, you were dripping slick all over his thick fingers. He gazed up at your ecstasy-ridden face and groaned against your clit, he loved the way you tasted, loved how much your legs were shaking for him.

His hand snaked up and he pressed against your lower stomach. You nearly cried out as you were sent over the edge into pure bliss. Your legs shook as you cummed against his mouth. Tears brimmed at the corner of your eyes as you grinded against his mouth, riding out your orgasm. Your legs shook as he lifted up your cargos and underwear in one swoop. A soft laugh escaped his lips as he gazed down at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling into a smile.

He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips, leaving a lingering warmth. His lips moved to your ear, his voice a low, husky whisper. "I could still take you out to dinner if you'd like." The alarm on his phone blared, jolting you back to reality. A sly grin spread across his face, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Cocky bastard.

"I could really go for a loaded baked potato right now," Your voice was breathless and slightly flustered.

Ghost laughed again, he leaned in and placed a kiss on your cheek, his touch lingering for a moment before he took your hand and guided you out of the closet. The recruits, who had been sitting feet away from the door stared in disbelief as the two of you emerged from the small room. Their faces were a mix of shock, horror, and a hint of envy. Despite their surprise, none of them dared to speak a word.

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