{CHAP 18}💐

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A/N:Here we go💋



As the dismissal bell echoed through the halls of the school, signaling the end of the day, Clyde joined the throng of students on their way home. The road was not crowded, but there was a sense of lively energy in the air, reflecting the youthful spirit of the students. Clyde took a deep breath, soaking in the tranquility of the afternoon.

As he was about to put on his earpods and retreat into his world of music, his eyes landed on a figure sitting under a tree. It was Ethan, his friend who had bravely confessed his feelings to him not long ago. Clyde remembered the mixture of shock and understanding he felt when Ethan confessed. He had turned him down gently, valuing their friendship but unable to reciprocate Ethan's feelings.

Ethan was engrossed in his sketchbook, completely unaware of Clyde's approach. The sun illuminated him, casting a soft glow on his figure. With a quick intake of breath, Clyde decided to approach Ethan. He knew it might be awkward, but their friendship was too important to let something like this come between them.

"Hey, Ethan," Clyde greeted, breaking Ethan out of his artistic reverie. "What are you sketching?"

Ethan looked up, surprise evident on his face. "Oh, hey, Clyde." he responded with a small smile, "Just some random scenes of the park. It's my way of disconnecting, you know?"

"I sure do," Clyde replied, trying to ease the tension. "Your sketches are amazing, as usual. And about the other day…"

Ethan intercepted, "It's okay, Clyde. I understand, we're friends and that's more important."

Clyde felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "That means a lot, Ethan. And thank you for understanding. I’m glad we can continue to be friends."

The two fell into a comfortable silence, finding ease in the shared understanding. It was moments like these where their bond only grew tighter, reminding each other of the strong foundation of friendship they had built. Life had its own way of bringing out unexpected occurrences, and what mattered was how they faced these challenges together.

As they were deep in their conversation, they suddenly heard the crunching of leaves, indicating the arrival of someone new. They looked up, and standing in front of them was a tall boy who looked older than both of them.

Ethan's face lit up with recognition as he saw the boy. "Aki!" he exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Aki had a charming smile on his face as he greeted Ethan. His distinctive features made him stand out, and Clyde was intrigued by him. Ethan then turned to Clyde and said, "Clyde, this is Aki. We grew up together."

Aki's attention shifted to Clyde, offering a curt nod. "Hajimemashite, Clyde-san," he said in a thick accent, revealing his Japanese background.

After exchanging greetings and engaging in light chitchat, Clyde found out that Aki was a half-Japanese who grew up in Japan, making English a challenge for him. Despite this, his eagerness to communicate and engage showed his genuine spirit.

In a surprising turn of events, Ethan casually revealed Aki was actually three years younger than them. This surprised Clyde as he had initially thought Aki was older due to his mature demeanour.

"So, Aki, you're younger than us, huh?" Clyde asked, trying to factor in this new information.

Aki responded in English, albeit a bit broken, "Yes, I am. But in Japan, age does not matter for friendships. I hope we become good friends too, Clyde-san".

As the unexpected encounter,Clyde couldn't help but feel excited about the mystery that Aki presented. He was looking forward to unraveling the enigma that was Aki, forging deeper bonds with his friends along the way.

Intrigued by Aki's unique background, Clyde couldn't help but feel a sudden urge to understand more about him. In a moment of excitement, he turned to Aki and shyly requested, "Could you perhaps speak in Japanese, Aki?"

Casting a glance at Ethan, Clyde added, "Would you mind translating it for me?"

Aki nodded, smiling slightly. He then began speaking in fluent Japanese, the rhythm of his speech like a gentle melody. As he spoke, Ethan stayed close, translating Aki's words for Clyde.

Listening to the exchange, Clyde watched with great amusement. The intricate language and the way Aki chose his words fascinated him.

Suddenly remembering his cousin, Clyde asked, "Aki, you mentioned you're a first year, right? Would you happen to know a student named Kyle from your class? He's my cousin."

Aki glanced at Clyde, shaking his head slightly in denial. "I don't think so, Clyde-san. I barely speak with anyone, as I feel shy around the others. So, I'm not familiar with many names."

Clyde nodded in understanding, appreciating Aki's honesty. Just as he was about to ask another question, Ethan interjected with a sudden proposition.

"Hey, how about we have a sleepover at my place? It could be fun!" Ethan exclaimed, his eyes twinkling excitedly.

Taken aback, Clyde and Aki looked at each other before turning back to Ethan. Unspoken agreement passed between them, and they both nodded. Clyde, especially, was excited at the prospect of spending more time with his friends, looking forward to the bedtime conversations, laughter, and the bonds that would be strengthened.


A/N:Kinda short but i hope you enjoy reading this 🫂🤞

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