Shook ones

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Its been a few days and it was time for the carnival day.
I got out from bed around 3pm and sat on mu phone for a bit before getting a text from ash:

ashtray o'neil💵

Yo be here by 4

What? Why though?

To help out with the drugs db

Whats db?



He always has something to say, hoddamn.
I sighed before getting up and taking a fast shower then leaving the house.
When i got there i saw fez and rue talking outside the shop, i went up to rue and hugged her,
"Hey rue rue, hey fez" i said pulling put the hug,
"Hey kehlani, you coming tonight?" Rue asked seeming high (like usual)
"Yeah, with fez and ash" i said nodding,
"Hm you and ash getting along huh-?" Rue said with a suspicious smile as fez laughed,
"Huh? I mean yeah.. wait what are you implying?" I said with confused face while lookong at rue and fez,
"Um yeah nothing, nothing at all.." rue said sitting besides fez,
"Anyways.. I m going to the back with ash" i said walking away, i heard fez and rue giggle behind me.
I mean maybe me and ash could..😉 IM JOKING, hes wayyy to rude for me.
I walked to the back and saw ash counting money like he usually does, as soon as he saw me he sighed deeply,
"Took you long enough, it's literally 4:10" he said getting up walking towards me,
"Its just ten minutes, your so dramatic " i said before he grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the register in the back,
"You gotta know these drugs, listen this one is-"
"OCT7, OCT2, Molly and meth" i said cutting him off, he seemed impressed and smiled for a sec, that smile melted mee😍
"Okay you already know em, rhen just put em in these plastic baggies" he said handing me a small plastic bag, I reluctantly agreed and started to put all types of drugs in rye baggie.
After about 20 or more minutes of putting the baggies, fez came in and told me we were about to head out, i nodded my head before taking the drugs and bags to the car,
"Ash i wanna sit in the front" i said running to the front, when he saw me running he immediately ran behind me but it was a little too late as i was already sitting at the front.
"Yo fez, tell her I'm sitting's there" he said glaring at me and fez, fez just laughed and ash kept nagging me and fez.
Soon after he finally (reluctantly) sat in the back, and fez started driving to the carnival.
after we arrived at the carnival, i ran over to the vehicle that we would be selling the drugs.
When i walked in, i sat down on a chair that was inside the place and took my phone out.
"Get your lazy ass up and start working"
Ashtray said walking in and putting the bag on the floor while fez was walking to the front, i sighed then reluctantly got up from my chair and went to ashtray who was setting up the pretzel stand and drugs, to help him out.
"You know, maybe you could be a tad-but nicer". I said taking some baggies of drugs and putting them with the pretzels, he looked at me and squinted his eyes,
"Why? Ion know you like that" he said acting like i have to know someone to be nice?
"What tf does that have to do with anything? You don't have to KNOW someone to be nice" i said reaching over to a cup of water in-front of him,
"Mf i don't even like you, your just a co worker to me, ion gotta be nice" he said keeping his eyes glued to the drugs as he was putting them in small baggies.
That lowkey hurt me cause i did think of ashtray as a (decent) friend. I went silent for a few seconds which made him look back at me,
"Why not though? I think your a.. well lets say DECENT friend" he looked at me with somewhat soft eyes when i said that, i quickly paced over to fez, who was just outside the truck.
He flustered the living shit outta me, like why are you looking at me with THOSE eyes?!?
"Hey wassup kid?" Fez said leaning on the side of the truck with a cigarette in his hand,
"Nothing.. ye- yeah" i said sighing and leaning on the side with him, he could tell i was very surprised and flustered,
"Did ash say something or? You look weird" he said taking a quick puff, I hesitated before i told him what happened, obviously i want suppose to tell him but i was very much overwhelmed with thinking.
"Oh so you do think of ash as a friend?" Fez said having a soft smirk on his face as he chuckled, i was a bit taken aback when he said that but i just nodded in response,
"I mean yes, i do but why does he hate me?" I said laying my head back on the truck, fez looked back at me for a quick second before sighing,
"He's never really hated you, besides he talks highly of you most times" fez said taking a puff, i turned my head at him in complete confusion,
