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It was around 1-2 pm when i got up from bed and saw rue had texted me that she was out of rehab, i smiled at the thought of rue finally being clean.
Ive known rue fir as long as i remembered, she was a complete sweetheart (wehn she isnt drugged of course).
I git up from bed and put on a t shirt and shorts before walking out the house to where rue said she was, i biked my way overthere.
When i got there, it was an unfamiliar shop that ive never been to in my life, i was looking around until rue yelled my name from behind the store,
"Hey kehlani, here"
I walked over to her and lighty patted her on the back as a good job.
"Yo rue who this?"
A guy sitting, with ginger hair asked,
"Yeah, this is kehlani and kehlani this is fez"
"Hi fez"
I said awkwardly,
"Hey kehlani"
Fez replied, he seemed like avery chill dude.
"So rue hows life now?"
I asked turning towards her,
"You know ever since i handed my life over to jesus christ, things have been real good"
She said looking very stail, i stared for a bit to see if she being sarcastic,
"Word? Thats whats up"
Fez said then started laughing, see i knew she was fucking around.
"Im fucking witn you"
Rue said hitting my shoulder playfully, i laughed at how non-chalant she seemed.
"But for real though, is ashtray in the back?"
"Are you serious rue?"
I said sighing, i knew ash only cause i used to buy shit ftom him to give rue,
"What, you thnk just cause i went yo rehab i stayed clean?"
Rue said going besides fez,
"I mean aint that the point?"
Fez asked looking at her confused, i nodded agreeing with fez,
"Yeah well, the worlds coming to an end and i havent even graduated highschool yet."
Rue said walking to the freezer, i sighed knowing that no one can ever help that lady.
I looked back at fez,
"Well its nice meeting you kehlani"
"You too, fez"
I smiled at him before following rue to the back,
When i walked im the first thing ash said to rue was,
"I thought yo ass was dead"
"And i thought you had aspergus til i realized your just a prick"
"This the fickle industry yall come and go, im just tryna stack my cash, pay off my mortgage, so what the fuck you wang?"
Damn, ashtray has no fucking respect that little dumbass doesnt need a helmet.
Rue stared at him for a bit, and i understand why cause i wouldve done the same.
He looked at me for a quick second before handing rue some drugs, they started bickering about the payment before rue just walked out.
I sat on a random bucket where rue was sitting before,
"Tf you want now?"
He said glancing at me while counting the money,
"I work here, smartass"
I said picking up one of the drugs and passing it into a container, he looked at me confused then just shrugged it off and continued counting the money.
I walked out the store and saw fez standing out,
"Good acting, kehlani"
He said dabbing me up, i knew fez way before and like i said 6 seconds ago i basically work with them, weither its with drugs or just the store.
"Hell yeah"
I said while leaning on a wall outside and pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
"Yo dont turn into rue."
Fez said while looking worried, i knew he was worried for me cause it turns out ive known him for longer then waht i thought.
That old ladys house was fezs gradma so i grew up a couple of years with fez and ash.
"Nah i wont, dont gotta worry about me now"
I said lighting it, fez walked back into the store and i sat outside smoking my puff, until i saw nate jacobs drive by and wink at me, god that guy disgusted me and rue.
I never had an issie with him but hes seriously hurting maddy really bad.
Anyways i got disgusted and walked into the store to the back where ashtray was.
Me and fezco get along but hes older then me by alot of years so theres not much to talk about with him, but i guess the fact that ash is my age makes us get along better..?
I walked into the freezer and leaned on the wall and waved hi to ash,
"Tf you want now?"
He said squinting his eyes with money still in his hands,
"Idk im bored, what are you doing?"
I said walking over to him and looking over his shoulder, he seemed annoyed but didnt say anything about it,
"Okay then count this money, make some use out of you"
He said handing me a stack of cash, i looked at him and the cash before sitting infront of him and started counting the cash, he seemed surprised at how good i was considering the fact he thought it was my first time (it wasnt),
"Not bad"
He said smirking, nodding his head before getting up and going out to fez, i was going to yell at him but i had no energy to do so.

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