He wants a paternity test. (Price x Reader)

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You cradle your precious 3-month-old daughter in your arms, her tiny fingers wrapped around your own. You glance at the clock, anxiously awaiting the moment your husband returns from his year-long deployment. You'd discovered your pregnancy just days after his departure, and the anticipation of his reaction to your beautiful baby girl fills your heart with both excitement and longing.

The sound of keys turning in the lock makes your heart race, and you stand in the living room, holding your baby girl, eagerly awaiting Price's return. As he walks in, a wide smile lights up his face, but it quickly fades when he spots the baby in your arms. Your own smile vanishes as you see the confusion and disbelief in his eyes.

"Whose baby is that?" he asks, his brows furrowing in disbelief.

Your heart sinks at his reaction, and you struggle to maintain your composure. "Price, it's our baby. I found out I was pregnant a few days after you deployed," you explain, your voice quivering with the weight of the revelation.

He scoffs, a disbelieving look in his eyes, and it feels as though a chasm has opened between you. You carefully place the baby in her crib, and your trembling hands wipe away a tear. Approaching Price, your voice trembles as you attempt to speak, but he cuts you off with a cold demand.

"I want a paternity test," he says, his gaze averted, as though he can't even bear to look at you.

Your heart breaks in two as the words leave his mouth, and you feel a lump in your throat. He won't even look at you. Tears well up in your eyes, the pain of his doubt piercing your very soul.

"Are you serious? You think I cheated on you?" you plead, desperation and sadness welling up within you. Price doesn't even glance in your direction.

"Look me in the eye and say it." Tears stream down your face as you meet his cold eyes with your own.

"There's no way that baby is mine. I know you cheated on me, Y/n." His voice is as cold as ice.

Your voice trembles with anguish as you try to reason with him, your heart heavy with the weight of his accusation. "I found out I was pregnant a few days after you left. I was pregnant for 9 months, Price. Our baby is 3 months old. Do the math! I didn't cheat on you! I tried calling your contractor but they wouldn't let me relay a message to you!"

But his resolve remains unwavering, and he repeats his demand, "I don't care, Y/n. I want a paternity test."

You were utterly devastated, hurt, and betrayed by Price's reaction. The disbelief weighed heavily on your heart, as you had never given him any reason to doubt your loyalty throughout the years of your marriage. You had hoped he would come to his senses, that the love and trust you shared would prevail, but instead, he had slept on the couch that night, avoiding your gaze and refusing to speak to you.

The following day, you stumbled upon a note on the kitchen counter. Tears welled up in your eyes as you read it. Price had accepted a new mission, and he would be gone for an entire month. The mention of the paternity test at the end of the note crushed your spirit even further. You dropped to your knees, your body shaking with sobs as you cried on the floor, feeling abandoned and betrayed by the person you loved and trusted most in the world. The one person you never expected to doubt you.

In the weeks that followed, you faced the month alone with only your sweet baby girl by your side. Price's betrayal continued to haunt your thoughts, but you also discovered a newfound strength within yourself.

As you cared for your precious daughter, you realized that you didn't need Price to define your happiness. You had your beautiful baby girl, who brought you immeasurable joy and was the source of your strength. Each day, you watched her grow, finding solace in her innocent laughter and the way her tiny fingers curled around your own. She became your anchor, your source of love, and a reminder that you were strong enough to overcome the pain of Price's accusations.

Deep down, you knew that you would never be able to look at Price the same way again. The trust that had once held your marriage together had been irrevocably shattered by his unfounded accusations. You had been nothing but loyal, patient, and understanding throughout his deployments, always supporting him even when it left you feeling so alone. The thought of reconciliation grew distant as the days passed. You realized that some wounds run too deep to mend, and Price's quick accusation had left a scar on your heart that wouldn't heal.

You had decided that when he returned, you would agree to the paternity test he had demanded, until then you would get the divorce papers ready. After a month of separation, Price returned home, and you had agreed to get a paternity test as he had demanded. You went to the doctor together, and the doctor informed you that the results would take a few days, and they would be mailed to you.

Over the next few days, Price continued to avoid you, always sleeping on the couch, and the tension in the house was thick. When the day finally came, you had received the mail and walked up to Price, who was sitting at the dining table, sipping his coffee. Without saying a word, you threw the envelope with the test results in front of him.

Price's hands quickly grabbed the envelope, and his eyes scanned over the results. As he read the words confirming that he was indeed the father, his eyes grew wide, and a genuine smile began to form on his face. He looked up at you, his smile fading as he met your cold, unwavering gaze. In that solemn moment, you threw the divorce papers onto the table. His heart sank as he read the words that signaled the end of your marriage, and the weight of his past accusations and betrayal came crashing down upon him.

"Y/n—" Price began, but his words were cut off as you placed the pen beside his trembling hand. There was a heavy silence in the room, the tension between you both unbearable. Your resolve was unyielding, you were done, knowing that nothing he could say would change the way you felt. Hesitantly, Price took the pen in his hand, his gaze shifting between your cold, unwavering eyes and the divorce papers.

He began to sign the document, knowing that this was the final blow to the life you had built together. With each stroke of the pen, the reality of the situation sank in. You took the signed papers from the table, your heart heavy but resolute. As you held the papers in your hands, you uttered the final, painful decree, "I want you out of the house by the end of the week." The words hung in the air, marking the end of a chapter in both of your lives that could never be rewritten.

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