His girlfriend cheats on him again. (Keegan x Reader) 🔞

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TW: Sexual themes.

As you listened to Keegan, the words he spoke hit you like a dull ache in your chest. He was telling you about this girl he met. There was no enthusiasm in his voice, no excitement. He seemed hesitant, uncertain, and your heart sank. His eyes held a sense of anticipation, as if he were waiting for something. You had loved Keegan for years, ever since you were teenagers. You always wanted to confess your feelings but you were scared he wouldn't feel the same way. You didn't want to ruin the friendship you had.

Summoning all your strength, you managed to smile at him, your voice warm and supportive. "You should go for it," you encouraged, your heart aching with every word.

"I'm happy for you, really. If she makes you happy, then I'm happy too." He looked almost disappointed in your answer but quickly he smiled, giving you a small nod. You wanted him to find happiness, even if it wasn't with you. So, you smiled through the pain, showing him nothing but support, and silently wishing him all the happiness in the world, even if it wasn't with you.

When you finally saw what she looked like, you couldn't deny her beauty. She was everything you weren't – attractive, outgoing, and stylish. Your heart ached even more, knowing she was precisely the type of girl he would naturally be drawn to. You couldn't deny that she looked alot like you, she was an echo of your own features but perfected in every way. Her image remained a ghostly presence in your mind, a constant reminder of what you were not.

Two years had passed and now Keegan stood at your doorway, a sad smile on his face, your heart ached. You had just spent the past three hours comforting him as he poured his heart out about his girlfriend's infidelity once again. This was the fifth time she cheated on him. The familiar feelings of frustration and helplessness surged within you. It was heartbreaking to see your best friend continuously hurt by someone who didn't appreciate him. Yet, the frustration of knowing that he couldn't let her go was an emotion you couldn't ignore. You watched him, his features illuminated by the porch light, and part of you wanted to reach out and pull him back inside.

To tell him what you had been keeping locked away for so long – your feelings, the love that had remained the same after the years. But you knew this was not the right moment. You wanted to scream at him, to shake him and make him realize that he deserved so much better, that he shouldn't keep trying to change himself to fit her idea of the perfect boyfriend. Keegan was already perfect in your eyes.

Your heart swelled each time he shared the thoughtful gestures he did for her, the flowers he brought, the attention he gave her, the endless care he offered. He was everything a partner should be, and yet, she took him for granted. Deep down, you had always known she didn't deserve him. She was selfish, unappreciative, and unfaithful. And yet, your voice remained silent as you couldn't bring yourself to reveal your love and the truth about your feelings.

As Keegan shifted his weight, preparing to leave, you smiled back at him, a genuine warmth in your eyes. "Take care of yourself, Keegan. You know I'm here for you anytime, right?"

He nodded, a warmth evident in his eyes as he looked at you. "Thank you for always being there, Y/n. I don't know what I'd do without you."

As the door closed, you let out a deep sigh. The inner turmoil continued to rage within you, your unspoken love, your helplessness, and your unyielding desire to see Keegan happy with someone who truly appreciated and cherished him. But for now, you remain a loyal friend, silently suffering your unspoken emotions for the sake of your friendship.

A couple weeks had passed and you found Keegan back on your porch. You couldn't help but feel a mixture of sympathy and frustration as you asked, "Did she cheat on you again?"

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