Chapter Ten

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All eyes were on her as soon as she walked in the building. She could hear the whispers of how she gained such a high profile client overnight buzzing around the workplace. Luckily, she slept long enough for all the alcohol to wear off and to be in a stable mindset without worrying of having to throw up.

Rushing to her desk, Laney closed her office door. But a foot pushed it open right before it could shut. Eleanor walked in with a smile painted on her face.

"Good morning! Congratulations on your big win!" she smiled.

Laney painted on the best smile she could, "thank you".

"How is he?" she asked as someone walked into her door.

He looked just a few years older and leaned against the door frame, "sorry to interrupt. I'm Jack. Heard about the Wallen account".

Was this how it would be?

Soon enough, Ana piled in as well and shut Laney's office door with them all in the room.

"Congratulations!" exclaimed Ana.

It was hard to be completely proud of herself for the way she got the account but she was not going to tell the truth.

"Thanks guys," Laney blushed as she sat into her chair.

"How did you score him?" Jack asked with a tone of confusion.

"He reached out because he saw my portfolio," she cautiously said.

The last thing people needed to know was how they met and the events of last night.

"Everyone is so excited about it! By the way, we need to go over the Rhett event," Ana said.

She nodded, "what's up?".

"He wants to know if you can meet him at some point this week to discuss event planning with you and I," she explained pulling up a message.

Laney nodded but there was no thoughts in her mind today. All she could think about was when she woke up in the truck.

"Marie wake up, we are almost home"

She slapped the air with her eyes still closed as she covered herself more in the blanket. The sound of soft country music was playing in the back as she started to go back to bed.

But the sound of the truck door woke her up and the arms that engulfed her to carry her made her eyes flutter open. She was being carried by him into his apartment.

"Dont drop me," she yawned.

He looked down and chuckled, "took you long enough to wake up".

She got up as they approached the elevator doors and Bean was waiting.

"Wheres Mia?" he asked.

She smiled, "she was just visiting".

She leaned onto Morgan as she wrapped herself tighter in the blanket until the doors opened.

"Wait I have work," she said beginning to panic.

"I set an alarm. Just go to bed," he said as he unlocked his door.

She walked in and went right to his closet to put on a shirt and just go to bed. And even though he had seen her naked, he turned around (for the most part).

"Youre fine," she said as she tucked herself into bed.

"Made yourself at home?"

"Shut up"

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