Bonnie and Clyde

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It was the day after the carnival event and i ended up sleeping over at fezs house. The only reason i stayed over there was cause i took some molly and was wayy too high to go home by myself, and also fez and ash have never been to my apartment before.
When i woke up i realized that i was in ashtrays room, i looked to my side and saw ashtray sleeping besides me. He looked very peaceful in his sleep, and i admired that. 
I slowly got up and went out yo the living room where i saw faye,
"Hey kehlani" she said very slowly, it was a bit irritated,
"Hi Faye, wheres fez?"  I asked scratching my head felling very tired,
"Oh hes in the kitchen" she said slowly again.
"K" I responded before walking over to the kitchen where fez was,
"Hey k, how you feeling?" Fez asked looking back at me then the food he was making,
"Yeah im good but wtf happened?" I asked walking over to sit on kitchen counter,
"You kinda like took too many drugs so we had to bring you back here"
"Why havent we ever been to your apartment?" Fez asked confused, i shrugged my shoulders and before i could say anything ash came in,
"Morning fez"
"Morning ash" fez replied, he completely ignored me like yesterday he wasnt all nice and shit, i rolled my eyes at him,
"What happened last night wont happen again, kehlani" ashtray said glaring at me while taking two protein bar from the fridge,
"Mhm" i said not paying any mind to him,
"Thanks for taking care of me fez" i said looking at fez as he smiled and nodded then walked out the kitchen. Ash looked at me for a few seconds before going to wash his hands,
"What now?" I asked sighing,
"I took care of you not fez, say thank you to me bitch" ash said very defensive, he was clearly mad that i didnt pay him much mind. I felt a bit bad after he said that,
"Yeah well thank you ashtray, for being a good person" i said, i was very sincere and grateful that i had someone like fez and ash and i just felt very happy.
Ash deemed taken aback before handing one of the protein bars and patting me on my back.
I was baffled at what he did considering he isnt much of a affectionate or pleasing person.
For a quick instant i hugged hum while i was still sitting on the counter so basically he was right between me.
He surprisingly hug me back for a few seconds before i let go and smiled at him,
"From the bottom of my heart, thank you ashtray."
"Of course K" he said seeming genuinely happy and grateful which did make me fall for him even more now.
I got up from the kitchen counter and went to the bathroom as he went to his room.
We acted like nothing happened cause it wasnt like anything ACTUALLY happened..
It was a few hours after what happened and i was laying in ashs bed while he was on his computer doing whatever he was doing.  I was chilling on my phone until cassie called me,
Cassie howard🩵
>hey keglani, Maddie told me something yesterday that i have to tell you.
<what is its? Whats going on?
>she said she found other guys dicks on nates phone
<girl, what?
> I literally don't even know
<maybe its like his own?
>no, Maddie said it look's nothing like his
<what does she like study his? How would she know THAT well?
>your literally a virgin, you wouldn't know
<honestly thank god,  listen i gotta go but I'll catch up with you at school.
>okay bye Lani!
<bye cass
I didn't realize it but ash was staring at me the entire time i was on the phone call, i only noticed after i hung up,
"What?" I askef
"Who was that?" He responded
"Cassie, its really fucking weird" i said laying my head back down,
"Why? What happened? " he asked turning his chair to me,
"Im not telling you weirdass" i said putting my phone in the charger,
"Your real fucking funny" he said turning back around and facing his computer again, I squinted my eyes at him before letting out a small chuckle.  I was trying to take a nap but ash suddenly asked,
"Would you still do drugs if you were poor?"
"Yes" i responded
"What if they made you sick?"
"Would you fuck someone for drugs?"
"Yeah probably" when i said that he raised an eyebrow at me, i rolled my eyes in silence,
"What about me?" He asked ultimately breaking the silence,
"What about you?" I asked confused on what he meant,
"Would you fuck me for drugs?" He asked,
"No actually" i said making an 'obviously face', he stared at me for some seconds before asking another question,
"Would you kill for drugs?"
"Well no" i said squinting my eyes at him thinking that that was the obvious answer, he stared at me again for a few seconds before asking AGAIN,
"Would you kill for me and fez?"
"Yeah, obviously" i said in a low tone voice, he got up and sat on the bed while i was still laying down,
"Id kill for and fez " he said looking fown at me before kissing my forehead and walking out.
That REALLY caught me off guard and i already am fully aware that im definitely staring to like him.
But the thing is that elliot doesnt like ashtray cause he thinks hes "too tough" for someone like me, like wtf do you mean bitch?🤨
But at that time i didnt really care what elliot thought just what i thought was qll that mattered.

SORRY this chapter in so short, he isnt really in ep5 so in making this this short to match.
Im sorry i havent said anything about kehlqni and ashtrayyy
Kehlani os just niw realizing her feelings as ash is starting to rely and worry about her.
This story is a bit slow so im sorry but tomorrow (hopefully) ill release a longer version of ep6 even thou (i think) he isnt is ep 6.
everyone thats reqd this thank you for supporting me and my first story, and please share this if you can and love yall byeee🥰

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