"Huh, how?"  I asked fez with a confused face, i couldn't believe that ash would speak highly of me,
"Anytime Faye asks anything about you, he answers like hes known you his whole life, hah its kinda freaky" fez said taking another puff while staring at the floor, i was about to say something before ash poked his head out the van and signaling me to come and help him out, i looked back at fez as he just lightly shook his head, i sighed before walking back into the truck.
Ash was just sitting on his phone while sitting silently on a chair, i walked past him and wore the uniform cause the crew were already there,
"Oh my god, hey kehlani!" Jules said shaking my hand from the window of the van,
"Ive been good, um wheres everyone?" I asked jules, she shrugged her shoulders before looking over my shoulder and smiling,
"Hey whos that?" She said smirking,
"Jules, i know he's pretty but he's 15!" said thinking that maybe she was interested in him.
She looked at me and ash before laughing,
"Omg no! But you 100% like him" she said smiling at me while holding my hand, i gave her a disgusted face before rue went up from behind her,
"Hey K, hey ash" rue said going up to the window and giving me a ticket, obviously wanting something (aka molly),
"Oh so his names ash? Mhm interesting" jules said smiling mischievously at me, rue looked confused but i didnt say anything and softly sighed before going to get the drugs,
"Who's ordering?" Ash said looking up from his phone,
"Rue and Jules, hey get tf up and help"  i said grabbing a small baggie and some pretzels, he squinted his eyes at me before getting up and going up to the window where jules and rue were.
I heard ashtray and jules talke, and i REALLY hoped she didnt say anything weird to him, i went to rue with the pretzels and gave it to her, she payed me before leaving silently but jules looked back at me and winked before following behind rue.
"What was that?" Ash said looking straight at me with a annoyed face,
"I dont know, hut whatever"  i said putting my hand into my pockets,
"So is it true?" Ash asked looking at his phone while still standing next to me,
"What?" I asked confused by his question,
"You think I'm pretty?" He asked looking up from his phone at me, how the living fuck did he know i said that?!
Jules mustve told him.. imma kill her.
"Sure, whatever you wanna think" i said sarcastically, he glared at me before going up to me while i was still sitting in a chair,
"You know, your not bad looking either" ash said lifting my chin up from my phone, i froze in place with my eyes wide open before he left the van to go to fez.
Since when did ash think i.. I was "okay looking". It was a compliment and that made me fold so hard, but i dont like ashtray like that.. right..?
Abit later me and ash went back to normal always bickering and fighting.
I was by the window waiting for literally anyone to stop by while ashtray was in the back packing the drugs, i was getting really bored until i saw Maddie and Cassie make their way over to the pretzel stand,
"Hii kehlani" cassie said smiling,
"Heyyy lani!" Maddie said then looked to rhe back and saw ashtray and smiled and i KNOW what she was gonna say,
"Maddie no, were just working together" i said sighing,
"What?? I didn't say anything!" She said sarcastically as she and cassie started laughing, ashtray noticed and walked over to the window,
"You think this a playground? Tell them what tf they want" he said being right besides me, i glared and rolled my eyes at him,
"What tf do yall want? I said witha sarcastic smile, I could see from the corner of my eye that ash just rolled his eyes,
"Pretzels" cassie said,
"What kind?" Ash said in reponse,
"We dont eat carbs" maddie said witha smug-ish face that made me laugh, i put my hand out and she gave me the ticket.
I flashed the ticket in ashtrays face witha smile before going to the back to get the pretzels (aka molly)  .
I went back and gave them their stuff,
"Thatll be 120" ashtray said with his hand out as maddie and cassie took the money from their bras and handed it to him,
"Thank you, bye Lani!" They both said at the same time, ashtray shook his head,
"You got some weird fucking friends"
"And that includes you, actually" i said in reply,
"Yeah you too dumbass" he said,
"Awhh you think of me as a friend?" I said sarcastically,
"Yeah i always have your just blind asf" he said walking away.
Oh he thought of me as a friend, thats cute..

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