He thinks you cheated on him. (Ghost x Reader)

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TW: Violence, Death.

"Kill him, and we will let you go, or we will kill the both of you," the demand hung heavily in the air. They handed Simon a large piece of metal, and his gaze shifted from the object to Soap's wide eyes.

Soap's head hung low, he understood what Simon had to do. Simon had a wife waiting for him at home, and he knew what was about to happen. Tears welled up in his eyes as he repeatedly bashed Soap, over and over again, until he stopped moving. He collapsed to his knees, his gaze fixed on Soap's lifeless body. All he could think of was you and what he had done to his best friend to get back to you.

Now, Simon was finally coming back home, and Soap's lifeless form flashed in his mind. He tried his best to push those haunting memories away as he walked up the steps to his yard. His neighbor, who was taking out the trash, waved him over. He sighed as he walked over to the fence that separated your house from theirs.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I think your wife is cheating on you, there's this man who has been visiting her pretty frequently these last couple of months." Simon's heart sank, and anger began to creep in. He asked about the man's appearance, already knowing the answer.

"Did he have brown hair."

He knew your best friend had brown hair.

"Yeah, I believe so,"

Ghost walked away, his keys in hand, and opened the front door. He found you in the kitchen with your back turned, making yourself a sandwich. He quietly walked up behind you.

"What did you do?" Simon's voice was cold, and you screamed, dropping the butter knife in shock. You turned around, your heart racing, and when you recognized it was your husband, your expression softened. You wrapped your arms around him.

"Jesus Christ, Simon, you can't scare me like that," you noticed his lack of response to your hug. Stepping back, your brows furrowed, and you met his cold, unsettling gaze.

"Is everything okay?" your concern growing.

"What the fuck did you do, Y/n?" Simon's voice was filled with anger and accusation.

"What are you talking about, Simon? I didn't do anything," you tried to explain, confusion evident in your voice.

But he snapped, his rage exploding. Simon grabbed the crowbar near the front door and stormed over to you, raising it high and smashing it against the glass cupboards. You took several steps back, horrified, as you watched the destruction unfold before your eyes.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT I FUCKING DID TO GET BACK TO YOU!" Simon shouted, his voice echoing through the house. He continued to smash the cupboards, glass shattering and falling to the floor.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He kept bashing the crowbar against the wooden panels in the kitchen, splintered pieces flying to the ground.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SOAP SUFFERED, HE FUCKING SUFFERED BECAUSE OF YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IN MY FUCKING HOUSE? YOU'RE FUCKING THAT FRIEND OF YOURS." He threw things from the kitchen counter to the floor, glass jars shattering before you.

"Simon, please, you know I didn't-"

"I LOVE YOU, Y/N. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DID, Y/N? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I FUCKING DID TO SOAP!" The kitchen was in ruins, chaos, and you tried to approach him, stepping over the glass and debris on the floor.

"I miscarried."

Simon froze, his breathing heavy, his rage suddenly subsiding. His eyes locked onto yours, filled with a mix of shock and regret. You slowly walked up to him as tears welled in your eyes.

"I found out I was pregnant a week after you left," you choked out. "I was so overjoyed; I tried to call you, but it wasn't going through, neither were my messages. Five months ago, I woke up because my stomach was hurting, and there was blood everywhere. There was so much blood, Simon." He dropped the crowbar and pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I'm so fucking sorry," he whispered, his own tears beginning to fall. "I should have been here."

"I tried calling you again, but it wouldn't go through. I even called your contractor, and they said you were on a no-contact mission. They wouldn't even let me give you a message. I didn't know who else to call. I didnt want to be alone, I swear to you nothing happened. I'm sorry, Simon." He felt like shit for what he had done, how he had reacted. Guilt clawed at him.

"No, sweetheart, I'm so fucking sorry. Don't you dare apologize; it's not your fault. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I shouldn't have blamed you for Soap. I'm so fucking sorry, Y/n."

"I'm sorry about what happened to Soap. I can't imagine what you went through." The image of Soap's body flashed in Simon's mind, and he quickly buried it deep.

"Shh, Y/n, it's okay," he comforted you, holding you close. "I'm so sorry. I'm done. I'm done with the missions. I'm done leaving you alone for months on end. I'm retiring."

"Are you sure that's what you want?" you asked, he felt you take in a shaky breath and tears streamed down his face as he nodded.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He ran his fingers through your hair, his voice breaking as he continued to apologize, guilt eating away at him, tearing him apart for what he had done, for what he had said to you. He was determined to spend his life making up for it.

A/N: This request was inspired by the movie Brothers.

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