The next episode

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If was a bit after the carnival day and since that day i havent really been at fezs place.
It was early in the morning and i was eating cereal with my phone in my hand until rue texted me:

Mentally unstable mf (rue🤍)

Hey k, you coming tonight?


Halloween party

Yeah, for sure

Okay ill pick you up

No its okay, ill ask ash

Might aswell marry him😹

Might aswell go to rehab😻

She did block me after i said that but she had it coming.
I quickly finished my breakfast and got dressed then walked to fezs place. I soon got there and banged on the door a couple of times before ash opened up the door witha morherfucking SHOTGUN to my head,
"Hey- OH what the fuck.?" I said backing away from the door, he looked at me and sighed,
"Why you knocking like the feds? You fucking scared me bitch" he said putting down the gun and making way for me to enter,
"Awhh i thought you dont get scared of anything" i said with a sarcastic pout as i walked in and jumped on the couch besides fez,
"Oh hey Kehlani" he said slowly looking at me,
"I prefer lani or K, im not used to kehlani by you" i said facing him, he giggled and shifted his eyes to the tv, ash sat besides me and started watching aswell,
"Whats this?" I said pointing at the tv,
"Stand by me" fez said keeping his eyes on the tv.
Hes talked about this movie SO many times, but ive personally never watched it so i was excited to see it,
"We've watched this a million times bruh" ash said making an annoying face,
"YOU guys have, i havent" i said hushing ashtray and watching the movie, i saw in the corner of my eye he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
After about 10 minutes go by and fez was still watching the show while ashtray was just on his phone clearly very bored.
I was getting tired and my head hurt, i got up to get some water and i saw faye in the kitchen.
"Oh hey faye" I said walking to the glasses,
"Hi kehlani". She replied while sitting down on the kitchen counter smoking a cigarette,
"Howve you been?" I asked leaning on the counter besides her,
I genuinely like faye, shes so funny and sweet but ashtray didnt and it was wayy too obvious to not tell,
"Im good, how are yall?" She said with a low but slow tone,
"Yall?" I said making a confused face at her,
"You and ash, also congratulations" she said slowly clapping her hands, i was super confused,
"What do you mean congratulations?" I said putting down my glass of water,
"Well i heard that you guys have a baby!" She said putting her hands up, i almost threw up from the shock,
"Thats so fucking stupid! Im not pregnant ESPECIALLY NOT WITH ASH!! And were not dating! Who told you all this?!?" I said stepping back for a second, she shrugged her shoulders and smoked her cigarette,
"Im sorry for getting it confused" she said acting like it was just a little mistake she made that literally made me wanna drown in a pool of lava.   I stared at her for a few seconds before leaving the kitchen still very much traumatized about what just happened.  As i walked in the living room, fez looked back at me, they seemed to have heard me scream,
"Yo you okay lani? We heard screaming" fez said looking back at me as ash did the same, i walked over and sat at the couch and sighed,
"Yeah im fine, faye just said something" i said sitting between fez and ash,
"Whatd she say? Do i need to talk to her?" Ash said looking at me,
"Oh no YOU do not need to talk to her" i said laying my head on the couch and continuing the film, ash looked at fez and fez just shrugged his shoulders before watching with me.
It was around nighttime and it was almost time for the party so i was getting ready in ashes room, i was overwhelmed with emotions, like excitement but fear that i would get lost and die there.
When i was getting ready ash walked in,
"You better not get any of that girl stuff on my desk" he said going to lay down on hus bed with his phone,
"It has a name but yeah im careful" i said still getting ready.
After i did my makeup, i was going to get dressed but ashtray was still in the room,
"Can you leave?" I asked
"From my own room? No." He said having his eyes glued to his phone,
"I wanna change, get tf out" i said
"Awh thats too bad" he said still having his eyes glued to his phone,
"Fine" i said before starting to take my shirt off, you know i actually had a tank top on under but he though i didnt,
"Yo what the fuck?!" He said covering his eyes,
"I mean you said you wouldn't leave so"
"Fine fine ill leave, goddamn" he said getting up and leveling while still covering his eyes. Thank hod that worked cause i needed to get changed quickly.
I was done changing and guess who i was..
I  decided to be betty bop, the beautiful doll😍
Heres the inspo:

I put my heels on and walked out the room, i was walking to the kitchen for a drink until fez said,"Who tf are you?"  He said looking at me confused,"Betty bop

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I put my heels on and walked out the room, i was walking to the kitchen for a drink until fez said,
"Who tf are you?" He said looking at me confused,
"Betty bop.. do you not know betty bop?" I asked him, i wouldn't expect someone like fez to not know betty bop. He shook his head before walking out to the car.
I followed behind him and saw that ashtray was already in the car and he gave me THE MOST disgusted face in the fucking WORLD.
"What are you? And why are you showing so much skin?" He said while i was waking into the car, i closed the car door then answered,
"Im betty bop, im so beyond surprised yall dont know BETTY BOP"
"Yeah thats cause im not old" ash replied,
"Mhm, funny your name is literally ASH" i said laughing, he looked back at me glaring while fez just chuckled.
In a few minutes we got to the party and i ran out the car to rue and Jules,
"Hey rue rue, hey Jules" i said side hugging Jules,
"Hey kehlani" Jules said as rue was very high and didn't respond,
"Your outfit is so fucking cute!" I heard someone say behind me, i looked behind me and saw Maddie coming up to hug me,
"Thanks mads" i said hugging her back but then nate came and grabbed her inside the house while glaring at me, Maddie awkwardly waved bye to me. God Nate really disgusted me.
Before i could do anything, ash grabbed my hand and pulled me to a random couch outside where fez was at,
"Hey k" fez said looking very high as well,
"Hi fez" i said sitting besides him and ash
We sat for just some minutes before rue came from she other side of the couch looking very nervous,
"Hey kiddo" fez said noticing rue before she even could say anything
"Hey man... listen I'm sorry" she said fiddling with her fingers, i looked at ash confused but he didn't say anything,
"Nah its all good". He said as rue started apologizing to him for whatever she did.
She looked at me and smiled as i smiled back as she sat down next to fez,
"Fez, your a good person" i said looking at fez witha happy expression,
"Thanks lani" he said in response, i was a bit tired and drained as i barely had any sleep so i layed my head on ashes lap to get some rest, he quickly got a random blanket and covered me,
"What are you doing? Trying to flash these poor human?" He said with a annoyed tone,
"Stfu, im very tired" i said in reponse i heard him sigh before just letting me sleep got a bit.
Rue looked at fez with a raised eyebrow as fez just laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

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