{CHAP 9}💐

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A/N: Please enjoy reading my story!😉🤗



One fateful night, Lily decided to take a stroll through her neighborhood, seeking solace in the stillness of the night. As she walked, she found herself passing by a park, drawn to its serene atmosphere. Little did she know that this night would be different from any other.

As Lily approached the park, she noticed two familiar figures sitting on the swings. It was her friends, Clyde and Ethan. Intrigued by their presence and the intensity of their conversation, Lily's curiosity got the better of her. She couldn't resist the temptation to eavesdrop on their discussion.

Hesitant yet filled with intrigue, Lily quietly hid behind a nearby tree, ensuring she wouldn't be noticed. As she listened intently, her eyes widened in surprise. For the first time, she witnessed an unexpected turn of events.She just heard her other friend Ethan, confess something to Clyde.

Lily's heart skipped a beat as she absorbed the weight of Ethan's words. It was a moment of vulnerability and raw emotion that she had never witnessed before. Her stoic facade cracked, revealing a flicker of surprise and curiosity on her face.

In that moment, Lily realized that beneath her seemingly emotionless exterior, she too longed for connection and love. The walls she had built around her heart began to crumble, as she yearned to express her own hidden emotions.

As the night continued, Lily mustered the courage to step out from behind the tree, revealing herself to Clyde and Ethan. The surprise on their faces mirrored her own, as they hadn't expected her presence.

With a mix of vulnerability and determination,Lily approach her friends.She acted like she's just passing by that moment.She remains calm and emotionless on the outside,while secretly slightly panicking in the inside.

"Hey,nice seeing you both here"She Said with emptiness in her voice.Ethan was shock to see her and immediately look at the starry night, not wanting to make eye contact to the girl Infront of them.

"L-lily,what are you doing out here?"Clyde asked,his eyes widening and he immediately stands up.He shivers as he felt those brown empty eyes stare back at him.

Without a word, Lily grabs Clyde's hand taking him with her away from the park, leaving the sad boy alone on the swing.Ethan just smiled as he watched them Lily leaving him all alone in the park.

"Guess It's time to go back home"He sighs while standing up,He began walking towards his car while staring at the beautiful stars above him.Well he already expected the answers that he will receive but why do it hurts so much?

As soon as he got inside his car,the tears that he's been holding up was starting to fall.He cried inside of his car.It hurts so much,it breaks his heart.He already expected this to happen but why?....why do it hurts so much?

After some minutes of crying his eyes out,he finally decided to drive back home.His eyes are swollen and puffy red cheeks from crying, despite the sadness he's feeling right now,he enjoys the silence of the nature that surrounds him.

{TIMESKIP>Ethan's house}
(Time:11:47 pm)

In the quiet solitude of his room, a young boy named Ethan sat on his balcony, clutching his beloved violin. The moonlight spilled across the empty streets, casting a soft glow on his tear-streaked face. It was a night that held the weight of rejection, but also the promise of healing.

With trembling hands, Ethan lifted the violin to his chin, the instrument that had always been his solace in times of joy and sorrow. As he closed his eyes and drew the bow across the strings, a melancholic melody filled the air, carried away by the gentle breeze.

The wind whispered through the trees, as if carrying the echoes of Ethan's unspoken emotions. The notes he played wove a tapestry of longing, heartache, and the bittersweet beauty of unrequited love. Each stroke of the bow resonated with the depth of his emotions, his music becoming a vessel for his unspoken words.

As the haunting melody lingered in the night air, tears welled up in Ethan's eyes. The music became his voice, expressing the pain and vulnerability that he couldn't put into words. The violin strings quivered, echoing the turbulence of his heart.

The wind seemed to dance in response to Ethan's music, twirling around him with a gentle embrace. It carried his sorrow, his hopes, and his dreams, as if whispering that healing would come in time.

In that moment, Ethan found solace in the music that flowed from his fingertips. The violin became his confidant, his companion in this journey of healing. As the wind blew, it carried away the weight of rejection, allowing Ethan to release his emotions through the ethereal sound of his instrument.

As the last note faded into the night, Ethan took a deep breath, feeling a sense of release and catharsis. The tears that had streamed down his face were now mingled with a newfound strength and resilience.

In the stillness of the night, Ethan realized that his music had become a bridge between his pain and his healing. And as he sat on his balcony, violin in hand, he knew that with time, his heart would mend, and the winds of change would carry him towards a brighter tomorrow.

After that he finally decided to went to bed,maybe some sleeps will help him atleast ease the pain in his heart.He stared at his ceiling for quite a while before finally closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Maybe tomorrow will be all fine,Maybe tomorrow he won't cry no more.....

{Lily and Clyde's side}

Under the silver glow of the moon,the teenagers were running towards who knows where.The girl dragged the boy towards the empty highway that stretched out near their neighborhood.

The night was eerily quiet, the only sound being the soft rustling of leaves and their footsteps echoing in the stillness.

They stopped under a lamppost, its dim light casting long shadows on the deserted highway. Lily looked at Clyde, her usually emotionless eyes now filled with an unknown intensity. Minutes passed in silence as she studied his face, her grip on his hand never loosening.

They make eye contact, looking at each other's eyes neither one of them didn't utter a single word,just staring and admiring each other's eyes.

Then, in a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, Lily tiptoed and planted a soft kiss on Clyde's lips. She didn't know why she did it, but it felt right. To her surprise, Clyde didn't pull away. Instead, he kissed her back, his actions as inexplicable to him as they were to Lily.

Under the lamppost, on the empty highway, the silent boy and the emotionless girl shared a kiss. A kiss that neither of them understood, yet neither of them resisted. It was a moment that defied logic and reason, a moment that was theirs and theirs alone. And in that moment, under the starlit sky, Clyde and Lily found a piece of themselves they didn't know existed.

'What is this?....what is this feeling?'


A/N:Sorry guys, It's short but I promise to publish tomorrow the chapter 10.Cause right now I don't have enough time and uh it's already 11:35 pm here,and I need to sleep 😭,I still have classes tomorrow so uhm Bye!Thank you for reading my story,I hope you enjoy it!🤗🌹


Keep reading to find out!💋

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