Stuntin like my granny

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Its been just a day and i decided to finally go to school for once in my life, i got up from my bed and went to get dressed for school.
I got dressed and immediately got out the house cause ofcourse i was very late.
When i got there i saw rue and a girl with her, rue waved at me and so did the girl, i walked up to the girl and introduced myself to her,
"Hi rue, and um hi im kehlani "
"Hey, im jules"
She said shaking my hand,
"Um kehlani listen, you need to pay ash bavk cause im lowkey scared hell like kill me cause i didnt pay"
Rue said while having her hands behind her back,
"But you said fez spotted you"
"Yeah well that was a massive lie"
"Okay, ill see what i can do"
I said sighing, rue hugged me and started walking away, jules waved goodbye and so did i, theyre cute together lowkey.
As i was walking i spotted maddy and she ran up to me,
"Omggg hey kehlani" maddy said hugging me
"Kehlani, its been a long time since ive seen you girl!" Cassie said side hugging me
When we were walking rue walked past us and bb turned her head,
"Thats the girl that tried to commit suicide at mckays party" she said looking back
"What!" Maddy and cassie said at the same time,
"Oh i forgot both yall was fucking" she said walking before us all and point her hands at both cassie and maddy,
"Ugh why does everyone think we fucked?!" Maddy said seeming annoyed,
"you guys did though, its all over the internet"
I said turning to maddy and walking backwards p, she looked at me confused,
"You watched the video?" Bb said turning me around,
"Its everywhere, how could i not?" I said shrugging my shoulders,
"Honestly i think i blacked out"
"For real?" Me, cassie and bb all asked at the same time,
"Maddy!" Cassie said in a low but concerned tone, we changed the convo when kat came over,
"Ohh look its our new sexpter" bb said ,
"Oh congratulations!!" Maddy said putting her hand over kats shoulders and so did cassie.
"Hmm yeah but thers one more person that hasnt lost their precious v card yet"
Bb said smiling, everyone looked at me with mischievous looks,
"What? No! Im 15 guys." I said making sure my voice was loud enough for them to hear,
"Okay and? I lost mine when i was 14."  Maddh said shrugging her shoulders,
"Yeah thats cause your mentally unstable" i said laughing and they all laughed along with me.
After school i was tired and drained so i went over to fezs house, on my way there it started raining so i just put my bavkpack on my head and hoped for the best.
When i arrived i rung the doorbell a few times until ashtray opened up,
"What now?" He asked with a smug face,
"Can you move?" I said pushing to the side and walking in,
"Hey kehlana what good?" fez asked while he was on the couch smoking some weed,
"Yeah its okay im just a bit drained, is it okay to stay for a bit?"
"Yeah, but later you gotta go, we got business" he said looking iver his shoulder,
"Okay thats fine by me"  i said before walking over to ashes room, i heard him also walk behind me,
"What you doing in my room?"  He said leaning in the door frame, squinting his eyes,
"Resting idk?"
I said before laying my head on the wall on his bed, he sighed before sitting down next to me with his phone out, i looked over his shoulder to see what he was watching, it was just a regular tv show, i watched with him for abit before i ended falling alseep on his shoulder.
I woke up 10 minutes later and realized i slept on his shoulders, but he didnt seem like he cared so i just kept laying my head while watching the show again, until we heard loud knocking at the door, he immediately got up and checked the cameras,
"Yo ash, who there?" Fez asked from the living room,
"Nah man, tell her to come another time"
"Too late, bitch" i saw rue come in the room and saw fezs expression change, i immediately knew that obviously there was something going on.
"Rue, i think we should leave" i said grabbing her wrist but she just shrugged me off and went inside,
"Yeah rue i really need you to leave, we got some business"
"I need some OCs man"
"I cant help you right now rue, i aint ffucking playing rue, you really gotta go"
Fez seemed very nervous, i immediately took rue by her hand and dragged her but she pushed me to the ground and kept walking, ash came and helped me up and stared at rue shaking his head, fez and ash both seemed tense asf.
I silently walked into the kitchen for some water as i felt extremely tense and scared.
I heard fez and rue arguing about drugs, from what i heard was the fact that rue was putta drugs and needed some more, i realized i had some in my school bag.
Dont ask why, i dont know why either.
