{CHAP 12}💐

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Ivy and Clyde continued their heartfelt conversation for a few more hours, losing track of time as they sat on the beach. The sun had climbed higher in the sky, and it was now 11:35 in the noon, signaling that it was lunchtime. Ivy, realizing the time, stood up from the bench and turned to Clyde.

"Well, I should probably head back home for lunch," Ivy said with a smile, her eyes reflecting the warmth of their conversation. "Thank you for the wonderful conversation, Clyde. I'll see you around."

Clyde waved back at Ivy, watching her as she walked away, a sense of gratitude and newfound clarity lingering in his heart. He sat there for a few more minutes, taking in the peaceful surroundings and reflecting on the twists and turns life had presented him.

Finally, Clyde decided it was time to head back home as well. He made his way back to his house, stepping through the front door. To his surprise, he was greeted by his father, Arthur, who was just walking down the stairs.

"Hey, Dad," Clyde greeted him with a smile. "Good to see you up and about. How was your morning?"

Arthur returned the smile, his eyes filled with warmth. "It's been a great morning, son. I've been catching up on some reading and enjoying my time off. How about you? How was your day?"

Clyde paused for a moment, contemplating whether to share the events of the morning with his father. With a newfound sense of openness, he decided to speak his mind.

"Well, Dad, something unexpected happened today," Clyde began, his voice tinged with excitement. "I had a conversation with Ivy, and we realized that our feelings for each other have changed. We're going to explore this new path as friends and see where it leads."

Arthur's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of emotions crossing his face. Just as Clyde was about to continue, they were joined by his mother, Emillia, who entered the kitchen with a warm smile.

"What's going on, you two?" Emillia asked, her curiosity piqued by the serious yet hopeful atmosphere in the room.

Clyde took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Mom, Dad, Ivy and I had a conversation today, and things have taken an unexpected turn. We've decided to explore a different kind of relationship, as friends. It's a new chapter for both of us, and I wanted to share it with you."

Emillia and Arthur exchanged surprised glances, their expressions a mix of astonishment and support. Emillia was the first to break the silence, her smile growing wider.

"Well, Clyde, your father and I are here to support you no matter what," Emillia said, her voice filled with love and acceptance. "Love can take many forms, and as long as you're happy and true to yourself, that's all that matters."

Arthur nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with pride. "Son, life is full of unexpected twists and turns. What's important is that you follow your heart and embrace the journey. We're here for you every step of the way."

As the three of them sat down at the kitchen table, a sense of love and acceptance filled the room. The plot twist that had unfolded in Clyde's life brought both excitement and uncertainty, but with the support of his parents, he felt ready to embrace the new chapter that lay ahead.


Clyde finished his lunch with his parents, feeling a sense of contentment and gratitude for their support. As the meal came to an end, he excused himself, making his way upstairs to his room.

Once in his room, he sat on the chair near the window, the soft sunlight streaming in, casting a warm glow on the scene. He reached for some papers and a pen, feeling inspired to pour his emotions into a poem. With each stroke of the pen, he carefully crafted words that expressed the depth of his love and the whirlwind of emotions he had been experiencing.

'In the quiet whispers of the wind, my heart sings a song,
A melody of love for you, my friend, that's been there all along.
In the rustling leaves of the towering trees, our stories intertwine,
A friendship pure and beautiful, like the stars that brightly shine.

In the gentle sway of the grass, beneath the radiant sun,
My feelings bloom like wildflowers, a new chapter has begun.
In the glistening dew on a rose’s petal, my love for you is clear,
Yet like a silent morning mist, it's unnoticed, I fear.

In the grandeur of the mountains, our bond stands tall and strong,
Yet in the depths of my heart, a different tune plays along.
In the serenity of the moonlit night, my confession takes flight,
Yet in the vast expanse of the starry sky, it fades out of sight.

In the soothing murmur of the brook, my words flow free and wild,
A love letter to you, my friend, innocent and mild.
In the tranquil beauty of the lake, my feelings mirror deep,
Yet like a pebble thrown, they sink, in silence they seep.

In the vibrant hues of the setting sun, my love paints a scene,
A canvas of unspoken words, in shades of love unseen.
In the enchanting dance of the fireflies, my heart lights up with glee,
Yet in the darkness of the night, my love, you fail to see'.

"Finally, I'm done!"Clyde said with an quiet yet cheerful voice as he put his pen down.Leaning on his chair while looking outside his window enjoying the moment.

After finishing the poem, Clyde heard his phone vibrate on the table nearby. Curiosity piqued, he glanced at the screen to see Lily's name. A blush crept up his cheeks, but he maintained his relaxed and calm demeanor. He opened the message and read that Lily was inviting him to her house, which was conveniently located beside his own.

The invitation sent a jolt of excitement through Clyde's veins. He couldn't help but smile as he replied, accepting Lily's invitation. With a newfound sense of anticipation, he decided to prepare himself for the visit.

Clyde carefully selected a white shirt and shorts that fell just above his knee, wanting to appear casual yet put-together. He added a jacket for a touch of style and sprayed a hint of vanilla perfume, a scent he knew Lily enjoyed. Satisfied with his appearance, he took a moment to gather his thoughts and calm his racing heart.

As he made his way downstairs, he turned to his parents, who were still in the living room. With a smile, he informed them that he would be visiting the twins' house. His parents exchanged knowing glances, their expressions filled with support and encouragement.

"Have a great time, Clyde," his mother said, her voice filled with warmth. "Remember, be yourself and enjoy the company of your friends."

His father nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting pride. "We're proud of you, son. Embrace this opportunity and cherish the connections you have."

With their words of encouragement echoing in his mind, Clyde left his house, his heart filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He was ready to embark on this new chapter, to explore the depths of his feelings for Lily, and to see where the day would take him.

'In the silent language of the universe, my love for you prevails,
A tale of unnoticed affection, a ship with unseen sails.
In the poetry of nature, my heart finds its voice,
A confession of love for you, my friend, an unnoticed choice'


A/N:I hope you enjoy it!Do you like the poem?🤩


Keep reading to find out!💋🫂

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