{CHAP 13}💐

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A/N:I feel kinda sleepy tho, anyways Enjoy!



Clyde, the usually quiet boy, was a bundle of nerves as he stepped out of his house, leaving his parents behind in the living room. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest as he made his way to Lily's house next door. The sounds of life emanating from within were loud and chaotic, a stark contrast to the silence he was accustomed to in his own home. This was his first time stepping foot in the twins' home, and the unfamiliarity of it all only added to his anxiety.

He rapped on the door, the sound drowned out by the cacophony inside. It seemed like an eternity before the door finally swung open, revealing Lily with a warm smile on her face. Clyde could feel his cheeks heating up as he greeted her, and he was momentarily taken aback by her welcoming demeanor.

"Your finally here...come on in"Lily greeted with a small smile and a calm voice, she stared at those emerald eyes of Clyde as she open the door wide for Clyde to enter.

As he stepped inside, he froze in his tracks, his eyes taking in the unfamiliar faces. There was Caine, Lily's older brother, who was in the midst of a shouting match with his younger siblings. Mia, the second oldest, was laughing hysterically, seemingly amused by the chaos. Daniel, their little brother, was on the receiving end of Caine's tirade, while Cleo, Lily's twin, approached Clyde and greeted him.

"Hi Clyde! Didn't expect you here!"Cleo cheerfully said with a big smile plastered on his face.

The scene was chaotic, loud, and completely foreign to Clyde, but there was a warmth and familiarity in the way they interacted that made him feel strangely at ease. Despite the unfamiliarity of it all, Clyde found himself looking forward to getting to know Lily and her family better.

Clyde stood there, a mix of awkwardness and nervousness washing over him, as he observed the interactions between the siblings. Cleo, feeling the tension in the room, cleared his throat and took a deep breath before mustering up the courage to speak.

"Ahem....BIG BROOO!!!!!"

ln a bold move, he shouted out to his older brother, Caine, causing the three of them to stop and turn their attention towards Cleo, Lily, and Clyde.

The sudden interruption caught everyone off guard, and a moment of silence hung in the air. Cleo took the opportunity to properly introduce Clyde to his siblings, breaking the awkwardness that had settled in the room.

"So uh guys,meet Clyde and Clyde meet mine and Lily's other siblings.So this tall right here with a black hair, he's our older brother named Caine.And the second oldest is Mia with a blonde hair,and finally this is our little brother Daniel with brown hair just like me and Lily!"Cleo happily exclaimed while patting his little brother's head,Daniel just giggles from his actions.

With a sheepish smile, Caine, Mia, and Daniel stood up and greeted Clyde, their embarrassment evident on their faces.

"Hi,My name is Mia Rutherford.Nice to meet you"
Mia said with a slight blush on his face from embarrassment."Mine is Caine Rutherford,Nice to meet you,and uh sorry for the chaos earlier"Caine looked away while scratching the back of his head."Heh!My name is Daniel Rutherford!Nice seeing you here!"Daniel although feeling embarrassed still greeted Clyde with his usual cheerful personality.

Lily couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her siblings being caught off guard and embarrassed in front of Clyde.This cause her four siblings looked at her with a surprise look in their faces.Lily stop giggling and looked back at her siblings with a confused look.

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