I ran to my bag and grabbed some drugs to give rue,
"Yo rue heres your drugs, now lets get outta here asap"
I said giving her the drugs and grabbing her but by then it was already too late.
Fez stopped me and rue from walking out the house,
"Yo listen rue, you gotta stfu and not say a single word, unless you wanna end up dead, you too kehlani but i know that you wont say shit"
"What the fuck bro?" Rue said squinting her eyes at fez while fez wasdragging her onto the couch, id usually thank fez but this time just wasnt the time.
I sat besides rue and saw fez take a gun out of the couch, thats when i lowkey started to get scared.
A tall buff guy with a shit ton of tattos walked in, witha guy whereing a cap backwards.
He sat besides me and rue but besides me more,
"So these your bitches?" He said smiling at fez,
"Nah man, they family" fez said seeming extremely annoyed and tense,
"Hm and who are you?" He said pointing at rue,
"Um im rue.." she said with her voice shaking like crazy, he then pointed at me waiting for an aswer,
"Kehlani" i said staring straight at him, i mean yes i was scared but fake it till you make it.
"Hmm kehlani how old is you?" He asked getting closer to me,
"Im 15" still staring at his eyes, i was literally scared out of my fucking mind.
He started putting his hand on my thigh,
"Wow kehlani, your one brave woman" he said slowly bringing his hand more up my thigh, i glanced at fez and he seemed scared for me then i saw ashtray in the hallway with something in his hand... he was going to attack that guy.
i slowly shook my head to ash telling him to calm down and it seemed to work cause he didnt really do anything.
"Yo mouse theyre family" fez said shrugging off mouse, mouse looked at me and rue before bringing out a random thing out of one of the bags.
"I want you to try this" mouse said smiling with a substance on a small knife,
"Listen im just straight outta rehab so-"
"Nah i meant her" mouse said pointing the knife at me, i looked at fezco and he was shaking his head obviously telling me not to take it.
"Yo man shes only 15" fezco said getting up,
"I didnt ask you mf, you just gon let big bro talk for you?" Mouse said bring the knife more closer to me, i realized that there was no other choice so i just ate it.
The thing is that as soon as i ate it, it immediately like IMMEDIATELY hit, but acting is my specialty so i stayed still for afew seconds and stayed normal.
"Damn man, your fam real brave" mouse said seeming impressed with how i held up.
"Yo man lets just do some business and you can go" fezco said getting some cash froma cabinet, mouse kissed rue on her hand and kissed my cheek as a goodbye.
As soon as he got up to fez, i immediately got up and went to ashtrays room.
As soon as i walked in, i immediately collapsed from the drug, thank hod ash was there.
He caught me and put me on his bed before doing cpr on me, i couldn't breathe at all.
After a few seconds rue and fez came in,
"Yo fez get the medicine" ashtray said still trying to keep me conscious, fez ran off to his grandmas room and rue came in, sitting on ashtrays chair.
After a few minutes fez came running in withs some typa liquid and put it in my mouth.
As soon as i swallowed it, i passed out from the impact it had.
After a few hours i got up and saw that i was in ashtrays bed witha blanket and towel over my head, i slowly got up and went outside.
"Oh hey fez" i said waving at him still a bit dizzy,
""Damn lani, you okay?" He said getting up ftom the couch seeming worried,
"Yeah im all good now, but what tf happened?" I asked scratching my head, walking over to the couch where fez was sitting,
"You ate something given by mouse, listen kehlani im sorry i didnt do anything when mouse touched you, i just didnt wanna get in some shit, man.."
He said putting his hands behind his head seeming genuinely sorry,
"Its all good fez, its not your fault.. but thanks for taking care of me" i said smiling, slowly sitting down,
"Yeah but you should be thanking ash, hes the one that said to make sure your okay" he said laughing while sitting back down.
Ash? Ash was the one that wanted to helpe me? I was super fucking confused, i mean i knew he didnt hate me but i didnt think hed care about me though.
I sat up still confused on what fez said, i walked back to ashes room and saw he was sleeping on the floor on the other side of the room, aww he slept on the floor so i could rest on his bed.
I went up to his sleeping body and smiled before giving him a forehead kiss but it seemed he was awake cause as soon as i kissed him he opened his eyes wide.
"Thanks for caring, ash" i said smiling befire leaving the room, he was still pretty stunned.


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