The theater and its double

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, i realized that Lexi was calling me,

Lexi howard💌
<hii, whats up?
>are you at fezcos?
<no.. why?
>cause i wanna come over
<to fezs place?
>well yeah..
<umm yeah sure! ill send the address
>can you come with me, it would be weird if i just showed up alone.
<yeah okay
>okay see ya

I actually didnt wanna go to fezs place cause i was ignoring ash, but i LOVE fexi❤️
I biked my way over to fezs place, the whole ride there i was thinking about if i should confront ashtray about "brunette girl" or i should just stay silent.
I arrived at their place and knocked a few times before fezco opened the door for me,
"Hey lan, whats good?" He said dabbing me up, i shrugged my shoulders before walking in.
I saw that Lexi was already there sitting on the couch,
"Oh! Hey lex!"  I said, she waved excitedly and before i could wave back, ash walked out the room and stared at me for a few seconds before dragging me into his room.
"Dude what!"  I softly yelled before he shut the door behind him,
"Sit we need to talk" he said sitting me down on his bed, i sighed knowing that he knew that HE was the one that fucked up.
"Why have you been ignoring me? Is it cause i shrugged everything off that day?" He asked while going to sit  on his chair.
"No..?  Its the 'brunette girl' thing. Whos that?"  I asked, he stared before laughing.  What was so damn funny?
"Ohhh thats lexi, i didnt know her name then so i put brunette girl" he said hysterically laughing, i squinted my eyes at him before he came up to me and cupped my cheeks,
"I thought you were starting to hate me" he said staring into my eyes, i smiled immediately.
"Im starting to now" i said jokingly, he smirked before kissing me and of course i kissed him back aswell.
He put his arms around my waist and i put mine around his neck, it was a beautiful and passionate kiss that i really needed from him.
Soon the "peck" turned into a full make out session that went on for 25 minutes.
"Hey guys wanna order pizz-  shit! Shit! Im sorry!!" Lexi said walking in, ashtray quickly jumped off of me as i got up from the bed pulling myself together.
"Um yeah- anything" i said wiping my eyes, laxi laughed before walking back out.
Me and ash stayed silent before glancing at each other and hysterically laughing together.
"Why every time we kiss someone GOTTA come in and ruin it"   He said seemingly pissed off with everything.
I was still laughing my ass off as he walked out the room.
A few hours later and i now found out about lexis play that was happening tomorrow.
"Are you coming?" Lexi asked as she handed me a piece of microwaved pizza,
"Uhh yes! Ofc!" I said taking a bite, she smiled before shifting her eyes to the TV where we watched stand by me.
"Yo k, remember when you said you didnt like the ending?" Fez said laid back,
"Yeah and i still kinda do" i said
"Why?" Lexi asked
"I dont know really" i said laying my head on ashtray's shoulder as he was sitting besides me.
He put his hands on my shoulder and lexi smirked at us before watching the movie.
"Can you come?" I asked ash
"Where?" He asked
"To lexis play" i said
"For you, yeah" he said, i smiled as he kissed my forehead and i drifted to sleep.

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