{CHAP 8}💐

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  One cool evening,a new boy from the town, was walking towards the park. The night was calm, the stars twinkling in the sky, and the soft rustling of the leaves was the only sound that could be heard.The boy was enjoying his favorite treat, a delicious boba tea, savoring the sweet taste and the fun sensation of the tapioca pearls.

As he reached the park, he headed straight for the swings. He loved the feeling of flying through the air, the wind rushing past his face. He sat down on the swing, his boba tea in hand, and began to gently sway back and forth. He was waiting for Clyde.

Clyde, despite his silence, was the boy's best friend. They had a unique bond, a friendship that didn't need words. They understood each other perfectly, and their silence was comfortable, filled with shared experiences and mutual respect.

As the boy waited, he saw a figure approaching in the distance. It was Clyde, walking with his usual calm and steady pace. He didn't say a word as he sat on the swing next to the boy, but his presence was comforting. They swung in silence, the only sounds being the creaking of the swings and the occasional sip of boba tea.
As the sun set and the stars began to twinkle, Clyde and Ethan found themselves at the park. They sat down on the swings, side by side, each lost in their own thoughts. The night was peaceful, the cool wind rustling the leaves and creating a soothing melody. They both enjoyed the tranquility, the silence between them comfortable and calming.

However, as the night grew darker, Clyde began to feel a strange sensation. It was as if his gut was trying to tell him something. He felt a wave of fear wash over him, a feeling he couldn't quite understand. He looked around, trying to find the source of his unease, but everything seemed normal.

He glanced at Ethan, who was sipping his boba and staring at the stars.Something was off,'Ethan seems weird today'He thought to himself.Clyde didn't want to assume things, so he chose to ignore the feeling. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

Despite his fear, Clyde decided to stay. He pushed the fear to the back of his mind, focusing instead on the cool wind and the sound of the leaves rustling.

Few minutes passed and it felt like forever to Clyde,since the moment he arrives he noticed that Ethan his friend that have a cheerful personality didn't even utter a word or started a conversation.


In the quiet solitude of the night, under the watchful gaze of the moon, I find myself sitting in a swing besides Clyde.Tonight I decided to confess something to him.A confession that has been buried deep within me, a secret that has been shrouded in the shadows of my soul.

I've always been the silent observer, the one who stands on the sidelines, watching life unfold. I've seen joy and sorrow, love and heartbreak, beginnings and endings. I've seen the best and the worst of humanity, and through it all, I've remained silent.

But tonight, I feel a strange urge to speak, to let out the words that have been locked away in the deepest corners of my heart. I've been carrying a burden, a dark secret that has been weighing me down. It's a secret that has been gnawing at my conscience, a secret that has been casting a dark shadow over my soul.

I've been living a lie. I've been pretending to be someone I'm not, hiding behind a mask of normalcy. I've been playing a role, acting out a script that wasn't written for me. I've been suppressing my true self, burying my desires and dreams, all in an attempt to fit in, to be accepted.

But the weight of this lie is becoming too heavy to bear. The mask is starting to crack, revealing the darkness that lies beneath. The facade is crumbling, exposing the truth that I've been trying to hide.

I am not who I pretend to be. I am not the person that everyone thinks I am. I am not the happy, carefree individual that I portray myself to be. Beneath the surface, there is a storm raging, a whirlwind of emotions that I've been trying to suppress.

I am lost, wandering in the darkness, searching for a light that seems to be getting further and further away. I am broken, shattered into a million pieces, trying to put myself back together. I am scared, terrified of what the future holds, of the unknown that lies ahead.
This is my confession. A confession of a soul that is lost in the darkness, a heart that is broken, and a spirit that is yearning for freedom,and eager to be loved. This is the truth that I've been hiding, the secret that I've been carrying. This is me, in all my brokenness, obsession and imperfection. This is my confession.

"Clyde"I said emptiness and sadness visible on my voice.I feel him flinch as I called out his name,"Y-yeah...Ahem"He respond with a quiet and trembling voice before clearing his throat.

"Did you..."I started as I finished my boba looking up the beautiful starry night above us.I can feel his stare at me,when I look back at him he immediately look away.

"Did you ever love someone?"I ask gentleness in my voice as I smile, looking back at the stars preventing myself to tear up.

"Yes"I hear him whisper,I barely hear his voice.I smile and began slowly swinging.I didn't response as i enjoy the moment between us both.

After some minutes I heard him broke the silence between us,"What about it?"he finally said it loud enough for me to hear.I stop swinging as I sigh,I turned to him and stare at his beautiful like emerald eyes.

Should I tell him?My biggest secret I held for the longest time now....





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