Chapter Twenty Six

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A few weeks had passed. The two hadn't spoken since Laney said her last words, got off the couch walked to her car, and drove home. She wanted to take him back but the words out of her mouth said something different. Three weeks showed nothing about change. He could've gone and cheated on her again.

But today was the big day. His album event day, where he would sing every song of the album. And the office was scrambling around awaiting his arrival and his fans.

To say she was nervous was an understatement of the emotions she was feeling and Ana knew. Ana had been by her side and checking in on her once in a while. But Laney was checking her phone for a text from him, just a small glimmer of something.

She missed him. She wasn't ready to see him. She wish she said different words that night.

The scrambling turned to static silence when he walked in. Laney hid behind him behind some cabinets with Ana and then the pair stepped out to observe him as he walked by their section, it was quite obvious that he was looking for someone.

He went into Eleanor's office and Laney went back into hers with Ana, slowly closing the door as everyone began to whisper about Morgan in the office.

"He looks nice," Laney blurted to Ana.

"Are you kidding me? What are you going to do?" Ana asked.

Laney shrugged as Ana continued to speak, "This is just crazy i mean who would've thought that he would show up and be"

The door swung open making both of the girls go quiet as an oblivious Eleanor walked in anxiously, "Laney! Morgan has requested to speak with you. Sorry about that, turns out she was in here with Ana".

Anas's back was facing them but her eyes were wide and her jaw was dropped. She got up and slowly walked out, "Sorry".

It was now Eleanor, Laney, and Morgan in Laney's office.

"I'll leave you two to it," Eleanor smiled as she proceeded to walk out as well.

Morgan sat down and Laney shut the door as she closed the door behind him and sat in her chair.

"Hi," she said, "Congratulations on your album".

"Thanks, Laney. I still have been thinking about you," he softly said.

"Me too. I shouldn't have walked out like that," she whispered, "Are you excited for the show?".

He nodded, "I'm more nervous to sing this. Um, I wanted to give you something. Most of these songs are based on my stories ya know? But these ones are about you," and handed her a slip of paper.

She went to open it and he stopped her quickly, "Wait no wait. Not right now. Wait until I leave or something".

She nodded, "Thank you. I know it's going to be great".

He got up which made her get up to formally let him out of the office space.

The two faced each other just inches apart when she reached for the door handle, just holding on to it but their eyes were on each other.

She quickly kissed his cheek, "You are going to do great," and opened the door before he could say or do anything else.

He looked back at her as he walked out and smiled a little with some hope in his eyes before proceeding to the rooftop. Ana came rushing in only seconds later as the girls closed the office door.

"I feel like everyone knows we are talking shit in here," Ana said.

Laney nodded, "he wrote which songs are about me on this slip of paper. I haven't opened it yet. And I gave him a kiss on the cheek and opened the door and he was off," she quickly explained softly.

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