All my life, my heart has yearned for something i cannot name

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I woke up the next day feeling refreshed and ready for the day, i felt better and more energetic then usual. This is gonna be a good day.
I hopped outta bed at 8am and got dressed appropriately to head over to rues place.
I havent spoked to rue in a while and i love her so so much.  Shes helped me through every little thing in my life and i wanted to tell her.
I reached rues place and quietly knocked on her door a few times before she opened up the door,
"Hey kehlani" she said opening the door, i smiled before hugging her and walking in.
"Do you need something?" She asked sitting down in the living room, i sighed before saying:
"I really love you rue, youll always be an older sister figure to me.  I really appreciate you"   I said getting a bit teary eyed, rue stared for a few seconds before getting up and hugging me tightly.
Rue was everything to me, she was like an angel sent from heaven to help me get over my traumatic past and experience.
I ended up going home and thinking about my life, friends, parents, boyfriend, best friend.
I have so much trauma and so much more to say but i didn't know where to begin.
I lived my life being scared of screwing up and being abandoned by the ones i love most.
now, i was in control of my life, i could love anyone i wanted to and that made me feel good.
I was so beyond grateful for ashtray and fezco for everything that they've taught me.
Yes, ashtray can be stubborn, rude, inconsiderate, insensitive, annoying, wrong and even ungrateful, he still made me stronger, better, happier and brought out the best of me.
And of course, Fez could sometimes be a bit slow and loud but he was like my brother a d he helped me become brave and to not give a fuck about what people said about me.

I ended up crying a few tear drops thinking about everything thats changed and how I've evolved as a human being.

I eventually took a nap and woke up feeling great and powerful so I decided to get reqdy for the play since it was in a few hours.
I wore a dark blue dress:

And quickly did my makeup

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And quickly did my makeup. I went for a simple eye look:

Did my hair as neat as i could:

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Did my hair as neat as i could:

The play started around 3-4pm and I decided to go early, just to help Lexi with the play

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The play started around 3-4pm and I decided to go early, just to help Lexi with the play.
I put my heels on and perfume before calling an uber to drive me there, but i had to text ashtray first,

My lover man💗

Hey ashhhh


Im heading to lexis play a bit early,
I'm really Praying you wear something promising.

I will dude don't worry

Okay then, see you there

I love you.

What was that? Randomly?

I just wanna say that i love you. 
I really really love you kehlani,
i want you to know that.

I love you too ash,
you are everything to me.
Now please don't be late

Hah okay, see you

You too❤️


I was quite surprised with the sudden confession but i felt happy and grateful for ashtray.
I smiled at the text before closing my phone and putting on some music to drown my mind.
It was around 3:46 pm and i was setting things up with Lexi for the play that started soon.
"Your a life saver k" lexi said smiling at me,
"No you are lex" i said aide hugging her.
I quickly ran off the stage realizing that most of the people were already here, including Maddie, Rue, Jules, Cassie, Kat and Elliot.
"Heyy lans!!" Maddie said giving me a quick hug as kat did same.
"Hey maddie and kat!  Where we sitting?" I asked, kat grabbed me and sat me down somewhere in the front row area.
We all sat and lexi started the play, we all cheered as she started talking and explaining the play and the situation.
I was feeling relaxed before i realized that ash and fez weren't there yet..  I decided to text fez


Hey when you guys coming?

On the way
Seen at 4:02pm

I quickly shut my phone off and started to pay attention to the play when I realized that this play was..
"Is this fucking play about us?" Maddie said basically reading my mind,
"I guess so.." i said in response, kat and maddie sighed as they started to see that the play was going to expose them.
"And there was also karina but she was a bit younger than us" lexi said introducing a girl that had the same hair color, eye color, height and even hair type.
What the fuck?
I was feeling a bit scared but just brushed it off and continued watching the play.
"What the fuck" i said laughing my ass off at Ethan's portal as nate jacobs dick photo incident. And so were maddie and kat.
"Lexi your a fucking G!!" Maddie yelled from the audience as i laughed alongside kat.
I looked back at cassie to see she was trying to comfort nate but instead he just walked put and Cassie ran behind him.
I ignored it and continued watching the play and cheered for Lexi.
I texted Fez again cause they still weren't at the play yet and i was starting to get nervous..


Where are you guyss?
Not seen

Maybe he was driving and couldn't check his phone... right?  Yea, he probably is driving.
I shouldn't overthink everything.
I sighed before putting my phone back into my purse but.. i still had a weird feeling about everything.. maybe something happened.
"Im sorry i gotta go" i said frantically getting up,
"Where? Why?" Maddie asked confused,
"Im sorry" I quickly ran out the theater and into the parking lot where i saw a random biker.
"Hey excuse me, can i have your bike ill return it" the random dude agreed and I immediately went over to fez place but.. i was a bit too late.

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