{CHAP 20}💐

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  In the distant land of Canada, Clyde's little brother, Milo, had been spending his days with their grandparents. Milo's heart yearned for adventure and the desire to reunite with his brother and parents in the Australia. Dreaming of exploring new places and creating lasting memories, Milo came up with a plan.

With wide, pleading eyes and an irresistible smile, Milo approached their grandparents, hoping to sway their decision.

"Please, grandma and grandpa, can I go visit Clyde and our parents? I promise it'll be just for a few weeks or maybe more. I miss them so much, and I want to experience their world."

Grandma and grandpa exchanged glances, fully aware of Milo's longing. After a moment of contemplation, they finally spoke, "Milo, we understand that you miss your family, but it's a long journey, and you're still young. We want to keep you safe here with us."

"Please, Grandma and Grandpa, can I please go visit Clyde and our parents? I promise I'll be responsible and follow all the rules"He was pouting while looking at his grandparents with pleading eyes.

"Milo, you know we love you, but it's a long journey and you're still young. We worry about your safety and well-being"His grandma response with a hint of concern on her voice.

"But Grandma, I miss them so much! I want to see Clyde's big smile and hear Mom and Dad's laughter. It's been so long since we've all been together"Milo replied

"Milo, we understand that you're eager to see your family, but there are many factors to consider. Traveling alone at such a young age can be risky"His grandpa respond beside his Grandma.

Milo was determined, yet with a hint of despair,hw respond "But Grandpa, I promise I'll take care of myself. I'll listen to Clyde and follow his lead. I won't cause any trouble, I just want to spend time with my family"

"Milo, we appreciate your persistence, but it's for your own safety. We want to keep you here with us, where we can protect and care for you"His grandma respond with a smile

Milo lowered his voice, his eyes welling up with tears"But Grandma, I miss them so much. I feel like a part of me is missing. Please, just give me a chance to be with them, even if it's just for a little while"

His Grandpa paused for a moment,visibly moved Milo,"we understand how much you love your family. Let us have a discussion and consider your request, okay? We'll make a decision that we believe is in your best interest"

Milo nod his head eagerly "Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa. I really hope you'll see that this means the world to me. I'll be patiently waiting for your decision"

Milo's determination and unwavering plea touched the hearts of his grandparents. They could see the yearning in his eyes and the longing in his voice. They knew that while it was a difficult decision, their grandson's happiness was at stake.

While Milo's enthusiasm undeterred, he hatched a plan to win them over. He showered them with acts of kindness, helping his grandparents with chores(even though they have maids)and treating them to his adorable antics. While his grandparents were captivated by his sweet gestures, his butler, Mr. Jenkins, struggled to hide his exasperation.

"Young master,Milo, please understand that your grandparents have their reasons for not allowing you to travel alone," Mr. Jenkins sighed, a blend of concern and frustration in his voice as he make a tea for Milo"You have to respect their decision and trust that they're doing what's best for you."

Milo blinked innocently at Mr. Jenkins before his eyes glistened with determination. "But Mr. Jenkins, I just want to see Clyde and my parents. I promise I'll behave, and I'll make sure to come back safely!"


As days turned into weeks, Milo's persistence remained unwavering. He continued to shower his grandparents with love and affection, showcasing his genuine longing to be reunited with his family. Milo's resilience touched their hearts, and after much deliberation, they finally relented.

Grandma and grandpa, seeing the dedication and yearning in Milo's eyes, agreed to allow him to visit Clyde and their parents for a few weeks. Their decision came from a place of love, knowing the importance of family bonds and the desire to see Milo happy.

With excitement bubbling in his chest, Milo shared the news with Mr. Jenkins, who couldn't help but crack a small smile. "Alright, young master Milo, it seems your persistence has paid off. Remember to listen to your grandparents and make sure to have a safe and joyful adventure with your family."

Filled with glee, Milo's heart soared as he counted down the days until his departure. The anticipation of reuniting with Clyde and exploring new adventures with their parents fueled his dreams.

And so, with his grandparents' blessings and the support of Mr. Jenkins, Milo embarked on a journey that would bring him closer to his family and ignite a sense of wonder and joy within his young heart.


As the days drew closer to Milo's departure, excitement filled the air as he began packing his bags. Each item, carefully chosen, represented the anticipation of the adventures that lay ahead. Throughout the process, Milo couldn't help but feel a bittersweet pang in his heart, knowing that he would be leaving his grandparents and especially his beloved butler, Mr. Jenkins.

Sitting with his grandparents in the cozy living room, Milo expressed his emotions. "Grandma, grandpa, I'm going to miss you so much. You've taken such good care of me, and I'll always treasure the moments we've shared here in Canada."

Tears glistened in their eyes as Grandma pulled Milo into a warm embrace. "We'll miss you too, my dearest Milo. But remember, family is always in our hearts, no matter the distance."

Grandpa nodded in agreement, his voice filled with love. "You're embarking on a new chapter of your journey, Milo. Remember the values we've instilled in you, and never forget the love that surrounds you."

On the day of Milo's departure, heartfelt goodbyes echoed throughout the house. His grandparents stood at the doorstep, waving and giving him tight hugs, their eyes shimmering with pride and a touch of sadness.

As Milo walked towards the waiting car, Mr. Jenkins, his trusted butler and mentor, accompanied him. They shared a bond that went beyond their daily interactions, and Milo felt a surge of gratitude for his guidance and companionship.

"Milo, my young master, the time has come for you to embark on this journey. Always remember to take care of yourself and to embrace the opportunities that come your way. Your family awaits you with open arms."

Milo nodded, absorbing Mr. Jenkins' words of wisdom. "Thank you, Mr. Jenkins. I'll make sure to take your advice to heart. You've been like a second family to me, and I'll miss you dearly."

With a mix of pride and nostalgia, Mr. Jenkins smiled warmly. "You're a remarkable young man, Milo, and I'm grateful to have been a part of your life. Stay true to yourself, and never forget the lessons you've learned. Safe travels, my dear."

As Milo boarded the airplane, he couldn't help but feel a swirl of emotions. Excitement for what lay ahead mingled with a tinge of sadness for the moments he was leaving behind. But he knew that this journey was a chance to explore, grow, and create new memories with his family even it's just for a few weeks or more.

And as the plane took flight, Milo carried with him the love and wisdom of his grandparents and the guidance of his beloved butler. He felt a renewed sense of determination to make the most of his adventure and to cherish the connections he held dear.

Little did Milo know, this journey would not only bring him closer to his family but also shape him into the person he was destined to become.

'I can't wait to see Clyde and my parents!'


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