Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey sis how's Nashville?"

"Um good, congratulations on the engagement".

"It's such a massive ring... anyway, I put Mia as your plus one and wanted to make sure she could make it," Penny explained.

"I'll be bringing a boy," Laney said hesitantly.

"That's a first. But thanks got to go," her sister giggled hanging up the phone.

That went smoother than intended for sure. But she had to tell her mom now, her mom who would protect her daughter at any cost.

"Hi mom," Laney said chewing her nails as her mom picked up the phone.

"Hi sweet pea, how are you?" her mom asked.

"I'm good. So Penny is engaged?" she said softly.

"She feels ready and that's what matters," her mom slowly spoke.

She could tell her mom was choosing her words wisely and not trying to put her opinion of disapproval out there. Her mom supported her and Penny no matter what it was. When Laney wanted to try out for the boys swim team, she supported her knowing that it would end up with Laney in tears and them getting ice cream after.

"I have a boyfriend now," Laney blurted out.

Laneys mom's tone shifted to enthusiasm, "Who?".

"Erm... he's a famous country singer: Morgan Wallen. I really like him, he might be my date to Pen's wedding. He has been showing me around here. We met when Mia was here," explained Laney as she turned into the work parking lot. Thank god it was Friday.

"Honey that's great! I can't wait to meet him. Just make sure he's treating you right," her mom chirped over the phone.

"I love you mom. I just pulled into work so I have to go but I will," Laney smiled at her mom's approval.

"Love you to Laney," her mom said as she hung up.

Laney walked into her cubicle to see Ana sat in her guest chair already.

"Good morning," Laney greeted her.

"Good morning? You're in a good mood," Ana inspected her.

"I have a boyfriend," Laney blushed.

Ana gasped shutting the door, "no way".

Laney explained what happened and Ana laughed, "no way. Hopefully we'll get some songs about you".

Laney laughed as she opened her emails to see one from Thomas.

Good morning,

Thank you for the tour. I am hoping to have my album done by next month. Just wanted to give a heads up.

Laney forwarded it to Jack: talk about a deadline.

Her phone buzzed and she saw Pennys name pop, but she turned her attention towards her work. With an unexpected deadline approaching, the pressure was already high.

Work had flown by today as her and Jack worked on the Rhett event. He wasn't intolerable to be around and he stayed on task.

When she got off work she saw that Penny had texted her wedding details and Morgan had texted her about her coming over tonight. But she just wanted to stay in her own place and sleep.

Laney: can you come over instead please I'm tired
Morgan: but I want you over here
Laney: the difference?
Morgan: I have a surprise
Laney: I'll be there

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