Made you look

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it was around 3 days since  what happened and i havenet talked to ashtray since that incident.
I dont even have his phone number so i couldnt exactly text him, i didnt what things to be weird between us since that kiss.
My thoughts took a hold of me and i ended uo going to the store again, i got dressed appropriately and biked my way to the store.
Once i got there, i put my bike somewhere safe and walked in,
"Oh hey kehlani" fez said at the register as i walked in,
"Hey fez, howve you and ash been?" I said walking over to the beverages area,
"Yeah we good" he said still sitting at the register,
"Im going to the bavk, okay?" I said slowly walking over to the freezer,
"Yeah yeah go ahead" he said nodding his head with a smile.
I walked to the freezer and saw ashtray counting stacks of cash, hm i should probably help him out, kt seems like alot of money.
"You havent been to work for 3 days, you not getting payed until next year" he said without even glancing at me,
"What? I was recovering" i said out of protest,
"Yeah me too but i showed up to work" he said still counting the money thsi time staring into my mfing soul.
"Why? Recovering from my kiss?" I obviously said it sarcastically but he clearly didnt take it like that,
"Yo lower your voice, fez might hear" he said shushuing me and going back to counting the money, damn is he embarrassed that i kissed him?
I sighed before taking a fresh batch of drugs to sell out to the humans outside.
After a dew hours i ended up sellin 3 and a half boxes of drugs and made 2056, now that has to be enougn for ash to stop motherfucking complaining.
I went back into the store, quickly waved fez hi and walked into the back,
"Hey fuckface, heres your goddamn paycheck" i said handing him half of what i made, he seemed impressed with how much i made in just a few hours.
"See this is the typa apology, id accept.. your forgiven, kehlani" he said counting the money and smiling, hes never called me by name, just 'dumbass' or 'bitch ass'.
"Oh now you suddenly know my name?" I asked
"Whatchu mean?" He said squinting his eyes,
"Yiu always call me some typa insult, now you finally have some respect?" I said tilting my head at him and sittinh besides him,
"Your annoying, stfu" he said while still counting the money,
"Thanks ask your real nice" i said hitting the back of his head, he has some typa reflex thing so when i hit him he immediately stood up,
"Tf is your problem?" He said glaring at me,
"You." I said pushing him out the way and walking away but just then he grabbed my wrist,
"You think just cause you payed a couple hundreds it means you can just leave?"
He said staring at my eyes, not gonna lie i lowkey folded,
."what do i have to do?" I said sighing and letting go of his grip,
"Hm maybe take over my job for a day?" He said walking up to the door,
"What? Thats stupid" i said confused,
"What, do you want something worse?" He said in a sarcastic tone,
"Okay fine, fuck outta here now" i said going to sit down in his usual place, he looked at me and smirked,
"Alright have a good shift, lani" he said walking out, i gave him a sarcastic smile.
Wait, did he just call me lani? Since when.. only fez and people that are close to me call me that, since when was ashtray actually considerate?? Whatever hes probably just acting nice cause i agreed to take his very boring job, while he goes and relaxes.
After a few hours, i was sitting down with my phone in my hand just watching insta until elliot came in,
"Hey kehlani, what you doing here?" He said with his hands in uis povket and leaning on the door frame,
"My job i guess" i said shrugging my shoulders, signaling him to sit down.
He sat in front of me and started inspecting the drugs before taking one,
"Whats this?" He asked holding the plastic baggey,
"Man ion know, all i know is that its lit in tampa" i said resting my head back,
"K im taking it, how much?" He asked reaching into his pocket,
"150" i said having my hand out,
"What? Thats crazy" he said looking at me confused, i just shrugged my shoulders.
He rolled his eyes before taking a stack of cash outta his pocket and handing it to me,
"Thank youu" i said sarcasticlly, taking the cash and putting it in a box, before he left, he kissed my forehead as a fuck you.
I know weird but its just how a drug dealer and a drug addict show hate.
When he kissed my forehead, ashtray came in.
"Keh- oh shit.. sorry" he said slowly turning away, elliot looked just as confused as i was.
"Alright then im gonna leave, kehlani you better fucking attend school more.
Bruh its so boring without you" elliot said pointing his finger at me, i put my hands up acting like i surrender, he laughed and i did too before he walked out.
I completely forgot that ashtray was right at the door, he seemed confused,
"Who tf was that?" He asked walking in and counting the money that Elliot gave,
"A friend from school" i said getting up from my seat as ashtray sat down,
"How old is he? Whats his name?" He said looking at me,
"Hes 17 and his names Elliot.. wait are you like interested in him?" I asked sarcastically,
"Tf no, i just dont want random people to be in here man" he said looking back down at the money,
"Yeah i know dummy, i was just playin wit you" i said going up from behind him and putting my hands around his neck,
"Yo- what.? What do you want?" He asked seeming stunned and confused, which is fair.
"You smell good, loser" i was obviously joking but maybe he thought i wasnt,cause he smiled.
I let go of his neck and went to the register where fez was, alot of thoughts were going through my head. Like ashtray is actually cute but i have NEVER thought of him as attractive, me and ashtrah were not super close but i literally see him every goddamn day so i guess day by day i get mire comfortable around him.
"Hey lani, where were you man?" Fez said smoking a cigarette,
"I was taking ashes place since i didnt really come for 3 days" i said leaning on one of the refrigerators,
"Oh yeah.. sorry keh but can you like hang here for a bit, i gotta go do some."
Fez said reaching into his pocket and bringing out his phone,
"Yeah thats okay" i said going to sit on the register front while fez walked out the store.
I sat on my phone very very bored and had nothing to do until cassie texted me,

