Chapter 1 - [Part 2]

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Stewie: Ugh... I need a break from this...

Stewie had been working on the computer for hours but nothing. Now it was nighttime and he needed some sleep. As he walked towards the hotel, someone came to him.

Monokuma: Hi, Stewie!

Stewie: G-gah! Monokuma! Don't scare me like that!

Monokuma: Awww come on...! I'm not that scary right...?

Monokuma: Or maybe I am. Puhuhuhuu! You can't scare me, Stewie!

Stewie: I know, I know... But I'm just tired. Can't you leave me alone for a bit?

Monokuma: I can't. We need to talk.

Stewie: About what exactly?

Monokuma: You'll understand when we find the right place.

Stewie: ...Let's go to Sauna Room. It's a better place to have a chat.

Monokuma: Well, you're the boss!

Stewie and Monokuma went to the sauna room. As they entered, Stewie noticed that the room was filled with steam and the scent of lavender. Monokuma sat down on a bench and motioned for Stewie to join him.

Stewie: Okay, what is it that you want to talk about?

Monokuma: I need you to do me a favor.

Stewie: And what that would be?

Monokuma: There is a memory card inside of me. I was wondering if my programming really affected my memories. If I can remove it, I can remember everything about the former killing game.

Stewie: ...! That might work! Why didn't I think about that!?

Stewie: No wait! Isn't that risky? If I make a wrong move I might accidentally kill you and then-

Monokuma: No no! It's fine. I have a backup plan. Just do what you need to do and I'll be fine.

Stewie: Okay, I'll do it.

Stewie went to his dorm room. He took his toolbox and went back to the Sauna Room. Stewie then took a screwdriver and grabbed Monokuma on his back. He carefully removed the memory card from Monokuma's body, making sure not to damage it. As he did so, he felt a rush of excitement and anticipation.

Stewie: Okay. Time to grab the computer and see what we got. 

Stewie then plugged the memory card into the computer and waited for it to boot up. As the screen came to life, Stewie gasped in surprise.

Stewie: My word! This is so much data! Maybe I can recover to find more information about this robot!

Stewie started to click the first file he found, but as he clicked it-

Stewie: "A new plasma-powered hoover?! Only for 34,99$"?! What the hell is this?!

Stewie decided to click another file.

Stewie: "Don't like the new tight high heels because they make your feet lose balance? Take them away and jump out of the roof!?"

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