Chapter 1 [Part 1's Freetime Events + Rest]

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Everybody went to their own ways. Spongebob went to his room to think thoroughly. As Spongebob sat in his room, he couldn't help but think about the situation they were in. He knew that they had to find a way to escape before it was too late, but he also knew that they were in a dangerous situation. He decided to take a deep breath and try to calm himself down.

Spongebob: Okay, so there are a few problems here. One: There is no transport to get us out of here.

Spongebob: Two: Natsuki seems very distant to us.

Spongebob: Three: Woody's mental state is bad.

Spongebob: And Four: I'M NOT IN THE KRUSTY KRAB!!

Spongebob took deep breaths.

Spongebob: Okay, I'm losing breath if I keep like this. I probably need to hang out with someone.

Spongebob: No, not probably! "definitely"!

Spongebob left his room and stopped.

Spongebob: (Who should I hang out with-)

Monocrow appeared.

Monocrow: Hold on, Mr. Squarepants!

Spongebob: AAahhh!!

Monocrow: Ceez, calm down. It's not like I have a knife that has some blood.

Spongebob: (Sigh) You're right. Sorry for overreacting.

Monocrow: No worries, Mr. Squarepants. I'm here to help you.

Spongebob: What do you mean?

Monocrow: I need to tell you about one feature of the tablet.

Spongebob: Really? Does it have X-ray vision?!

Monocrow: No, it's not that. If you want to hang out then there is one thing about people's info.

Spongebob: Oh?

Monocrow: You can get more info from them and it will update after a hangout.

Spongebob: Really?!

Monocrow: Also there is a meter.

Spongebob: A meter?

Monocrow: There is a meter that shows current relations to other participants. I call it a "Relationmeter". It can go to either a negative or positive zone.

Spongebob: Wow! I really need to pay attention.

Monocrow: Also here is something for you.

Monocrow gave Spongebob a bag full of coins.

Spongebob: OOOH!!! What is this?!

Monocrow: 50 Monocoins. These are the currency in this place. You can buy some gifts from Gift Shop and give them to others. You will get more if you go look for them around this island.

Spongebob: They are hiding?! I need to go look for them.

Monocrow: Ahuhuhuuu! Very good. I will take my leave.

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