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[Warning! This fanganronpa consists few sensitive topics, such as murder, PTSD-moments, blood, violence, mentions of suicide, triggering (I suppose?), swearing and cussing, mentions of genocide, threatening to murder, horrible motives and most of all: death. Do NOT let young children read this fanganronpa or ANY Danganronpa games and fangans. I'm not sure if Danganronpa belongs to NTSD-content so let me know then I will mark it too (especially in AI Dungeon, that AI-game has an option)]

[Note! None of these characters are mine. I'm just using them as an appreciation to their creators. Character changes are likely. For example, some Danganronpa characters are either nicer or more rude. Youtubers' characters are here as well! Give a big applause and subscribe to the following YouTubers: "Jackjellify", "FreezeFlame22", "SrPelo", "Glitch" and "Clowfoe".]

[Rules: Do not try to steal and claim that this fanganronpa is yours! I put a hard work on this and I think everybody hates it when their content are stolen. If you are reading this from AI Dungeon, you may create your own scenario in this killing game. You may also post your own AU version on this, BUT you need to give me credit before you post it. On the other hand, if you are reading this from Wattpad, you can use the music I have put in there while reading (perfect in streaming). At the end of this Prologue, there is a prediction and opinion templates. If you want to make your prediction and an opinion, you may post it either to my Discord "fireygamer20" or your YouTube channel. Everybody can make suggestions for Freetime events to upcoming chapters.]

[You want to help Killing For Universe to speed up the upcoming chapters or make it even better? Go ahead! Contact to my Discord "fireygamer20" and start chatting about it. (However, I can't chat with a microphone, 'cause I'm either busy and that I rather not "talk in person", so we can just chat. You can either do artwork for certain moments in chapters, music for Killing For Universe's very own OST to Wattpad, make an animation about Nonstop Debates, Hangman Gambit's, Argument Armaments and so on, make an animation about executions (I'm bad at making execution animation.) I'll try to respond as fast I can, but I may be busy or I'm distracted by music and other things.]'

[Okay, enough chit-chatting, it's time for the Prologue!]

???: It's been years since Danganronpa V3 ended.

??? 2: I know right. Time flies by when that game officially ended.

Two mysterious figures chuckled. They drank coffee from their cups. After that figure 1 started to talk again.

???: But you know... the tech is almost finished. We can start our own universal disaster by ourselves.

The second figure drank the remaining of his coffee.

??? 2: That's why I'm here. I'm going to help you as much as possible.???: (chuckles) Good. Did you bring your allies???? 2: Absolutely! They are prepared for first mission of this.???: Excellent! I was hoping they would arrive!

Figure number one stood up. Preparing for the next.

???: Now, then shall we go to see them?

The two figures left the coffee shop. The coffee shop owner looked at them as they leave. He had a small grin on his face.

???: That's my cue to leave.

They left.

??? 2: What was that all about?

???: Trust me. I don't want any issues with him. He has some sort of enigma going on.

??? 2: That's bad.

???: Nah, it's fine. We'll have to fix that later.

The two figures arrived at the location of their next mission. They met 5 other figures.

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