{CHAP 2}💐

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      As the morning sun began to peek through the curtains, Clyde woke up with a renewed sense of anticipation. The memories of the unexpected encounter with Ivy, his crush, from the previous day still lingered in his mind. The encounter had left an indelible mark on his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement as he prepared for the day ahead.

      Clyde went through his daily routine, taking extra care in his appearance. He wanted to present his best self, just in case he had another chance encounter with Ivy. As he got dressed, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing her again, even if it was just a passing glance.

       As he made his way to the kitchen, Clyde's mind wandered back to the moment when their eyes had met. He replayed the scene in his mind, trying to decipher the meaning behind Ivy's understanding smile. It gave him a glimmer of hope, fueling his desire to find the courage to express his feelings.

         Lost in his thoughts, Clyde sipped his morning coffee, the warmth spreading through his body. He knew that the day held endless possibilities, and he couldn't help but wonder if fate would once again bring him face to face with Ivy.

        As he stepped out of the house, the cool morning air greeted Clyde, energizing him for the day ahead. He walked with a purpose, his heart beating a little faster with each step. The encounter from yesterday had ignited a spark within him, a desire to break free from his silent nature and take a leap of faith.

        As Clyde approached the school, he couldn't help but scan the surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ivy.But unfortunately he didn't saw a glimpse of Ivy.He sighs with disappointment building inside him as he continue to walk going towards his classroom.

        As Clyde walked towards his classroom, he couldn't help but think about his crush, Ivy, the popular girl. He had admired her from afar for a long time, but he was always too shy to approach her.

       Today, as he made his way to the classroom, his mind was filled with thoughts of Ivy. He imagined what it would be like to talk to her, to make her laugh, and to spend time together.

    His heart raced with anticipation, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing her. Despite being a silent boy, Clyde's thoughts were filled with dreams of getting closer to Ivy, hoping that one day their paths would cross in a meaningful way. 

     As Clyde entered the classroom, his heart skipped a beat when he saw his crush, Ivy, talking happily with her friends. Nervousness washed over him, and he quickly found a seat near the window.

      He couldn't help but steal glances at Ivy, admiring her radiant smile and infectious laughter. The sight of her enjoying herself with her friends made him feel a mix of happiness and longing. Clyde's mind raced with thoughts of striking up a conversation with Ivy, but his shyness held him back.

      He wondered if she would even notice him or if he would ever gather the courage to approach her. As he sat near the window, he daydreamed about a future where he could make Ivy laugh and be a part of her happiness. 

      The silent boy, Clyde, found himself lost in a whirlwind of emotions as the bell rang, signaling the start of the class. His eyes couldn't help but wander towards his crush, Ivy, who sat a few rows away.

     As the teacher began the lesson, Clyde's attention was divided between the material being taught and stealing glances at Ivy. He was captivated by her every move, her infectious laughter, and the way her eyes sparkled when she was engaged in conversation.

      Each stolen glance filled him with a mixture of joy and longing, as he yearned for the opportunity to connect with her on a deeper level. Clyde's heart raced with anticipation, hoping for a moment when their eyes would meet and a connection would be made.

      In those stolen glances, he saw a future filled with endless possibilities, where he could muster the courage to approach Ivy and share his feelings. 

     After some minutes,the silent boy Clyde is lost in thought while stealing glances at his crush,Ivy.The silent boy found himself in an unexpected twist of fate, Snapping him out of his thoughts as he listen to his teachers announcement.

      The teacher announced a new project, and to Clyde's surprise,he was paired up with none other than his crush, Ivy.   

    Excitement and nervousness coursed through Clyde's veins as he imagined the countless hours they would spend working together.

     While lost in thought again, someone snap him out of his dazed as he glance to who it was.To his surprise it was his crush.He was too lost in admiring her that he didn't even hear what Ivy said to him.

"Hello?Clyde?HEEELLLLOO"Ivy waved her hands Infront of him as Clyde snap out and turned away,not wanting to make eye contact with his crush due to the feeling that building inside of him, excitement and nervousness.

    Ivy seemed to be confused but decided to ignore it,she sat down next to him and began flipping on the books.Explaining how will they do the project together.

"Who's house?"Ivy happily asked while she looks at him with a big smile that plastered on her pretty face.

      Clyde was confused,he didn't listen to Ivy earlier that's why he feel guilty and confused for not listening to her.Instead of uttering a word,he pointed towards Ivy.Ivy was confused first but then realized as she nods.

"Okay!then see you on Saturday in my house!You can go anytime you want!"She smiled as she prepare her belongings to leave.

   Clyde just nod as he watch her every movement's, admiring her.Every day his love for Ivy is just growing stronger by the passing day.

"Okay,we're done for now!. I'll go first Clyde,thank you for your cooperation I appreciate it.See you on our P.E. class!"

    ivy smiled at him and bid farewell to Clyde as she leave Clyde alone in their classroom.The room was quite now,the students are leaving for their another class.While Clyde just sat there lost in thought again.

'This coming Saturday,I swear I'll express my feelings to her'He thought and began packing up his belongings before leaving the classroom for their P.E. class.


     During their P.E. class,as the boys and girls engaged in various, Clyde eyes were drawn to Ivy effortlessly.

    With each jump and sprint,she exuded grace and determination, catching his attention like a beacon in a sea of movement.

     He couldn't help but admire the way she move,her athletic prowess shining through.Every time their eyes met,a shy smile would grace his lips, secretly cherishing the moments when their paths crossed on the field.

    In the midst of their P.E. class,his attention was solely on her.Whether she was dribbling a soccer ball with finesse or gracefully leaping over hurdles,he couldn't help but be in awe of her athletic abilities.

    The way she pushed herself to new heights inspired him to do the same.He admired her dedication and the way she embraced challenges with a determined spirit.

    Though they may not have spoken much,his admiration for her silently grew with each passing minutes.


A/N:My story got cut 😭,I don't know why.Now I'm gonna start all over again.

Don't worry tho,I just gonna put it on chap 3😉

Thanks for reading my story 💋

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