Case 2 - Part 2

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*Happy Fun Talk*

Monocrow: Well, comrades! It's episode 2 in Happy Fun Talk!

Parallel Larry: Finally! I was waiting for another case! I love Deadly Lives more than Daily Lives!

Monocrow: And yet you're enjoying free time events.

Parallel Larry: Only if people choose good ones!

Monocrow: Oh? And you blame people if they choose the wrong one?

Parallel Larry: Well, duh!

Monocrow: You really are in a good spot, comrade...

Parallel Larry: Do you want to know the funny part?

Monocrow: Hm... yes?

Parallel Larry: Firey's... wait hold on...

Monocrow: FireCatnap.

Parallel Larry: What the hell happened to Firey?! Why did some rip-off of Catnap take over this place?! Is it because of Catnap x Dogday ship?!

Monocrow: What? You hate that ship?

Parallel Larry: Oh no, no. I like that ship. 

Monocrow: People have claimed that they are kids.

Parallel Larry: LIES! They're both adults! Did anyone pay any attention to the lore?! Theodore used to be 4 before turning into Catnap and it took decades before the game's current timeline began!

Parallel Larry: Why does anyone miss something so obvious?!

Monocrow: They are gamers. Gamer's purpose is to play the game, not theorize. Unless you are a Game Theorist.

Parallel Larry: Well, those two are overused. We need a new one!

Monocrow: Then go make one. Anyway...

Monocrow: Regardless, what is the funny part?

Parallel Larry: Ah! It's about FireCatnap's Instagram account. It's passed Killing For Universe's followers.

Monocrow: I had a feeling.

Parallel Larry: You knew?!

Monocrow: Smiling Critter community is very expansive and they found us.

Parallel Larry: Well, most people from it speak Spanish.

Monocrow: What?

Parallel Larry: Oh yeah. They speak mostly Spanish.

Monocrow: Hm... Fascinating.

Parallel Larry: Should we do something?

Monocrow: Make more Smiling Critter arts cuz I love getting more followers.

Parallel Larry: And about OUR account?

Monocrow: Meh. They will find us eventually.

Parallel Larry: What did you think about all the games coming from the trailer?

Monocrow: Well, as the Danganronpa enthusiastic the new game made by the same creators seemed interesting!

Parallel Larry: It's not new Danganronpa! I wanted one!

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