Chapter Four

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The whole ride there was filled with Laney freaking out and him laughing at her.

"I don't look presentable!"  she exclaimed while braiding her hair.

"You look beau- good, don't worry," Morgan said almost slipping up.

She turned slightly red from the compliment. Luckily while Morgan looked and smelt like the swamp, only her bathing suit got wet.

The truck pulled into a long driveway where there was a quaint little white house sat at the end. There was a few horses scattered near the house and just meadows surrounding it. The gloominess and dark clouds of the sky made the warm lights from the front wrap around porch make the house look welcoming.

"I didn't know you had horses," she said looking at him.

"Of course I do, just don't ride them much," he shrugged as he parked the truck.

A woman appeared from the front door and started walking quickly to the car with a blanket wrapped around her. He got out and instantly opened his arms for his mother to embrace him. Laney couldn't help but miss her mother but she also couldn't wait to tell her all about this.

"Mama this is Laney Marie. She's a friend I made who just moved to Tennesse, I've been showing her around. But she pushed me into the river and now I got to get a new work phone," he smirked knowing how embarrassed Laney would be.

"Good he needs to be put in his place and have more excuses to come home. Laney darling you must be freezing would you like to take a shower?" she asked giving her an embrace, which Laney gladly returned.

"Um I don't have any other clothes but thank you," she mumbled.

"You can just borrow some old clothes Morgan has left here," Ms. Wallen smiled as she started walking up the stairs, "plus a storm is brewing".

Laney looked at Morgan as they began to walk up, which he took the opportunity to hold her hand and open the door for her. Laney was greeted by a dog and pictures of Morgan as a little kid. The house smelt like a bakery and Ms. Wallen immediately grabbed a plate of cookies.

"Morgan show her to the bathroom please," she said while he snatched a cookie for him and her.

"Thank you," Laney pipped.

Morgan led her up some stairs to the second floor. He opened the storage closet to reveal extra bedsheets, comforters, and towels. But Laneys eyes were on the childhood bedroom. It was painted blue with a grey bed and baseball posters of the Braves. There were magazines of baseball players everywhere and form occasional lego sets.

"I wanted to be a baseball player," he explained handing her a towel.

The sound of thunder shook the house as Morgan groaned. He opened the weather app to see a tornado warning and lightning watch. "Do you mind if we just sleep here tonight? I'm sorry-" he started to say.

"I don't mind at all, I'm pretty exhausted anyways. Plus you should spend time with your mom," she cut him off. She was ready to sleep as soon as she ate some dinner. After all the hiking they had done today, she was exhausted.

"Ma we are staying," he yelled down the stairs.

"Okayy," she yelled back.

Morgan went downstairs as she made her way to the bathroom.  She opened the bathroom door and hopped in the shower immediately. This was the dirtiest she had ever felt. She wouldn't have been shocked if a fish fell out of her clothes. After showering, she realized she had no clothes.

"Um Morgan," she called creaking the door open.

There was no response but she heard his mom and him speaking downstairs. She wrapped herself in the towel given and tip toed to the childhood bedroom. There were no clothes in closet. She went to the room next to it and the door creaked open.

This definitely is his bedroom right now. A guitar was sitting on it's stand, there was a mini piano, and a notebook. The white comforter and basic vanity was set up by his mother most likely. The urge to snoop in the notebook crossed her mind. But she was clothless.

She opened a drawer when she heard someone's throat clear. She gasped looking up, "a-sorry I'm looking for clothes".

Morgan was leaning against the doorframe. "Help yourself to any of the clothes," he nodded leaving back to his mom.

She changed into an old shirt and some sweatpants. She felt ridiculous. She slowly made her way to the top of the stairs when she could hear them slightly whispering. She wasn't sure what about but the floorboard had creaked so she started to walk quickly down the stairs.

"Thank you for having me," she smiled as she walked down.

"You're always welcome here, I hope this will be okay," his mom said as she plated some mashed potatoes onto Laney's plate.

"It smells delicious!" Laney exclaimed.

"Mamas cooking has always been good," Morgan said.

There was some small talk at the dinner table but Laney was tired and hungry. There was nothing else she wanted to do except sleep.

"Thank you for dinner Mrs. Wallen" she said to Morgan's mom.

"You're welcome any time, call me Lesli. I'm sure Morgan will show you upstairs, I can tell you're tired," she said.

Laney nodded as Morgan said goodnight to his mom.

"So that's my ma," he laughed.

"She's really nice, thank you," she replied while they walked up the stairs.

She couldn't help but be nervous. She literally had to wear his clothes downstairs and they barely spoke since they got to his house. It was weird being in his childhood home after being in his apartment not even 24 hours ago.

"You could sleep with me you know, the childhood bed isn't the most comfortable," Morgan told Laney.

The shock was hard to hide on her face as they reached the top of the stairs and just stood there. "Are you sure?" was all she managed to get out.

He nodded while grabbing her hand gently, "yeah I don't bite Laney," and led her to a door on the opposite side of the hallway where the childhood bedroom was.

They walked in and she saw a brown comforter on a bed and another guitar stand in the room. "How many guitars do you have?" she asked internally slapping herself for the tone of judgement that came out.

"3," he answered watching her observe the room.

"You should add some more decorations other then some guitars," she suggested with a slight playful tone.

He laughed while taking his shirt off and Laney couldn't help but stare for a second. There was no tattoos. Not what she expected but she also didn't expect to be blushing watching him.

"Laney what are you staring at?" he teased her as her eyes met his.

She sat on the bed facing him, "Feel free to get comfortable" and then laid down instantly on top of the covers.

"Thanks for the permission," he said sarcastically as he took his pants off to be left in boxers but quickly put on some basketball shorts.

Her eyes fluttered shut but Morgan poked her side, "get under". She groaned as she shifted her way under the covers. She curled in a little ball and faced Morgan as she shut her eyes, but she could feel his stare.


"You're tired"

"No shit Wallen"

There was a moment of silence until Morgan broke it once again.



"I wanted to kiss you properly earlier"

Her breath immediately hitched, "Morgan go to bed".

"I like you so far," he whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"I do too. But I'm not going to be around forever," she sighed.

"What do you mean?" he asked stopping playing with her hair.

"Go to bed I'll tell you tomorrow," she said.

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