He wants you to leave. (Ghost x Reader)

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TW: Violence.

The same conversation, the same argument the two of you always seemed to have. You never asked for a lot, never expected too much from him. You knew his past was messed up, something he wouldn't want to relive, but you guys had been together for years now, and it was starting to chip away at your relationship.

Ghost never liked to talk about what was on his mind; he would always shut you out, and it was beginning to cause more and more arguments. You only wanted him to try, for the relationship's sake, to just make an effort to communicate, to tell you how he felt so you wouldn't be in the dark. It was always a problem for him, and he wouldn't even attempt to try.

You had always compromised in the relatinship, but now, when you needed him to meet you halfway, he wouldn't. Now the only argument you two ever seemed to have was playing on repeat again.

You stood there with tears in your eyes as Ghost continued to yell at you. The frustration and hurt in your eyes were mirrored in his, creating an emotional chasm between you that was growing harder and harder to bridge.

"I don't want to open up about my past, and you need to understand that," Ghost yelled, his frustration evident in his voice as he towered over you.

You took a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions as you responded, your voice shaky but determined. "I'm not asking you to spill your guts about your past, Simon. I understand that's difficult for you. I just want you to communicate with me, to tell me what's on your mind, especially when something is bothering you."

Ghost's eyes narrowed, his own frustration now boiling over. "You know how I feel about talking about my feelings, and you keep pushing me to do it! You need to accept that I'm not going to change."

You begged, your voice laced with desperation, "Simon, please, talking things out will help. It's not about changing you. It's about fixing our relationship. Don't you see that?"

He scoffed, his cold gaze locking onto yours. "If you have such a problem with the relationship, maybe you should just leave."

You stood there, stunned by his words. This was the first time he had ever expressed his feelings regarding something between you two. Your voice broke as you asked, "Is this really what you want?"

"Yes." His response was cold, leaving no room for doubt.

With your gaze locked on Ghost's cold and unyielding eyes, you made a heart-wrenching decision. Without uttering a single word, you turned and walked away, leaving the room you had shared with him. Each step felt heavier than the last as you continued through the base until you reached your car.

You climbed into the vehicle and started the engine, your vision blurred by tears streaming down your face. With a deep sigh and a heavy heart, you drove away from the base, leaving the life you had shared with Ghost behind.

You didn't dare look back, knowing that if you did, you would turn the car around, and beg him to try and change his mind. But you couldn't ignore the truth - nothing would ever change.

4 years later...

A few months after leaving Ghost, you had found yourself on a Kortac base, where you had been living for the past four years. You were a highly skilled soldier, and your background and expertise had allowed you to seamlessly integrate into the Kortac organization without raising any suspicions about your AWOL status.

Now, you were on yet another mission, navigating the snowy terrain of a remote location surrounded by dense trees. Kortac had deployed a group of operatives, including yourself, for a scouting mission, and the time had come to rendezvous with the rest of your team.

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