The trials and tribulations of trying to pee while depressed

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It was some days after halloween and it was an understatement to say i was exhausted.
I was on my phone when i got a text from Maddie,


Hey k, come over at cassies later

Why? Did something happen?

I think so, she seemed really

Okay then ill be there around 1-2pm

Okay see ya

Kk bye 😘

It was 12am so i decided to get ready to go and meet them. Cassies house is a bit farther from my place so it would take a good 20 mins to get there.
I showered and got dresses quickly so i wouldn't be late, i got out and biked over to hers.
I got to her place and Maddie answer the door,
"Hey lani, come in" she said side hugging me and leading me to a table where everyone else was, they all waved and smiled but cassie seemed off.
I sat down at the table and Cassie sighed,
"Listen im gonna tell you guys something and you swear you wont tell a single fucking soul" she said looking at all of us with worried eyes,
"Yes, just spit it out" i said
"I wanna tell mckay that i made out with daniel at the Halloween party and at the carnival". Cassie said witha nervous tone while fiddling with her hands,
"Wait you wanna tell mckay that you made out with daniel two times?" Maddy said,
"Yeah but i dont have to say its daniel.." cassie said in a low tone,
"Bitch no! Thats the dumbest idea right?" Maddie said
"Yeah but i wanna be honest with him" cassie said,
"If anyone asks, you deny, deny,deny" maddie said,
"But like we didnt sleep together just kissing" cassie said in a lower tone,
"Thats even worse, kissing is so much more intimate" i said looking at cassie,
"Exactly!" Maddie said high fiving me,
"Honestly i wouldnt worry about it cass, its not like your gonna be together forever" kat said bluntly, maddie gave her a bold response. So then they started arguing and i pulled cassie aside,
"Hey cass, its okay! If you wanna be honest be honest but it might've not been the best decision" i said patting her back,
"Yeah i know, thanks lani. Your the best" she said pulling me in for a hug before kissing me on the cheek, i smiled at her before waking out the house and waving goodbye.
After i went home, i rested for a few hours before going to fezs shop for work (like usual) on my way there i suddenly thoughts of ashtray and for somewhat reason it brought a smile on my face.
I soon got there and walked into the store,
"Hey lans, whats up?" Fez asked when i walked in, he was holding a cigarette,
"Im alright, whats good with you?" I asked leaning on one of the refrigerators,
"Im fine bruh" he said taking a puff, i smiled before heading to the back where ashtray was,
"Miss me?" I said walking in, i grabbed a random bucket and put it infront of the table then sat,
"You fucking wish" he said counting some cash in his hands, i sighed before grabbing the cash and taking 30 bucks,
"Yo what the fuck?!" He said while snatching the cash from my hand,
"Ill pay you back later, dont be a dick" i said putting the cash in my pocket,
"You first" he said glaring at me before getting up and putting some drugs in a container, i shook my head.
After some minutes, i was sitting on the floor while ashtray was sitting in his chair on his phone. I was scrolling on instagram when i saw a fine ass tattoo and immediately thought that i should get it,
"Ash can you tattoo me?" I said getting up,
"Its gonna cost you" he said looking up at me, i sighed before putting down the Same 30 bucks before, on the table. He smiled before taking it and gesturing me to sit down.
"I want it on my arm" i said pulling my sleeve up but i didnt realize he would be able to see my scars..
"Oka- kehlani..?" He said looking up at me worried, I quickly put it back down before standing up as he stood up with me and started walking over to me. I slowly backed away expecting him to forcefully grab me but instead he just hugged me, a long warm hug that i most certainly needed.
He didnt say anything the whole time but i felt so safe in ashtrays arms, like nothing could hurt me.
"Lani are you okay?" He asked slowly pulling out the hug and staring at me, i looked at him and without realizing it, a tear dropped down my cheek.
It was a few hours after what happened and it seems that ashtray was a bit affected with what happened considering he was alot more nicer than usual. I ended up sleeping in the store for an hour, i was very tired.
I got up and saw fez and ashtray talking, i went out and asked what was wrong, they said that nate apparently like threatened them with jules and rue. See it took everything in me to not go and punch the fucking shit outta him.
"Go rest, you seemed very tired" ashtray said looking at me up and down,
"Im mentally tired not physically" i said going to sit on the counter top, fez looked at ash as ash just shook his head. What were they talking about?
Ashtray grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the house,
"Why are we here?" I asked him as we walked into the house,
"Get some rest, im worried for you" he said tossing me on the couch and passing me a blanket, i stared at him for a few seconds before laying my head and resting.
He was right, i was very tired of life, friends, people and everything to be exact.
It was almost 4pm and i decided to go home, i saw fez and ashtray with faye in the kitchen,
"Guys im leaving" i said scratching my head,
"Okay, be safe" ashtray said drinking a glass of water, faye looked at fez before saying,
"So the rumors true?"
"What rumor?" Ashtray said in confusion, i quickly cut faye off before she could say anything,
"Nothing! She meant nothing." I said, ashtray looked at me squinting his eyes at me, i waved bye as fez did the same and i went home.


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