He thinks you deserve better. (Ghost x Reader)

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You and Ghost had always been incredibly close, but there was something unspoken between you. You secretly loved him, and Ghost could see it in the way you smiled at him, the look in your eyes, and the special treatment you reserved only for him among the team. You always went the extra mile for him, making sure his mornings started with a cup of tea, ready by the time he came down.

You stayed up late with him when he couldn't sleep, offering your comforting presence. You were always there for him, and he appreciated that more than words could express. Ghost cherished your presence, you were so beautiful in his eyes. He found comfort in the sound of your voice and the way you looked at him as if he were more than just soldier. He loved you, more than he could ever admit. He knew that you were falling in love with him too, and that was something he couldn't allow.

In his eyes, you deserved someone better. Someone who could give you all the love and happiness you wanted in life. He considered himself to be a mere shell of a man, and the last thing he wanted was to pull you down with him. He started distancing himself from you, becoming short when you tried to start a conversation, hoping you'd move on to someone who could give you more than he ever could. It was a painful choice, but he believed it was for the best.

He would start his days earlier, and you found yourself having an extra cup of tea in the morning before eventually stopping the practice altogether. You didn't understand what you had done wrong, and the sense of hurt and confusion began to seep into your heart. You wondered if you had said something to upset him, but Ghost couldn't bring himself to tell you the real reason for his actions. Your heart ached from the growing distance between you so you decided to confront him about it.

"Hey Ghost, do you think we can-" before you can finish your sentence, he turns and starts walking away. Determined to have this conversation, you gently grab his arm, the concern evident in your eyes. However, before you could voice your concerns, he snapped.

"Dont fucking touch me" his voice was laced with irritation as he yanked his arm away. You look up at him shocked by his reaction towards you.

Tears welled up in your eyes "Please just tell me what's wrong. Why are you pushing me away?"

He glances around, briefly diverting his attention, before it returns to meet yours. Towering over you, he stares into your eyes, contemplating something. For a moment, you catch a glimpse of sadness in his eyes, as if his usual mask slipped momentarily. Then, the cold dead expression returned.

"You're always bothering me, following me around like a lost puppy! You never give me my fucking space!"

His gaze softened as he saw your teary-eyed expression, and the sight tugged at his heart. The words he yelled at you were filled with pain, but he thought they were the lies he needed to tell you to push you away. With your heart shattered, you turned and walked away, leaving Ghost alone with his regrets and his self-imposed isolation. He hoped that maybe, just maybe what he said to you would be enough to help you move on from him, to find someone better, someone more deserving of your love. You start speed walking to your room with tears streaming down your face when you run into Soap.

"Bloody hell lass, are you okay?"

You broke down in the hallway telling Soap your feelings for Ghost and what he had said to you when you tried to talk to him. Anger fueling him, he walked away looking for Ghost. He entered the rec room and found him sitting on the couch alone. Ghosts eyes went up to Soap, he was about to ask him what he was doing when soaps knuckles collided with his jaw. He knew better than anyone that Ghost felt the same way about you so he couldn't fathom how he could say something like that to you

"Your pathetic Ghost you know that?" Ghost staggered back from the impact, his eyes wide with shock.

"Your a fucking coward" Soap's frustration was evident in his voice as he berated Ghost for his actions, struggling to comprehend why he would hurt your feelings when he knew you both loved eachother. Ghost got up towering over Soap as his breathing quickened, he started to walk away but Soap was quick to say something.

"You hate Y/n, admit it"

Ghost stopped dead in his tracks, he quickly turned and walked up to Soap grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"You dont know anything about how i feel, you have no idea how i feel about her. If i told her how i really felt about her, she would drop everything to be with me. She would sacrifice everything good in her life for me because thats the type of person she is. She's perfect soap, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's too good for someone like me, i'll only ruin her. I won't let that happen."

You had been standing at the entrance of the rec room, you heard everything. Soaps' gaze went to you and Ghost quickly turned around. His eyes wide with shock. You walk up to him with anger in your eyes, you raise your hand and slap him across the face.

"You selfish asshole"

Both Ghosts and Soaps eyes were wide, they hadnt expect you to react that way.

"Why can't you let yourself be happy for once in your life Ghost! I love you more than anything, I don't care if you think you're not good enough for me. You are enough. You are more than enough Ghost. You make me so happy, please just let me do the same for you."

Ghost opened his mouth in an attempt to go against what you were saying but you were quick to put your finger up shushing him.

"I'll be at Maggianos at 8pm tomorrow night. If you don't show then i'll have my answers and if you do then it's a date." with that you turned and walked out of the rec room.

You were sitting in a booth by yourself, you checked the time on your phone. It was 8:05. You wondered if he would actually show. You gave him five more minutes and still he had not come. You got up from the booth and as you were turning to leave you saw him standing there, flowers in hand, his mask off.

You smile as he walks up to you and hands you the flowers. "Your late"

"I know, I'm sorry"

You both take a seat across from each other in the booth, you spend hours talking over dinner. You and Ghost had a romantic night together, inevitably the night grew late and you guys went back to base together. He walked you to your room, he began to walk away as you were unlocking the door. He quickly turned around, cupping your face in his hands and planting a soft kiss on your lips.

He pulled away and smiled looking down at you, "Goodnight, Y/n"

"Goodnight, Ghost"

"Simon." You gazed up at him with a wide smile.

"Goodnight, Simon" His eyes closed for a second, the sound of his name coming from you made his heart swell. He planted a kiss on your forehead before walking back to his room. You smile as you walk into yours, closing the door behind you.

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