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Oh was it an exhausting weekend alright.
I was thinking about alot of thing but quickly wanted to fade them all away so i decided to head over at fezs place, like i always do.
I quickly put on some jorts with a white baggy shirt before heading out the house.
I put my bike somewhere secure before walking into the store, I quickly realized that no one was there,
"Oh.. they must be at the house" i mumbled before heading to their house.
I knocked on the door a couple of times before ashtray answered,
"Hey lan" he said hugging me and I obviously hugged him back,
"Hey ash, hey faye, hey fez" i said letting go of the hug and walking inside,
"Oh hey lovebirds" faye said kinda laughing with fez, ashtray gave her a sarcastic smile before heading to his room, I giggled before going behind him,
"The door stays open!" I heard fez yell as i walked into the room
"I know!" Ashtray said seeming irritated, i giggled qt the situation before going yo sit on his bed,
"You got anything today?" Ashtray asked laying down on the bed
"Yeah imma head to lexis place later, why?" I asked
"Just wanna know. Lay" he said patting the place beside him, i smiled before laying my head next to him as he put his hand on my waist. We weren't face to face like he was hugging me from the back.
Ashtray has really changed.  He used to always curse at me and basically fucking harass me with em insults, but now hes more down to earth and chill.
"Are you gonna nap?" I asked
"Yeah.." he said, i could hear his voice was tired so i let him rest, I personally wasn't  tired so i didn't sleep with him. (Not the dirty way)
I was laying down for a good 2 hours just thinking about life and what im gonna do in the future and how im going to live.
My thoughts were (again) interrupted when ashtray whispered something in my ear,
"Did you sleep?" He said in a sleepy tone
"No" I responded
"I love you" he whispered in my ear again, i was flustered 😫 but i pulled myself together and quickly responded,
"I love you too" i said whispering back, i heard ashtray giggle before kissing my neck and falling back asleep.
"Can i go now?" I asked a sleepy ashtray
"Your terrible but yeah. Come over later" he said letting go of me, i sat up from the bed and kissed his forehead and lips before heading out,
"You know how many times i had to wake past this room and see y'all cuddle?" Fez said as i walked out to the living room,
"Damn sorry" i said laughing before walking out, i was supposed to hang out with Lexi later so i went home to shower and get dressed.
"Hii k!" Cassie said answering the door
"Hi cass" i said hugging her, i walked into the house where i saw lexs mom and lexi talking the living room,
"Oh hello kehlani" suzy said getting up
"Hi suzy" i said hugging her then lexi. We sat and talked for hours before it was starting to get a bit late so i decided to head home,
"I think i should head home now" i said
"Oh okay, see you tommorow!" Lexi said
"No wait, maddy and kat are coming. Just wait a bit" cassie said, I agrees to wait and les than 5 minutes they showed up and we had alot of fun talking, playing, watching, eating etc.
30 minutes later rue kinda barged into the house, and startled me and everyone else.
"Oh! Uhm hey rue, are you okay?" I said getting up confused on why she seemed so worn out,
"Oh you probably shouldn't come near me cause you might catch a cold" she said kinda backing away when i came closer, i could tell that something obviously happened.
"Hey rue rue!" Maddy said coming from downstairs and hugging rue, rue was uncomfortable hugging maddy and kat but she still did.
"Whats going on?" I asked rue, she was about to say something until we heard a car show up at the front yard. Rue quickly ran up the stairs where she sat at the second stair way.
I was really confused and scared cause of how she was reacting.
My anxiety started to kick in and i rushed to the bathroom to wash my face and quickly ran out, i now saw rues mother basically begging her to come down and everyone seemed static,
"Or you can take it step by step" cassie randomly said
"What?" I asked
"Oh well rue needs to get better and think its better to not rush it" cassie said innocently, me and maddy nodded in agreement hoping that rue will slowly come down, I understood the situation now.
"Hey cassie.. can i ask you a question?" Rue said
"Yeah?" Cassie responded
"How long have you been fucking nate jacobs?" Everyone in the room went silent...
"What.. " cassie said nervously
"How long have you been fucking him?" Rue asked again, i felt like i wanted to sink and die in the floor, i looked at lexi and she looked just as shocked as i was with her hand over her mouth.
"Ar- are you kidding?" I heard Maddie say, i knew shit was gonna go down.
"I dont even know why she would say that" Cassie said trying to de-escalate the situation,
"Your lying" i quickly ran next to maddie and tried to kinda calm her,
"Maddy lets table this conversation please" i said tugging her shirt,
"No! You expect me to sit here with my ex best friend thats been lying to me about fucking my ex boyfriend. Im literally gonna get violent" Maddie said clenching her fists in the air, me and kat started telling her it was just maybe not the time to be talking about this.
I was defending cassie until she said this,
"Why would you believe her shes a drig addict" Cassie said with tears in her eyes, i was in-raged on how she could just call rue a drug addict. I glared at Cassie before looking back at Maddie, she started marching to Cassie,
"Oh your crying?? Oh your crying bitch!
Your the most self-centered idiotic person ive ever fucking met ypu fuck my ex and your fucking crying! Are you fucking kidding me!" I stood there as kat tried to calm her down, i felt my blood pressure rise as my anxiety came back, i rushed out the house as Cassie ran upstairs as Maddie followed.
I started biking my way home hoping the nobody would notice that i was gone.
I couldnt believe that Cassie would do that to maddie.... They were like best funking friends and now shes fuxking her boyfriend?!
My head was spinning and before i knew it i was home.
I unlocked my doors and showered before heading to bed, i was boutta sleep before i got a text,

Lexi howard💞

Hey where'd you go?

Home. Too much stress

True, im still in shock
Have you talked to Cassie?

Um no! She doesnt deserve to be talked to

I mean yeah but shes my sister.
Gotta make sure shes okay at least

Well i dont know. Anyways
Im heading to bed. See you tomorrow at school

Okay good night❤️


I was now about to head to sleep before getting ANOTHER text.


Why didnt you come over?

SOO much happened today.
Im stressed asf

Damn really, like what

Like maybe..
cassie sleeping
with maddies boyfriend?

Nate? Every got terrible taste
but you got good taste

Go to sleep playboy

You too marta

I was


Anyways love you, good night.
Ill come tomorrow ❤️

Love you too night

No emoji?

I aint cringy

Its called expression

❤️🖕🏻 is this expressive enough?

Good enough..

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