All for us

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It was a few days after what happened at fezs and i felt amazing, like too amazing.
I was laying down in my bed reading a book when i got a call from gia. Me and gia arent as close as me and rue but shes like the sweetest girl everrr.
>KEHLANI, please come here!
<what's going on?!
>RUE OVERDOSED! I dong know what to do, im freaking the fuck out?!?
<okay calm down, ill be there soon.  Its okay gia, its going to be okay!
I was panicked and hung up the call, im pretty sure that i was alot more scared than gia was.
I immediately got up and ran over to the hospital, i had no ride to go there so i just jogged as fast as i could.  
I was able to make it in 20 minutes, i walked into the hospital  and started asking where rue bennet was.   They said she was in room 304 so i sprinted over there.
"Kehlani!" Gia said as she walked over to me and hugged me, I quickly hugged her back while patting her head.   I went over to rue who was lifelessly laying on the hospital bed, without realizing it a tear dropped down my face as multiple dropped after.
I sat down gia and comforted her as she started sobbing excessively.
It was a few hours after what happened and gia and mama bennet were asleep while i was staring at the ceiling.
I love rue like a sister but i hate that she does drugs, i mean i do them too but shes addicted, not even to drugs but to death, elliots addicted to drugs rue is addicted to the idea of dying.
I was drowning in my thoughts that i didnt even realize that rue was awake in her bed, crying.
I immediately got up and walked over to her as she hugged me still crying,
"Im so sorry k, im so fucking sorry" she said silently sobbing,
"No dont say that to me, say that to gia and your mom" i said hugging her back and sitting on her bed.
"I know" she said pulling out the hug and smiling at me but i could tell it wasnt a real smile but a forced smile,
"Is fez and ashtray okay?" She asked,
"Yeah, why wouldnt they be?" I asked confused,  i was at theyres a few days ago so i didnt think anything could have happened so fast,
"Lani.. they got raided.." she said nervously, i was beyond shocked and stared with wide eyes,
"What the fuck do you mean?! When??"   I asked in confusion with anger on my face,
"A few days ago, i think.." she said spacing out, i grabbed my bag and ran out the room to fezs place.    I was livid on why he didnt tell me, i literally work with them.   Im involved with everything.
I barged into the store making fez jump a bit,
"Oh! Hey k, why you so lou-" he said, I quickly interrupted him,
"You were raided?! How come i of ALL people didnt know this?"   I said angrily walking up to him, he backed away as ashtray came from the back due to the screaming,
"I didnt want you to worry bruh" he said putting his hands behind his head while pacing around the place, ashtray tried to calm me down but failed miserably,
"I literally work with you guys, why.. why didnt you tell me..?" I asked lowering my voice lower and lower with each word, i felt betrayed cause ive worked with them for months and theyre like my family. 
"Im sorry lani..." fez said seeming very genuine,
"Its okay, i just expected you to trust me more.." i said slowly calming myself down,
"What now? Who did it? And how you gonna pay mouse?" I asked fez,
"Ion know man, but imma figure it out.   Yall dont worry bout it, please" fez said patting my back and pushing towards ashtray, ash took my wrist and dragged me to the back,
"Are you.. um like.. hurt?." He said letting go of my wrist and leaning on the wall,
"Mentally or physically? Cause honestly both"
"Yall are like family to me, why dont yall tell me this serious shit man". I said sitting down on the floor very disappointed and mad at both of them, ash noticed and walked over to me and sat besides me,
"Im sorry, we just didnt wanna worry you"  he said staring at his hands,
"I get that but i love yall so much, imagine if you guys werent able to flush those drugs down the toilet? Who do you think would suffer more, me or you guys?  The answers me btw" i said with a annoyed tone, ashtray looked up at me for a few seconds,
"Why do you care about fez so much?" He said
"You fucking idiot, not just fez you too ashtray, I seriously love you as much as i love fez and id seriously do fucking anything to make sure you guys are good"
"Id kill for you guys, over and over again as long as it means that you guys are safe" i said shaking up, ashtray held me so i stopped shaking,
"I really fucking love you" ashtray said lifting my chin up and staring into my eyes, i almost got lost in his mesmerizing eyes,
"I love uou too" i said smiling back, he unexpectedly kissed me but i didnt think it would be the way i expected it.
It was gentle yet very passionate aswell, he pulled away and caressed my face while staring down at me, it was an understatement to say that i was very shocked.
I kissed him on his cheek before hugging him, he hugged me back and i was so happy to be in his arms.. but the moment was ruined when fez walked in on us,
"Oh my bad, shi- yeah my bad" he said looking away laughing, ashtray pulled out the hug and scoffed like he was annoyed that fez ruined the moment and i completely get that,
"I mean if yall want privacy, i can leave" he said giggling at us, ashtray pushed him to the side and walked out the back. I laughed before getting up and high fiving fez.
"I love you man" i said at fez,
"I love you too k" he said rubbing my back.
A few hours went by and i was sitting at the register while being on my phone,
"So.. what up wit you and ash now?" Fez said slowly looking up at me,
"Um nothing..? Wdym?" I said looking at him confused, i mean he saw us hug but i dont think he saw us kiss though..
"Dont act dumb k, yk what i mean" he said smiling, now he 100% knows what happened. I was first hesitant to answer but i eventually gave in,
"Well i dont know.. i mean i don't wanna like date him and shit" i said nervously, i felt my breath very slow like everything went slow in the world.
"Its okay, take yo time fam. Dont be rushing yourself" he said rubbing his eyes definitely uncomfy, i laughed at his response and reaction,
"Dont tell ash though, ill talk yo him later" i said, fez nodded and went out to smoke a cigarette.
I went to the back where ash was and hugged him from behind,
"What- huh.. whats up?" He said seeming very nervous and flustered, it made me chuckle a bit,
"Nothing" i said still hugging him from behind, he pulled my hands off him and faced me,
"So what now..?" He said grabbing my wrist, i was confused for a sec then realized what he meant,
"I dont exactly wanna date.. lets say were talking! Like seeing if its finna work out" i said in response, he smiled at me before kissing my cheek and walking away, leaving me stunned there with my eyes wide open.
Okay not gonna lie i was blushing like crazyy🤭❣️

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