{CHAP 5}💐

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A/N:Thank you for all the supports!I really appreciate it,This is the chapter 5.Please enjoy!🤗



As the sun began to peek through the curtains, Clyde, the quiet boy, slowly stirred awake. He stretched his arms and let out a yawn, still feeling a bit groggy. Just as he was about to drift back to sleep, he heard his mother, Emillia, calling out to him from the hallway.

"Clyde, wake up! We have a fun day planned ahead," Emillia exclaimed with excitement in her voice. Clyde rubbed his eyes and sat up, intrigued by his mother's cheerful tone. "What's going on, Mom?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Emillia entered his room, a big smile on her face. "We're going shopping today, and I thought it would be nice for you to spend some time with your cousins, Miguel, Liona, and Kyle. They're all coming along!" she explained, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Clyde's face lit up at the mention of his cousins. He didn't get to see them often, and he cherished the moments they spent together. "That sounds great, Mom! I'm excited to see them," he replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

After getting ready, Clyde joined Emillia and his cousins in the living room. Miguel, Liona, and Kyle greeted him with wide smiles and excited chatter. They were all around the same age, and Clyde felt an instant connection with them.

As they headed out to the shopping center, laughter filled the air. They walked hand in hand, sharing stories and jokes along the way. Emillia led the way, her warm presence guiding them through the bustling crowd.

At the shopping center, they explored various stores, trying on clothes and sharing fashion tips. They laughed at each other's silly outfits and helped one another find the perfect pieces. Clyde felt a sense of joy and belonging as they bonded over their shared experiences.

After a successful shopping spree, they decided to take a break and have a delicious lunch together. They sat around a table, sharing plates of food and engaging in lively conversations. Clyde was grateful for these moments of togetherness, cherishing the laughter and love that filled the air.

Emillia, always the playful one, started off the conversation with a mischievous grin. "Hey Clyde, have you ever tried to break your silence record? I think you could win an award for it!" she teased, earning a giggle from Liona and a mischievous smile from Miguel.

Clyde, with a hint of a smile, played along. "Well, Mom, I've been practicing my silence for years. Maybe I should enter the 'World's Quietest Person' competition," he replied, his eyes twinkling with humor.

Liona, known for her quick wit, chimed in, "Clyde, you should definitely go for it! But make sure you bring a megaphone, just in case you need to make an announcement in the middle of your silence."

Everyone burst into laughter, including Clyde, who couldn't help but find the comment amusing. "That's a great idea, Liona! I'll keep the megaphone handy for emergencies during my silent moments," he replied, his voice laced with amusement.

Miguel, always up for some fun, added his own twist to the conversation. "Hey Clyde, imagine if you broke your silence record and suddenly burst into a stand-up comedy routine. The audience would be in for a surprise!"

The table erupted in laughter at the thought of Clyde's unexpected comedic talents. Clyde himself couldn't help but chuckle at the image, imagining himself going from silent to a hilarious entertainer in a matter of seconds.

As the laughter subsided, Kyle, the joker of the group, couldn't resist adding his own comedic touch. "Clyde, what if you become a mime artist? You'll be the talk of the town, and people will pay just to see you not say a word!"

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