A house party to die for

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I was in the bathroom getting ready for the day when i got a text from ashtray,


You going to the party today? Tonight.

Yeah, and your coming with me

Like i had a fucking choice,
fez wants me to go anyways

Good, get dressed well

Ill wear whatever i want


I laughed before closing my phone and getting dressed to go to maddies place.
I was going to kinda help her pick out her new years outfit and she was going help me out cause she says that ever since i started dating ash, ive started dressing like a homeless person.  Tbh that kinda hurt 😞
Soon after i arrived at her place, i knocked on the door and she answered a couple seconds later,
"Hey bby!" She said pulling me in and hugging me, i hugged her back before she dragged me to her room. 
"This or this?" She said picking up a black dress and white dress,
"Definitely the black one, its more maddy coded"  i said going to sit on her bed, she tossed the white dress in her closet and put the black one on her closet door,
"What about you? What are you going to where?" She said sitting besides me,
"Well.. i dont really have an outfit" i said nervous, knowing maddy i know damn well thaf she (the fashion queen)  would be mad at me so i braced myself,
"Mhm i knew it! All ashes influence" she said getting and searching her closet,
"What does ash have to do with anything?" I said,
"Mhm you know what i mean bitch" she said looking back at me then continuing to search her closet, i playfully rolled my eyes before laying down on her bed.
"I found the perfect dress!!" She said pulling out a black dress that was relatively similar to hers,
"Maddy.. girl no"   I said nervously laughing,
"No your wearing this, youll look amazing!!!!" She said squealing in excitement, I reluctantly agreed and took the dress and put it int bag.
We watched some shameless episodes before i went home, i hugged Maddie goodbye before leaving.
It was some hours later and the time was 7pm and the party started at 9pm, but i know damn well that i take longer then 1hour to get ready.
I put some makeup on and was going to get dressed,
(Dress inspo)

By the time i was done getting ready, it was already 8:55 and i was going to call fez but maddy said she was waiting outside for me

