{CHAP 6}💐

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One sunny morning, as the soft rays of sunlight streamed through his window, Clyde woke up feeling a sense of excitement for the day ahead.

He followed his usual morning routine, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and getting dressed. Clyde couldn't help but hum a cheerful tune as he went about his tasks. Today felt different, as if something wonderful was about to happen.

As he made his way downstairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Clyde's mom greeted him with a warm smile and a loving hug. They exchanged a few words, sharing their plans for the day and expressing their love for each other. Clyde's heart swelled with gratitude for his mom's unwavering support and love.

Leaving his house, Clyde embarked on his journey to school. The crisp morning air filled his lungs, and he couldn't help but admire the beauty of nature surrounding him. The vibrant colors of flowers in bloom, the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the melodic chirping of birds created a serene atmosphere.

As Clyde walked, his thoughts turned to Ivy, his crush. He couldn't help but smile as he imagined their interactions throughout the day. He daydreamed about sharing laughter, engaging in conversations, and maybe even gathering the courage to express his feelings to her.

Lost in his thoughts, Clyde continued his leisurely walk, taking in the sights and sounds of the town. He noticed the way the sunlight danced on the surface of a nearby lake, casting a mesmerizing reflection. He marveled at the intricate patterns formed by the clouds in the sky, as if they were painting a masterpiece just for him.
With each step, Clyde felt a growing sense of anticipation. He knew that today held the potential for something magical. Whether it was a simple conversation with Ivy or a shared moment of connection, he was ready to embrace whatever the day had in store for him.

As Clyde approached the school gates, he took a deep breath, ready to face the adventures and challenges that awaited him. He carried with him the excitement and joy that had accompanied him throughout the morning, knowing that today would be a day to remember.

And so, Clyde stepped into the school, his heart filled with hope and a sense of possibility. Little did he know that this day would mark the beginning of a beautiful journey, where he would discover not only the wonders of the world around him but also the depths of his own heart.

As he walked to school, his mind was filled with thoughts of what he would say to her and how he would impress her.

Lost in his thoughts, Clyde didn't notice the boy with blond hair walking towards him. With a sudden collision, they bumped into each other, causing their books to scatter on the ground. Startled, Clyde looked up and saw the boy, who appeared to be the same age as him.

Apologizing profusely, Clyde helped the boy gather his books. As they picked up the last book, their eyes met, and Clyde noticed a friendly smile on the boy's face. They introduced themselves and realized that they were in the same class. His name was Ethan, and he was new to the town.

After the accidental collision, Clyde and Ethan picked up their scattered belongings and started walking together towards their classroom. They struck up a conversation and quickly realized that they had a lot in common. Clyde felt an instant connection with Ethan, as if they had known each other for years.

Curiosity sparked within Clyde, and he felt a sense of connection with Ethan. They decided to walk together to their classroom, engaging in conversation along the way. Clyde discovered that Ethan had recently transferred to their school and was still adjusting to the new environment. They shared stories and found common interests, instantly forming a bond of friendship.

Upon entering the classroom, Clyde's eyes scanned the room and landed on Ivy, his crush. She was happily chatting with her friends, her laughter filling the air. Clyde's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but blush. He quietly made his way to his usual spot near the window, hoping to steal glimpses of Ivy throughout the day. Ethan, sensing Clyde's interest, followed behind and took a seat beside him.

As they settled into their seats, Clyde and Ethan continued their conversation, getting to know each other better. They discovered shared hobbies, favorite books, and dreams for the future. Clyde felt a sense of comfort and ease in Ethan's presence, as if he had found a kindred spirit.

Before the class began, Clyde mustered the courage to strike up a conversation with Ivy. With Ethan's encouragement, he approached her and engaged in a friendly chat. Ivy, with her warm smile, welcomed Clyde's presence and showed genuine interest in getting to know him better.


Clyde had recently become friends with Ethan, a new student in their school. They discovered a shared love for music, and Clyde was thrilled to learn that Ethan was a member of the school band. One day, during their lunch break, Ethan invited Clyde to the music club room, a place filled with interesting instruments and a vibrant atmosphere.

As they entered the music club room, Clyde's eyes widened with amazement. The room was spacious, filled with the melodies of various instruments. He felt a sense of excitement and curiosity bubbling within him.

And when he glance at the two teens Infront of him,Clyde stand there frozen in his spot,he was taken aback by the sight before him. Standing there, with an emotionless expression on her face, was Lily. Lily was the same girl Clyde had accidentally bumped into a few days ago. He couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue about her.

Just as Clyde was trying to process his surprise,Ethan introduced Clyde to his other friends, Cleo and Lily. Cleo had beautiful brown hair and warm brown eyes, and his cheerful and friendly personality instantly made Clyde feel at ease. On the other hand, Lily remained expressionless, her emotions hidden beneath a stoic facade.

Cleo and Lily turned out to be twins, and their contrasting personalities intrigued Clyde even more. While Cleo was full of life and energy, Lily seemed to be a mystery, always wearing a blank expression. Clyde couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay behind Lily's emotionless mask.

Clyde found himself drawn to the music club more and more, not just for the music but also to observe Lily. He noticed that despite her expressionless face, there was a certain grace and elegance in her movements when she played the piano. Clyde became determined to unravel the enigma that was Lily.

As the bell rang signaling them that the lunch break is done.Clyde and Ethan bid their goodbye's to the twins,and began walking towards their perspective classrooms.

Lucky for Clyde and Ethan,the teacher arrived as soon as they get inside the classroom.Clyde was happy to finally have a friend,He didn't expect this to happen due to his silent demeanor.

And so, Clyde's day took an unexpected turn, but it turned out to be a wonderful one. He learned that sometimes, the best things in life happen when we least expect them. From that day forward, Clyde,Ethan,Cleo and Lily's circle of friends grew stronger, and they cherished the serendipitous encounter that brought them together.

And as weeks passed,Clyde got to know Ethan more.It made Clyde very happy,tho he find it hard to get close to Lily.

A/N: It's short,but I hope you like it!🤗

No questions for this chapter!🌺

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