Chapter Six

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The drive back was filled with small talk. About the random car races and cornfields Morgan would be at as a kid to the chaotic household of just Laney and her mother for awhile. But then the Nashville skyline was back in sight and it was back to reality. Morgan's new album needed songs. Laney needed to prepare for work. And they both knew it and didn't want it to end.

"Do you want to come over?" Laney asked Morgan while he turned near her apartment.

He looked at his phone, the texts from his management telling him to produce a song soon or they'll need to go the publicity route. With his drinking and making out with college girls, he needed music out to have some good media coverage. But, for Laney, that could wait.

"Of course, are you hungry? Ma packed some leftovers," he said while taking off her thigh to turn the steering wheel.

She nodded as she gathered her belongings from the truck and took her apartment keys out. Home sweet home. The sunlight was making her want to open all the blinds and windows in the apartment. She took her shoes off and poured herself a sweet tea from the fridge, "want anything to drink?".

"Water... whiskey," he said while sitting on her couch. You could tell a lot of a person by their home, that's what his ma would always say.

"You got it," she said shocked he was drinking a glass of whiskey at 3 PM, "what are your plans for the rest of the week?".

He sighed and took a swig of his whiskey. Laney immediately regretted asking, he was snapping back into reality and it was her fault.

"I have to write for my album. I have some writers block," he answered while she warmed up the leftovers for them.

"What do you typically do when that happens?" she asked watching him deep in thought.

"Go home. Go fishing. I just write when I write. It makes people mad because I have deadlines," he said unaware of her gaze as he started looking out the window.

"I know nothing about writing songs but I would write about everything I love. But whatever you come up with is going to turn out great. I know it," she said while plating the food.

"Eh... when do you start work?" he asked changing the subject, the thought of writing made him nauseous.

Now it was her turn to sigh, the knots in her stomach started to form all over again while she put the plate in front him, receiving a small thank you.  She needed to find something to wear IMMEDIATELY.

"Shit, 8 AM. I made my schedule 8-4 PM. I also need to pick out an outfit shit shit shit," she panicked while placing her plate down and immediately going to her closet. It was like she had nothing to wear.

She pulled put her favorite purple work pants and a black long sleeve top with some of her favorite necklaces. "Morgan what do you think?" she asked carrying it into the living room while he watched some TV. His gaze wandered over the outfit, "I like it. Do you like it?".

"I really don't know," she sighed going back into her closet, "sorry I'm a mess".

"You just moved, give yourself a little break Lane. I'll help after I eat," he said.

This was humbling to say the least. She pulled out some cream work pants instead and some boots. Morgan gave her a thumbs up and spotted her speaker in her room, "can i?".

She nodded, "of course, what do you want to listen to?".

"I don't know. I've never tried listening to music before writing you know," he said going to pour some more whiskey, "I'll have to buy you some more".

"No worries, you're my friend Morgan help yourself. My place is your place except I don't have a guitar," she said while folding the purple pants to put away.

"Want to try writing with me?" he grinned playfully.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, daisies are yellow," she joked.

She was more than excited to witness the process. The sound of other country songs started to flood the room, more specifically, Lovin On You by Luke Combs. Morgans concentration on the paper was focused as she started go horribly sing along which made his focus snap as giggles left his mouth.

"You should feature me," she smiled.

"You said you haven't listened to my songs," he said disapprovingly.

Her face turned red,"sorry but I promise i will text you a review when I listen to them all".

As he opened up his mouth to speak, the music cut out and his ringtone began to blare through the speaker. One of her biggest pet peeves. He scrambled to pick up the call and stepped out of her room. She didn't want to eavesdrop but the apartment was only so big.

Laney walked to her desk and opened her laptop to pull up his Spotify artist page. He had 10 million monthly listeners which caused her to nearly choke on her sweet tea. Dangerous: Double Album was the most recently released two years ago. That's a long time. She already knew as soon as he left she would deep dive into his music because she kept her promises.

His footsteps started to echo as he walked into her room seeing his name illuminate her laptop screen. "I made a promise," she quickly explained herself. But his facial expressions displayed pure stress and her attitude changed, "what's wrong?".

"I have to go to the studio apparently. There's some guy there they want me to try to write with. I'm sorry for leaving like this Lane," he said.

She nodded feeling a mix of disappointment and excitement, she got to listen to his music but reality was about to set. He's famous, he probably would forget about her soon enough, "I get it. Let me walk you out".

"Just the elevator is okay Lane," he insisted watching her go to grab her shoes.

She put on her house slippers and a sweatshirt while he began to get his keys. The elevator was right outside her apartment after all.

"Thank you for everything Morgan," she said.

"Laney you'll see me again," he replied with a hint of confusion.

She didn't want to show her excited but a little grin popped up on her face, "have fun and thank you. I've had a lot of fun here because of you so far".

Morgan felt happy because Laney was happy. And in that moment, that's all he really wanted so he could see her again. Not for a booty call but to hang out like they just did the last day.

He approached the door and went to turn to say bye to Laney who tugged his sleeve a little to give him a kiss on the cheek, "bye Morgan".

"B-bye Laney," he smiled as she began stepping back to shut her door.

Laney immediately shut the door and slapped her hand over her mouth, what the fuck was that?! Who just does that?! She didn't even ask like he did. The internal embarrassment was about to start eating her up. She began to text Mia the whole update while sitting back at her desk.

Sand In My Boots was the first song to listen to. Her stomach started to feel squirmy as she listened to his voice. Pulling up the lyrics while texting Mia everything didn't help. But her heart felt in shambles by the end of the song, it really was powerful.

She wanted to text him but it was only the first song and she didn't want to give him the wrong idea. She was not a relationship type of girl, she was a girl always looking for the next move and next place.

Next was 7 Summers and each song started to sound better and better. Soon enough, she was sat in the desk going through all the lyrics and learning the words. He was really good. The songs that made him famous like Whiskey Glasses were already engraved in her head. She officially was a fan.

Being snapped out of reality by a sound of a police siren going down the street, she opened Morgans contact to text him. He hadn't texted her all day. What was even a good start? Oh hey, i get it now!

Lane: how's the songwriting going?

Laney put on her sweatshirt and sat on the couch before putting on the TV. The Bachelor popped up and her mind went to Mia and her watching this show since high school. Oh how she missed Mia.

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