Your struggling and he notices (Price x Reader)

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TW: violence.

Your hands moved with urgency, fingers dancing across the intricate wires of the bomb strapped to the terrified civilian. His pleas for mercy, mentioning his wife and kids, echoed in the tense air.

Your breathing was labored, a mix of adrenaline and the weight of the ticking clock bearing down on you. Price, ever vigilant, watched your back as enemy operators closed in on the rooftop.

With only 30 seconds left, panic clawed at the edges of your determination. The seconds seemed to slip away faster than your fingers could work.

The civilian's tear-stained face and desperate words fueled your determination, but the complexity of the bomb defied your efforts. Price, sensing the diminishing time, placed a hand on your shoulder.

In your focused desperation, you shrugged off Price's hand. "I can do it, Price, I just need more time," you assured him, Price swiftly moved, eliminating another operator with lethal precision.

Your heart pounded, your mind racing to keep up with the urgency of the situation. Glancing at the timer with only 10 seconds left, Price made a tough call. He forcefully pulled you away, urgency etched across his face. "We don't have more time."

The man fell to his knees, desperate for your help, and you stood there with tear-filled eyes, a silent witness to the impending tragedy. Price, without hesitation, pushed the man off the building, and his scream echoed in the air just before the bomb detonated. The blast reverberated through the air, the shockwaves reaching every corner of your being.

Price grabbed you, lifting you up, and ran towards the fire staircase clinging to the side of the building. The world around you blurred as you ran behind him, your senses overwhelmed. Running became a blur, the disorienting sound of ringing in your ears accompanying each step.

Reaching the ramp of the exfil helo, you found yourself dissociating, the traumatic events unfolding in front of you leaving you numb. As you boarded the helo, Price's hand on your shoulder brought you back to the present.

"Y/n, look at me. It's not your fault, okay? We didn't have the luxury of time," he reassured. Nodding, you took a seat as the helicopter lifted off, carrying you both back to the base.

You sit alone in the dimly lit room, a heavy weight on your chest. The familiar voices of doubt and self-loathing echo in your mind. "You're worthless," they whisper, a cruel refrain that plays on a loop. You think about the times you've let people down, the mistakes you've made, and the unshakeable feeling that you never get anything right.

The darkness within you seems to grow, feeding off every one of your failures. "Why bother trying? You'll only disappoint them again." The faces of your team flash before your eyes, each expression a mirror reflecting disappointment.

You remember the times you promised to do better, to be better, only to fall short once more. "You're a burden," the voices taunt. "No one needs you. No one wants you." The weight on your shoulders becomes unbearable, and the room feels smaller, closing in on you.

The thought of being a constant source of letdown gnaws at your insides. "Why can't you be like them?" the voices hiss, comparing yourself to an idealized version that seems unattainable.

Your achievements, no matter how significant, are overshadowed by a relentless sense of inadequacy. The room feels colder, and the isolation intensifies. The battle within your mind rages on, a relentless war of self-deprecation.

The next week was hard for you; the haunting images of that man begging for his life played over and over in your mind. The weight of it bore down on your already fragile mental state.

Despite being accustomed to civilian casualties, this particular event seemed to cut deeper. You withdrew from your team. Weeks passed, and you spoke less, ate less, and your sense of self-worth deteriorated day by day.

Even before this incident, you battled self-doubt. Every glance in the mirror reflected someone you hated, convinced that you couldn't get anything right. The guilt over not being able to save the man only made these feelings stronger.

If only you had been better, that man might still be alive. You felt like a constant disappointment, failing those who depended on you. The weight of your failures bore heavily on your shoulders, and with each passing day, your mental state crumbled.

Price noticed the toll it took on you. Without a word, he approached your room, gently knocked, and you ushered him in. Silently, he closed the distance, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. As tears streamed down your face, you allowed yourself to release the pent-up emotions against his chest.

His hand went to the back of your head, holding you a bit tighter before he spoke. "I'm proud of you, Y/n. I hope you know how worthy you are and how much you bring to the world. You're stronger than you think."

Tears streamed down your face as he continued, "I'm proud of you for not giving up, no matter how many times you've wanted to. For choosing to keep on going, for continuing to show up each day despite what you've been through... what we have all been through. You bring so much light to the world."

As his comforting words washed over you, your breathing steadied, and you sniffled against him. He spoke with genuine care, "I hope one day you can see yourself the way the team sees you. We love you so much, Y/n. Never forget that."

Your voice, shaky and vulnerable, responded, "I'm pulling everyone down with me. I'm not the person they think I am."

He shook his head reassuringly, "No, you're not dragging us down. We're here for you, through thick and thin. Your struggles don't define you. You're stronger than you realize. Just one step at a time, Y/n."

The weight of your emotions pressed on, "But what if I'm too tired to take even one step? What if I just want to give up?"

"Then let us carry you for a while," he said softly. "It's okay not to have all the answers or to be strong all the time. Lean on us, share the burden, and let us help you find the light. Giving up is not an option."

Your pain surfaced again, "I don't want to burden anyone. I just want the pain to stop."

"You're not a burden," he emphasized. "Your pain matters, and so do you. We're here because we care, and we want to help you find your way back to the light. You deserve happiness and peace. Let us be there for you, even when you feel like giving up."

He pulled you away gently, and you gazed up at him with tears in your eyes. "We are a family," he declared, handing you a tissue as you wiped your eyes and nose, a small, understanding smile shared between you.

"One day at a time okay." he put his hand on your shoulder and you smiled, "One day at a time." you say softly. "Come on, the boys were in the kitchen cooking.

They wanted to cheer you up." you laugh and follow price out of your room. "Let's hope the kitchen isn't on fire." Price laughs next to you patting your back. "I have strong doubts."

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