She interrogates you. (Valeria x Reader) 🔞

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TW: Violence, Death, Sexual themes.

As you were pushed along in handcuffs by Diego, one of El Sin Nombre's lackeys, your mission to infiltrate and gather intel was in full swing. You were undercover, working to provide vital information to uncover the identity of El Sin Nombre. Price and the rest of your team watched from a safe distance, ready to extract you when your mission was complete.

You wore a long, skin-tight, backless dress, with a daringly high slit down the side, revealing your knee with every step. Diego had his hand on your exposed back, and you couldn't help but grimace at his touch.

Entering a dimly lit room, you saw a man strapped to a chair, and a woman standing beside him. She was dressed in a black tank top and cargo pants, undeniably attractive.

She was yelling at Diego in rapid Spanish, her knife perilously close to his neck, before finally releasing him and turning her attention to you. The woman's gaze traveled over your body, and the look in her eyes sent a wave of pleasure straight to your core.

She smirked and walked over to you pulling her gun out of her holster. "This is simple, I ask questions. You answer truthfully." She raised her voice as she looked at you. "Do not lie to me."

You pressed your thighs together when she did, you didn't know why she had this much power over the way your body was reacting. All she had done was yell at you.

She noticed the way you pressed your legs together, her eyes went from you to the man sitting across from you.

"Recently we were protecting a friend in the mountains. Someone attacked us there...who?"

She looked at the man before you and he nervously said that it could have been the rival cartels. Valeria then turned to you waiting for you to answer.

"It wasn't cartel. It was Mexican special forces." She laughed and looked at the man, yelling at him for not knowing who attacked them. He began to point fingers at you, saying that you were probably involved with them.

"There were outsiders helping the Mexican special forces. Who were they?" The timber in her voice sent a wave of pleasure over you. She noticed the way your nipples hardened, peaking through your dress.

She smirked as her eyes lingered on your chest, you looked away from her as her eyes wandered. Embarrassed at the way your body was giving away your arousal for her "American PMC's. A group called Shadow company."

She walked over to you, her eyes scanning your face. "Do you have proof that this shadow company exists?" You cursed to yourself as you realized you put graves insignia against your right boob. You couldn't bring in a purse, you didn't know where else to put it.

"It's tucked under my dress, against my chest." You looked down to where it was and her hand went under your dress. She grabbed the insignia but her hand reached further, her fingers grazing your nipple. You shuttered against her, letting out a shaky breath.

She smirked as she removed her hand. Your thighs subconsciously rub together. She continued to ask the both of you more questions, once she was satisfied she turned and put a bullet in the man's head. You flinched as you heard the gun go off. She turned walking over to you, pulling out a pocket knife. She removed the restraints on your wrists before turning to Diego.

"Take her to my room. I'm not done with her yet." Your heart dropped as the words left her mouth. He harshly grabbed you and dragged you along.

He opened a door and threw you inside, you fell to the floor. You turned around and glared at him as he laughed, locking you inside. Your mind began to race, what more did she want to know? You told her everything she wanted.

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