{CHAP 7}💐

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A/N:Thank you to those people who decided to continue reading my story!I really appreciate it!I hope you could recommend my story too to your friends!But nonetheless I am very thankful!So this is the chapter 7, please enjoy!😉



One saturday morning, as Clyde was getting ready to start his day, he heard his mother, Emellia, calling out to him from downstairs. Intrigued, Clyde paused and listened intently. His mother's voice carried a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Curiosity piqued, Clyde made his way to the top of the staircase and peered down. To his surprise, he saw his mother standing at the front door, beaming with pride. And beside her stood Lily, his friend from school and now their new neighbor.

Clyde's eyes widened in astonishment. He hadn't expected Lily to be their new neighbor, and the realization left him momentarily speechless. Lily had always been a bit of a mystery to him, with her emotionless demeanor that made it challenging for Clyde to get close to her. However, he couldn't deny the connection they shared as friends.

As Clyde descended the stairs, he noticed another figure standing beside Lily. It was Cleo, Lily's twin. Unlike Lily, Cleo exuded energy and enthusiasm, swinging his arms around Clyde and greeting him with a cheerful "Good morning!"
"Good morning too, didn't expect to see you both here"Clyde said still looking at the twins with shock face.

"Ohh!So you three know each other?,Is my son making friends now~?"Emillia exclaimed teasingly besides Lily.She was shocked to know that his son is making friends now or should I say have friends.

"M-mom!"Clyde looked away feeling embarrassed as a small blush formed in his face.Cleo and Emillia giggles when they saw his reaction,while Lily just silently watched them.

"Oh!come on, since your my Son's friends and our new neighbor.I invited you Cleo and Lily to have breakfast here!"Emillia happily exclaimed,her eyes sparkling as she waited for the twins to respond.

We a big smile and cheerful voice,Cleo responded "Thank you!,we would love that!".Lily just nod as Clyde smile at them.

As they sat down for breakfast.Clyde,Cleo and Lily exchanged a few words, although Lily remained mostly quiet. Clyde couldn't help but be intrigued by her enigmatic presence. He wondered what thoughts and emotions lay beneath that expressionless facade.

"Do you know the girl named Ivy?"Emillia interrupt with a smile as he looked at her son with a teasing look.

"Oh!you mean the popular girl?,yes of course!,erhm what about her?"Cleo responded with curiosity visible in his voice.

"Oh!you don't know?,I tell you both about something.So Ivy,right?the popular girl you say?Well my son have a huge crush on her!"She exclaimed while teasingly nudging her son who's just keep quiet and eating his food with a flustered face.

"Really!?,So that's what Ethan was talking about!"Cleo laughed with Emillia, enjoying to see Clyde's flustered and embarrassed face.

Unbeknownst to them that Lily was silently growling,feeling jealous?.....
Lily just listen to their laughter as she steal glances at Clyde's expression for every second...


The twins bid goodbye to Emillia and Clyde before leaving and going home.Though Clyde feel shivers run down his spine when he looked at those brown eyes of Lily.Ignoring the feeling he just nod his head at them, thinking that he's just overreacting?....

As soon as Clyde's mother closed the door he felt his phone vibrate inside his pocket, telling him that someone had send a message to him.He turned to his mom "Mom,I'm going to my room,you can go to work don't worry about me.I love you Mom"He said softly and kissed his mother on her cheek.

"Okay,honey.Just enjoy your day!I Love you too!"She happily exclaimed back,and giggle from the kiss.She watched her son going upstairs towards his room,she sighs and decided to prepare for her work.

As soon as Clyde entered his room and closes the door,he immediately went and lay in his bed.Opening his phone as he read the message from the unknown number again.


Hi!sorry for not responding
to your chat.I have my
Read 10:26 am

It's fine,but can you perhaps
tell me who you are?
and how did you know my number?
Delivered 10:28 am

Clyde lay there in his bed,as he waited for the unknown person to respond.He began feeling nervous and a little bit fear.

It's fine,but can you perhaps
tell me who you are?
and how did you know my number?
Read 10:30 am

Hehe,did I scare you?
Don't worry it's just me,your friend.
And I got your number from Ivy<3
Read 10:31 am

Wait what!?Ethan?
How?I mean your friends with Ivy?
Read 10:31 am

Heh you don't need to know^^
Anyways go to park later
at 8:00 o'clock!C'ya!
Read 10:32 am

Wait Ethan!What?why?
You still there?
Answer me!
Read 10:34 am

Frustrated,Clyde just lay there in his bed.He somehow got to know who was the onwer of the unknown number and it was just none other than his friend Ethan,But why?what?....Clyde is freaking curious and confused.And he feel even curious to why Ethan invited him to meet up with him in the park.

Clyde decided to take a little nap thinking that maybe his curiosity and confusion will fade away for now.He close his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.Embracing the big pillow besides him,He can't wait to know the answer from Ethan.


A/N:I hope you enjoy my story,this chapter just contained 976 words😥. Anyways I promise to publish the chap 8 of the story! 😉



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