{CHAP 17}💐

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A/N:Once again I'm back hehe, I'll try my best to update more,but I can't say it's a promise.Anyways i hope you enjoy reading my story🤍💋



As the sun began to cast its warm golden rays through the windows, Clyde slowly stirred awake from a restful sleep. The memories of the previous night flooded his mind and brought a smile to his face. The moments he had shared with Lily lingered in his thoughts, like a delicate melody that played softly in his heart.

With a renewed sense of happiness, Clyde started his day, going about his usual morning routine. He freshened up, brushed his teeth, and took a moment to appreciate the stillness and peace of the morning. The anticipation of what the day might bring fueled his excitement.

As he made his way downstairs, Clyde noticed that the house was unusually quiet. He wondered if his parents had already left for work, but there was a little part of him that hoped they were still there, relishing in the blissful moments of a quiet morning.

As he entered the kitchen, Clyde's eyes brightened as he saw a beautifully prepared breakfast waiting for him on the table. The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the delectable scent of pancakes filled the air. Alongside the breakfast was a small note, written by his mom Emillia.

Clyde's heart warmed as he read his mother's words.They had indeed left for work, but her mother took the time to leave him a thoughtful message. In the note, Emillia expressed her love and wished him a wonderful day. The simple act of her leaving breakfast and the heartfelt note made Clyde feel cherished and loved.

Gratefully, Clyde sat down at the table and savored the delicious meal his mom had prepared. Each bite was filled with warmth and comfort, reminding him of the love that surrounded him. With every morsel, his heart swelled with gratitude for the supportive and caring parents he had.

As he finished his breakfast, Clyde couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of excitement for the day ahead. The memories of the previous night and the love shared with Lily still danced in his mind. Today held the promise of new adventures, unexpected surprises, and the continued blossoming of his connection with Lily.

With a contented smile, Clyde cleared the table and headed out the door, ready to embrace the day. He carried with him the memories of the intimate moments shared with Lily, as well as the love and support of his parents. Today was a new chapter, and Clyde was eager to see how his story would unfold.

As Clyde made his way through the bustling streets, he found solace in the tranquility that surrounded him. Despite the chaos and noise of the city, he seemed to have created his own little bubble of peace. With his favorite music playing through his earpods, Clyde walked at his own pace, taking in the sights and sounds of the world around him.

As he strolled towards his school, lost in his own thoughts, a voice called out his name from a distance. Clyde turned his head and his eyes widened with delight as he saw Lily and her siblings in a car, waiting for him. The car pulled over to the side of the road, and Clyde was welcomed with warm smiles.

"Hey, Clyde! Hop in and join us!"Caine exclaimed,as he smiled and gesture Clyde to hop in the car.

Clyde couldn't resist the invitation. With a grateful smile, he climbed into the car, settling down in the seat beside Lily. The familiar scent of Lily's perfume filled the air, instantly bringing a sense of comfort and joy.

As they drove along, Clyde and Lily caught up on each other's lives,sharing stories and laughter,they didn't even notice the the look on Lily's siblings as Caine was still focused on driving. The car was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, and Clyde felt a sense of belonging as he relished in the company of his dear friend and Lily's siblings. 

As they continued their journey, the scenery outside the car window changed from bustling streets to picturesque landscapes. Clyde couldn't help but admire the beauty of nature, the vibrant colors of blooming flowers, and the gentle swaying of trees in the breeze. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos of life, there was always something beautiful to appreciate.

Time seemed to fly by as they approached the big school.Caine drove towards the parking lot to park(obviously), As Clyde stepped out of the car, he turned to Lily and her siblings, gratitude shining in his eyes.

"Thank you for this unexpected joyride," Clyde expressed, his voice filled with warmth. "You made my day even more special."

Lily smiled, her eyes reflecting the understanding and friendship they shared. "Anytime, Clyde. We're always here for you."

Once again Lily's siblings began to tease her and Clyde, saying that they should've be a lovers now.Lily's face turned red and so does Clyde, after a while Caine cleared his throat before bidding his goodbye to them.

"See ya, I'll be going to my building now, I'm going to be late if I stay here for long"Caine smiled as he spoke softly.Mia, Lily,Cleo,and Daniel hug their brother.After awhile of hugging,They pulled away as Caine began walking towards his building.

"I'll be going now"Exclaimed Mia,"Me too!"Daniel said while he tries to hug Clyde, Lily block his brother looking at him sternly "Yeah,you better go now before you get late"Lily mumble

Cleo and Clyde awkwardly laugh towards the two,Cleo and Mia goes to the same building but are different rooms.Daniel leaves too, waving at them before he ran towards his group of friends, leaving only Clyde and Lily in the parking lot.

"We better go now"She said softly while fidgeting with her fingers,Clyde nod and ruffles her hair.

Clyde watch as Lily began walking to her classroom too,He feels gratitude and happy for being with Lily,he feels loved and great.He took one final glance before walking to his own classroom.

In this world full of mistakes and sins,he was still greatful to have this kind of life.There's nothing he can wish anymore,he is contented to what he have now.Walking inside the classroom,he wave at Ivy as he sat on his seat.

The class began as usual, while he take down notes.He can't wait to spend more time with Lily and her siblings, especially to his parents.

A/N:Be thankful for what you have.Thank you for reading my book once again🤍🌹
(1155 words for this chapter)

Question:What will happen now to Clyde and Lily?Do you think they're really meant for each other?

Tell me your thoughts and opinions in the comment section 🤞

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