Cassie Howard🩵

Hey kehlani, me, kat and maddy are going to
The carnival some time later, wanna come along?

Oh okay thats sound fun, but lemme check
If fez can drive me there.

Well isnt fez coming with ash anyways?

Hm ill ask him then, okay love ya

Alright love you too x
i went to the back after cassie texted me to ask ash,
"Yo ash we going to the carnival?" I asked poking my head through the door,
"Yeah, why?" He said looking up at me while squinting his eyes,
"Just cause cassie said that i should go" i said going back to the register, i saw he just nodded his head at me.
When i was at the register i saw kat,
"Oh hey kehlani" kat said going in for a hug,
"Hey kat, whats up?" I said pulling out the hug, she rocked back and fourth so obviously she had something to say,
"Um do you know what bitcoin means?" She asked while going to lean on a refrigerator, before i could answer fez came back and sat on his chair not paying anymind to kat,
"Um no but i know someone who does" i said going in the back, i grabbed ashtrays wrist,
"What yo?" He said,
"I need you real quick" i answered dragging him out the freezer,
"Ash, how does bitcoin mean?" I asked him while going to sit on the floor,
"Uh okay its like a crypto currency" he said making his way to the register before sitting on the front,
"Like can we use it for like anonymous paying online?" Kat asked, i was very confused on what she was doing,
"Yeah thats what it's literally made for.. dumbass.." i heard ash whisper,
"What, why though? Is it human trafficking?" I asked hoping shed say no,
"What? No!" Kat said with her brows frowning,
"Good, cause i dont fuck with that" fez said as ashtray nodded, i got up and went to sit besides ashtray, fez looked at me funny for a sec and so did kat.
"What?" I said looking at both of them,
"Nothing, um see you later at school, bye" kat said laughing to herself as she walked out, why was she and fez laughing? Did i look funny? Or was it that i sat next to ash?
Ny thoughts were soon interrupted when ashtray hit my shoulder,
"You got some weird ass friends" he said with his brows raised at me,
"Well, no.. um.. actually yeah they can be weird" i said without even trying to lie.

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