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By the time i was done getting ready, it was already 8:55 and i was going to call fez but maddy said she was waiting outside for me.
"Why'd you come? I was going to call fez" i said entering the car,
"I want you to come with me so people can see our matching outfits" maddie said starting to drive to the party, i smiled before putting on some music and we vibed to it.
We made it to the party and as soon as maddy came out the car, she ran over to kat who was with jules, and I followed behind her,
"Hey Jules!" I said hugging jules, she hugged me back but she seemed very stiff,
"Are you okay..? You seem shaky"  i said being very concerned for her,
"Well um.. have you seen rue?" She said giving me starry nigh eyes,  i could tell she was tense.
"No, i just arrived but if i do see her ill tell you"   I said patting her back and walking away,  i didnt know how to react so i just left.
I was walking over to couch where fez was inside the house,
"Hey k, where was you?" He said smoking,
"I was with maddy, how are you?" I said in response,
"Im fine man, huh cant wait for ash to see what your wearing" he said laughing, i realized ash wouldnt be as fond of my outfit, i got up and searched for ash outside and i didnt really see him anywhere but then someone pulled me by my wrist,
"What the fuck are you wearing?" He said looking up and down at me with a annoyed expression,
"Its new years appropriate but what are YOU wearing?" I said looking him up and down with a smug looking, he hit my arm before dragging me to a random bench outside,
"Your sitting here, who picked your outfit?"   He said sitting me down,
"Maddy, she said that ever since we started dating, i dress like a homeless person" he looked at me offended before sitting besides me, i shrugged my shoulders then rested my head on his shoulders,
"But ngl you look great" he said putting his arm around my shoulder, i smiled and let out a big sigh and before i could respond rue came over,
"Hey love birds" she said smirking at me, i slowly got off ashs shoulder and i suddenly saw elliot with her,
"Hey lani, whats good?" He said sitting next to me, rue looked at me confused before sitting besides ash,
"Yall know eachother?" She said pointing at me and Elliot, i nodded my head as ashtray rolled his eyes.
Ashtray doesn't exactly like elliot cause he thinks he likes me, which is FARR from the truth. Elliot was my guy best friend.
"Damn how am i still single and uou already have a boyfriend?" Elliot said resting his head on the couch,
"Cause shes fine" rue said snorting something, i quickly pulled it away from her and laughed,
"Thats true" elliot said taking the paper from me and snorting some himself, i looked at him disappointed before ash whispered someth in my ear,
"He obviously likes you" he said glaring at elliot,
"No ash, he doesnt hes just supporting me" i said in response pulling away, he looked at me before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the party inside,
"You go have fun, im finna make some cash" he said handing me some pepper spray,
"Okay, be safe"
"You too"
I nodded and walked into the party, i was looking for cassie but i couldbt find her anywhere. I walked to the bathroom and saw maddy on the way there,
"Hey maddy, have you seen cassie?" I asked stopping her,
"I thought she was with you" she saud looking confused before i could say anything lexi came and asked the same exact question,
"She hasnt been answering my calls or messages" lexi said looking very worried,
"Shell be here soon, theres no way cassie is going to miss a new years party" maddy said walking yo the bathroom, i shrugged my shoulders to lexi,
"Btw you look so cute" lexi said smiling,
"Thank youu!" I said before walking away to the dance floor, i wanted to dance but was too embarrassed too until kat grabbed my hand and danced with me, i gained courage and was dancing with her.
After a while i got a drink cause i was very tired to say the least, i was making my way to where fez was until i saw him talking to lexi,
"Oh my god.. theyre so fucking cutee!!" I said under my breath, im so not ruining theyre moment and interrupting them.
I smiled before walking outside where i saw ashtray selling, he didnt notice me so i walked over to some of my classmates and started a small conversation. Suddenly jules pulled me inside the house where i saw fez beating the living shit outta nate, it was an understatement to say i was beyond happy to see what happened happen.
"Yess! Beat his ass, fez!" I said cheering in the back, jules laughed hysterically at my response to the situation, maddy and cassie were trying to get fez off nate,
"Just fucking kill him broo!" I said whooing fez, maddie looked back at me with a "how dare you" expression on her face but I genuinely couldnt give a single fuck. Ashtray pulled me out the house and dragged me to the car,
"What the fuck were you doing?"
"Telling fez to beat that fucking pussys ass?" I said entering the bavk of the car where rue already was,
"Good job, kehlani" rue said high fiving me, ashtray looked back at us glaring before he starting the car,
"Oh yeah, what happened with mouse?" I said to ashtray, he stayed silent for a few seconds before saying:
"We handled it" he said under his lowering his voice, i could tell that something obviously happened, i pulled ashtrays shoulder and whispered to him,
"Ashtray, what actually happened?" I said
"I killed mouse.." he said clearly nervous on what tf he said to me.
"Ash.. what the fuck?! What now? What we finna do? Who knows? Whats gon-" i asked every single question that came to mind, he quickly shut me up and hushed me pointing at a high rue in the back singing,
"Calm the fuck down, we gonna be alright" he said calming me down by holding my shoulders. After a few seconds fez came into the car and i sat with rue in the back.
Fez started driving somewhere i didnt knwo.
I was still pissed that ash would do something that fucking stupid, i mean yes self defense but.. i actually dont have an excuse for what happened cause i wouldve done the same,
"So i fucked yo bitch you dumb motther fucker, west side" rue said snorting some drugs in her nose, i looked at her abit tired of hearing her sing the same song 6 times already.
"Rue calm down" I said patting her back noticing that ashtray was clearly annoyed,
"I hit em up" rue said shouting even louder than before,
"Can you tell her to shut the fuck up?" Ashtray said looking at fez and me annoyed asf, rue looked at him offended,
"Yeah rue calm down, we got some business to do man". Fez said in a slow yet fast tone to rue, i chuckled at the scene before rue said:
"Yeah thats fine, i can chill back here. Its all good" she said putting her hands behind her head while laying back into the seat, she then layed her head on my shoulder and snorted some weird shit that literally got all over my face,
"Rue calm tf down, its all over my face" I said dusting all the dust off my face,
"Just eat it lani" she said very nonchalantly.
After a few minutes we arrived at a small rundown apartment complex, it front of the car was faye and custard,  i knew faye (obviously) but rue didnt and she tapped my shoulder when she got a good look at her,
"Whos that?" She said pointing at either faye or custard, i couldn't tell who.
"Who? Custard" i said pointing at him, rue pointed my finger at faye,
"Ohh fayee" i said sighing, she looked at me and faye confused before laying back into her seat,
"Yo 20 minutes tops, com one ash" fez said poking his head through the window, ash walked out the car as faye walked in,
