Boy trouble, body fluids, badvibes.

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It was just a few days later and i was sitting in my living room eating cereal before i got a text from Elliot.


Hey kehlani

Something happened. Since when do
You call me by kehlani?

Okay listen. I ALMOST slept with jules..


it was an accident

Honestly Elliot i would be shocked if
I wasn't already shocked from literally everything.
Okay what do you need?

A fucking solution

Stop fucking Jules, tell rue and done

No I'm not fucking telling her

Well i don't know

Okay um.. meet me at the park later.


I was shocked but also wasn't, i was at this point eating cereal while being still flabbergasted about what happened in the last 12 hours.
I got up and really quickly got dressed meet with Elliot.
I talked with Elliot and he is definitely in the wrong but Jules as well. I told him to solve the situation by himself.
I was stressed, tired and numb so i went to the store that basically became my safe place.
I got there and when i walked in fez just smiled at me as i smiled back,
"Yo whats good" fez asked
"Not much" i said skipping my way to the back where ashtray was,
"Sup lani" ashtray said getting up for a hug, i hugged him back before sitting down besides him,
"Im so damn stressed" i said as i flopped my head on the table.
"Why?" Ash asked
"Everything with cal really fucked me up" i said raising my head to look up at him.
He kissed my forehead and cheek before going back to work, he loves to tease its so damn cute.
I got up and lifted his head by his chin to kiss him. He seemed surprised but got up and kissed me back but it was more passionate.
He held my neck with one hand and the other on my waist, i put my hands around his neck as he kept kissing me. It wasn't normal to kiss like this but i don't mind it becoming a thing now.
He raised his hands on my neck as he kept kissing me and i had my hands on his waist. We NEVER really make out so this was new.
"Your really pretty" ash said whispering in my ear half way. I blushed hard but hid it quick.
"You too" i said. He kissed my ear and continued kissing, the moment didnt last forever as fez walked in half way.
"Yo ma- oh shit. My bad" he said turning away wide eyed clearly traumatized.
"Bro why walk in at the worst times" i said letting go of ash and hitting the back of fezs hand as i walked out.
"Ashtray do you fucking dare get her pregnant ". Fez said pointing at ash
"Bro we ain't even got there yet" ashtrays said sitting back down
"Well with what i saw, thats hard to believe" fez said laughing.
I laughed for a second with him before seeing ashtrays death stare towards fez.
A few hours later i got a text from jules,



Hey.. i think elliot told you right?

Yea he did. What do you want?

Listen, i didn't mean for it to happen

Yeah okay, you were mad at rue for becoming friends with Elliot cause you were scared she was gonna cheat but then your the one that cheated?

No! Im so fucking stupid

Yeah i could tell

What should i do?

Tell rue. Trust me its better if you tell her before she finds out herself.

But shes gonna hate me

Shell hate you either way

Please i don't know what to do

Okay then thats not my
problem. You do you .

I was pissed that they didn't wanna tell rue. I mean i know she'd be mad but its so much better to tell her than for her to find out herself.

(YALL this was so short my bad. I haven't had much time to do anything on here. Im planning to make a (Javon wanna Walton) story soon.
What other stories should i do? And PLEAASE dont be ghost readers and comment and vote more. Lah yall byeee💝💝)

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