{CHAP 16}💐

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A/N: It's been a while since i upload,well I'm back hehe.Sorry for not uploading since last month,i got busy with my activities in school so that's why.

Well let's not talk bout that anymore,i hope you enjoy this chap🤞.I kinda wonder too if i should add some spicy in this chap,so yeah 😝

(Well if you find it uncomfortable to read, just feel free to skip it🤗)


It was late at night, and the streets were bathed in the soft glow of the moon. Clyde, with his hands in his pockets and a contemplative expression on his face,He decided to go home since it was already 10:30 pm,he made his way home after a day spent with his friend Lily.

As Clyde walked, he was accompanied by the warm farewells of Lily's siblings - Caine, Cleo, Daniel, and Mia. They waved at him enthusiastically, their laughter echoing in the night air. Lily, noticing Clyde's solitary walk, offered to guide him home, a gesture that surprised her siblings and elicited teasing remarks from them.

"Ooh, Lily's playing the role of the knight in shining armor again!" Cleo teased, earning a playful shove from Mia and a chuckle from Daniel.

"I bet there's really something between them"whispered Daniel towards his sister Mia.
"Stop, it's obvious.Can't you see?"She whisper back as she watch her sister blush that's make Clyde chuckle.

"Well i would love to be accompanied by Lily"said Clyde while grinning that makes Lily's heart to beat so fast, making her flustered as her siblings continue teasing her.

After some minutes of teasing Lily and the laughter calmed down,Clyde wave once again to them,as Lily clung onto Clyde's right arm.Walking out of the house,Clyde turned to Lily.

"Let's take a stroll first,is that okay with you?"Clyde spoke gentleness in his voice, Lilly nod her head and clung even tighter to Clyde.

As they walked, the silence between them was comfortable, filled only by the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. It was a peaceful moment, a pause in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Together, Lily and Clyde strolled along the moonlit path,as time pass by,they decided to engage in a lighthearted conversations. They talked about their favorite books, shared stories of their childhood adventures, and discovered common interests that made their friendship grow deeper.

As they continued walking, there was a moment of silence between them. The night seemed to wrap around them, creating an atmosphere of anticipation.

After a while, Clyde broke the silence, his voice soft and hesitant. "Um, Lily," he began, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush, "Can I... can I kiss you again?"

Lily's heart skipped a beat at his shy request, her own cheeks turning pink. She met his gaze, her eyes sparkling with a mix of surprise and delight. With a nod and a shy smile, she gave her consent.

As they stood under the moonlit sky, Clyde leaned in, his heart racing. Their lips met in a gentle and tender kiss, a silent exchange of unspoken feelings and budding emotions. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that moment of shared intimacy.

The place was quite and it's just the two of them alone,not even cars are passing by, well it was already midnight so yeah.Lily's eyes widen when she felt Clyde's tongue inside her mouth,she didn't expect this to happen though she feels excitement about the kiss.

Clyde wrap his other arm around Lily's waist and pulled her even closer causing it to deepens the kiss.Lily felt good,but there's something too that tells her that it wasn't right to do for they're not even lovers yet,but she ignores it and continue kissing Clyde.

After some minutes Clyde pulled away,a string of saliva can be seen as they both pulled away from the kiss.Lily was panting and so does Clyde,they stared at each other's eyes,and let the silence take over them again.

"S-sorry"muttered Clyde as he held Lily's hands kissing her knuckles."For what?"Lily confusedly ask and tilted her head.

"For kissing you...w-with my"Clyde stutter as his face flushed red and also guiltiness can be seen plastered on his handsome face.Lily giggle and softly called Clyde's name "Clyde... It's fine,i enjoy it too y'know,and i agree and give you consent to kiss me right?so stop feeling guilty"Clyde's eyes widening as he pulled Lily for a tight embrace.

There was once again silence,They didn't spoke just enjoying the feeling and moment to be in each other's arms.

Afterward, with their hearts racing, Clyde and Lily continued their walk, their fingers gently intertwined. The night was no longer as silent as before; it was now filled with the whispers of their blossoming love and the promise of new beginnings.

They continued their walk, their steps light and their hearts full. The night held a sense of magic, of promises whispered in the quiet of the night.

And so, Clyde and Lily's journey home was not just a walk in the dark, but a journey of discovery and connection,Maybe they are really the one for each other, soulmates.In the silence of the night, their bond grew stronger, paving the way for a future filled with shared moments and whispered confessions.

As Clyde entered his quiet house, he couldn't help but feel a mix of contentment and a slight pang of longing. He bid goodbye to Lily, knowing that they would see each other again soon, as they were just neighbors living a stone's throw away from each other.

As he made his way through the dimly lit halls, Clyde could see that his parents had already retired for the night. The house was enveloped in a peaceful silence, stirring a sense of independence within him. It was in moments like these that he had time to reflect on his feelings for Lily.

In his room, Clyde let out a sigh, a small smile playing on his lips. He went through his nightly routine, washing his face and brushing his teeth, as his mind wandered back to the intimate moments he had shared with Lily during their walk. The kisses they had exchanged replayed in his thoughts, and he wondered if now was the time to make a move.

Lying down on his bed, Clyde gazed up at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts. He contemplated the connection he felt with Lily, the undeniable chemistry that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. It was a delicate dance between friendship and something more, and Clyde wasn't sure if he should take the next step.

His heart fluttered as he imagined what it would be like to let his feelings be known, to express the depth of his emotions to Lily. But he also worried about the potential risks involved, fearing that it could jeopardize the friendship they had nurtured over the years.

In that quiet moment, Clyde realized that he didn't want to let fear hold him back. Life was full of uncertainties, and sometimes, taking a leap of faith was the only way to discover what truly mattered. He knew that he couldn't let this opportunity slip away, for love was a precious gift that deserved to be explored and cherished.

With a newfound determination, Clyde made a decision. He would find the right moment to share his feelings with Lily, to let her know how deeply he cared for her. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to take that leap, ready to open up his heart and let love guide him.
And as Clyde closed his eyes, a sense of hope filled his being. He drifted off to sleep, accompanied by dreams of a future where his love for Lily was reciprocated, and their bond grew even stronger. The journey ahead was uncertain, but Clyde knew that he was ready to take a chance on love, believing that the magic of their connection would guide them towards a beautiful and fulfilling path.


A/N:This is just for now,i tried my best to update now, it's just that i got very busy with my homeworks and project.I wish you could understand that, anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter 💐

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