"Heyy im fayee" she said very slowly, i was in between rue and faye so i felt very awkward,
"Yeah i know, im rue" rue said shaking her hand,
"So hows your new years going?" Rue said to faye with her eyes half open,
"Its fucking new years..?" Faye said having her jaw almost wide open, i looked at her confused before saying,
"Well yeah.. you didn't know?" I said to faye having my eyes squinting at her,
"God my boyfriend doesn't tell me anything"  faye said laying her head back into the seat as she sighs, i laughed at her clearly mad and disappointed expression on her face, rue looked at me with the "what the fuck?" Expression on her face, i shrugged my shoulder and they continued talking for some minutes. faye suddenly took out a small little metal box, i looked at her confused before realizing what she was doing..
"Faye.. no" i said shaking my head while backing away from her, pushing rue towards the door with mu back,
"Relax its just heroine" she said taking out a small needle and putting it towards her crotch,
"Oh thats really your crotch.." rue said widening her eyes as faye started making some.. well questionable sounds..
Before i could do anything, faye was grabbed out the car by some buff guy, i looked behind me and saw rue getting grabbed out as well, the random guy grabbed me by my hair and dragge me out with them.
They brought us inside a small apartment that was very dirty and smelled like absolute dog shit. They stood us all on a wall and ash, fez and custard were there as well.
"We dont condone in any illegal activity" a tatted guy with huge biceps said walking around the room, he randomly pointed at a woman sitting down near a fire place,
"You see laury there.. she doesn't deserve this" he said his woice shaking, its like shes his mother, i glanced at rue for a second and saw that she was quite literally shaking but i didnt say anything.
"Brucey.. come here" laury said and "brucey" almost immediately went to her, she whispered something in his ears before he came back to the room,
"Take yo clothes off, just in case yall have a wire" bruce said
That guy is tripping if he thinks im finna strip infront of these grown ass men😟
Faye tried to defend herself by saying that she has no wire but that miserably failed as he smashed her head in the wall (and custards too) so I thought id end ip just like them if i said anything. Ash started taking off his coat seeming ready yo fucking strip.. yes, i got nervous cause like what the fuckkk is going on.
"Not you, nobody wanna see you two naked" he said pointing at me and ash, ashtray put his jacket back on and i was relieved (and disappointed but we don't talk about that) .
One of the guys grabbed me and ash by the hand and had a gun to our heads, he brought us to a closet and locked the door on us. I was breathing heavily cause i was injured. How? The guy must have some sharp ass fucking finger nails cause he quite literally sliced my arm open.
"Yo are you okay?" Ash said coming towards me holding my hand up,
"Motherfuckers a cat but im okay it doesn't hurt" i said laughing it off,
"Did they do anything with you?" Ash said looking up at me,
"No" i said looking back up at him,
"Are you okay?" Ash sqid
"Yes, why do you keep asking questions?" I said looking confused,
" im worried about you bruh and this outfit is really fucking revealing.
Do you know what they wouldve done if we wasnt here?"   He said while his voice was cracking, it seemed like he was genuinely scared for me and rhat really touched my heart,
"I wouldve been fine ash, dont worry" i said taking his hand and placing it around my waist as i hugged him, he quickly hugged me back and kissed my shoulder,
"You really fucking scare me" ash said holding my waist, i was about to say something but then someone's knocked on the door which quickly startled me and ash.
It was one the dudes outside,
"Get the fuck out" he said pointing the gun at us, ash glanced at me before walking put the room as i walked out with him.  I saw fez wearing his boxers outside with rue sitting on a kitchen counter.  I sat besides rue and waited for them to be done doing  whatever business they were doing,
"So.. what did you and ash do ALONE?"
Rue said smirking at me implying something that was obviously dirty,
"Rue.. your wayyy too high right now". I said looking her up and down as if I'm judging her,  she shrugged her shoulders while still smirking.   I sighed and was about to say something but then ash grabbed me by my waist off the kitchen counter and started walking me out the house,
"You okay?" He said lifting his head at me,
"Yeah im good" i said walking with him to the car as fez and rue were behind us.
We got in the car and fez started the car, the whole ride there rue was laughing and singing like everything that just happened was normal.
"Rue chill tf out"  i said putting her arms that were flying into the air down, i realized that fez seemed really annoyed so i wanted to try cool him down,
"Rue shut the fuck up!" Fez said, now he was actually mad,
"You laughing and smiling like that shit was funny!  Your really pissing me off" fez said screaming at rue, at this point i couldnt really stop him so i just sat back and stared at the window,
"And half of that shit was your fault too!" He said making his voice louder and louder with each word and that kinda startled me, rue seemed very unbothered though,
"Okay but be honest how many badass female drug dealers do you know?"  Rue said trying to make a point,  fez looked back at me before saying:
"2" he referred to me and his grandma which instantly made me smile.  His grandma was a badass motherfucker and i loveee her.
" damnn kehlani, you that good?" Rue said looking at me while sliding to the door, I sarcastically shrugged my shoulders and ashtray mustve noticed cause he laughed in the front seat which caught rues attention,
"Hes in love" rue said whispering in my ear,
"I mean, who isnt?" I said whispering back into her ear.
We dropped rue off at her house and fez asked me:
"You wanna stay at ours?" He said keeping his eyes on the road,
"Uhh yeah, i could use a warm shower" i said nodding my head, fez laughed and continued driving.
We soon got to their house and I immediately jumped out the car and into the house.
It was an understatement to say i was exhausted asfff.
I walked into the house with ash and fez right behind me, i flopped on the couch but then ash quickly lifted me up,
"No, go change first" he said lifting me up from the couch and grabbing my shoulders to drag me to his room,
"Youve had a problem with my outfit the whole night" i said still being dragged,
"Yeah, cause that shit is crazy revealing.
Might as well go naked" he said pushing me into the room. I side eyed him before closing the door and finding some random clothing from ashs closet and quickly changing.
"Can i come in?" Ash said from the outside the door,
"Yeah yeah" i said packing my clothing from the party in a bag, ash came in and layed down on his bed while being on his phone,
"You finna sleep?" He said looking up from his phone,
"Yeah" i said going to lay down on the other side of the bed,
"Good night fez!" I said screaming to make sure my voice was loud enough,
"Night k" he said in a low but hearable tone.
I layed my head on the bed and my side was facing ash,
Ash then came closer to me with one hand under my waist and the other under my neck, i was very flustered but also very calm about the situation,
"Night lan" ash said as his breath touched my neck which gave me the feels instantly, i held his hand from the front and started to doze off in ashs arms.

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