Chapter Three

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The sun was beaming through the curtains and Laney rolled over and shut her eyes.


Her eyes flickered open and she saw Morgan standing there waiting for an invitation into his own bed.

"What time is it?"

"1 PM"

Laney instantly shot up. Mia. She was going to miss her flight, but Bean had her phone.

"Morgan, Mia's flight and my phone. We need to- "

"I got it," he said while getting under the covers looking at what she was wearing. She looked down at the same time and became red, "sorry i-".

"I'm glad you made yourself at home Laney. Mia got on her flight, Bean left your phone here last night actually. Did you sleep well?" he asked putting his arm around her.

She leaned into him as if it wasn't their first time in bed together. It just seemed normal yet strangely enough something that has happened before.

"I did, thank you so much. I had a really good time. Did you sleep well?" she yawned.

He looked at the way the sun was hitting her eyes and the little knots in her hair, she was just damn beautiful. He didn't want to like her but he felt himself feeling happy with the sense of comfortable she was in his home. She didn't wake up fangirling or wanting to talk about anything about his celebrity status. He felt normal. For the most part, he was pretty normal. Minus that church was attended via Zoom on Sundays now and restaurant orders are to-go.


"Yeah, I slept well last night. What are your plans today?" he asked.

She stretched out and grabbed her phone from the nightstand where Bean or Morgan must've placed it and started texting Mia, asking about her flight and if she was hungover.

"Not much, I just moved in yesterday officially. Maybe just explore. If you have any recommendations let me know," she said to him.

She was unsure whether she should just put her old clothes on and leave or stay in bed, there was no signal. But since he was in bed, she could be in his bed too. It was a strange feeling being in a strangers bed, but nothing happened between them last night, so she could say they were just friends.

He was contemplating asking her. He was becoming more intrigued by the minute by Laney. Maybe it was for fun. Maybe he needed a spark of inspiration. But she was just normal and that's what he needed.

"Want to go grab breakfast?" he blurted.

She nodded, "anything sounds good right now".

She got up to put her clothes on from last night but Morgan grabbed her hand, "you're fine, they're probably stained in alcohol from last night. Just pick something from my closet or what you're wearing is fine".

She blinked in response and just blushed, was this even real life? She didn't want to walk out in boxers but the Knoxville sweatshirt could stay on. She grabbed some sweatpants and rolled them up a little to put them on. Quickly fixing her hair in the bathroom, she was ready to go.

Meanwhile, Morgan changed into some sweatpants and a shirt. They both walked out and looked at each others outfits bursting out loud laughing.

"You've never looked better Laney," he chuckled.

She playfully nudged him, "copied my outfit Wallen".

He smiled and grabbed his keys, "how do biscuits and chicken sound?".

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